in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, D ec em be r 17 ,2 02 0 | 32 Together we are stronger MNP welcomes PJ Partners We're pleased to welcome PJ Partners to the MNP family. As a firm that shares our entrepreneurial values and commitment to the community, they also share inourdrive tohelpyou stay competitive, navigate currentbusiness and industry challenges, and find opportunities to emerge even stronger. 905.333.9888 | 602-1122 International Blvd., Burlington, ON Jim Prapavessis Frank Jasek Christmas Services at St. Paul's in Oakville are all live streamed. Find the link on our website: Monday, December 21st "The Longest Night" at 7pm Thursday, December 24th Family - 4:30pm Contemplative - 10pm Merry Christmas! *We are an Affirming Ministry of the United Church of Canada Seven-year-old friends Owen Chisholm and Brawnson McKean snuggle up with the more than 150 pairs of pajamas they collected in support of Kerr Street Mission's Christmas Wonders and Beyond campaign, which will provide a pair of PJs for roughly 500 children. Jason Ducen photo WRAPPED IN GENEROSITY