37 | O akville B eaver | T hursday,D ecem ber 17,2020 insidehalton.comSAVING YOU MORE ON NOW AT THE BRICK! SAVING YOU MORE SAVING YOU MORE SAVING YOU MORE For more details go instore or online @thebrick.com. Come celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ Grace Lutheran Church invites you to worship with us at a combined Christmas Eve/Christmas Day service To worship online, visit www.gracechurchoakville.ca anytime on December 24 or 25 To worship in person on December 25 at 10:00 AM, email us at office@gracechurchoakville.ca to reserve your spot Fareshare Food Bank volunteer Jennifer Russell accepts a donation from brothers Jacob and Julian Salvo, who collected four shopping carts full of food during a successful drive, with the support of family, friends and Lakeshore Woods-area residents. The food bank currently serves about 700 families. Shawna Salvo photo SEASON OF GIVING Halton is turning to an expert to help build rela- tionships with Indigenous communities. During a recent meet- ing, regional council ap- proved an agreement with Morningstar River for In- digenous consulting ser- vices at a cost of $200,000 annually for two years, with the option to add a third year, if needed. The face behind the company is Eddy Robin- son, a well-known Indige- nous speaker, author and teacher. He also serves as Conservation Halton's In- digenous ambassador. According to Halton chief administrative offi- cer Jane MacCaskill, Rob- inson's consultations will aim to help the municipal- ity understand how it can best support and work with Indigenous commu- nities. He will also be en- suring staff has appropri- ate information, educa- tion and training concern- ing Indigenous matters. The new initiative was welcomed by those at the council table. "This is a tremendous step forward for the re- gion and I look forward to the outcomes," said Hal- ton Hills Coun. Clark Somerville. Burlington Mayor Mar- ianne Meed Ward and Coun. Lisa Kearns also voiced their support for the undertaking. A report from MacCas- kill notes that Halton has a duty to consult with In- digenous communities under the Planning Act, Environmental Assess- ment Act and Heritage Act. "Halton is also working to respond to the Truth and Reconciliation Com- mission of Canada's call to action and the recommen- dations of the Inquiry into Missing and Murdered In- digenous Women and Girls," she wrote. "The critical emphasis of this work will be to help foster long-term and meaningful relationships with Indigenous commu- nities and partners." REGION HIRES WELL-KNOWN INDIGENOUS ADVISER Eddy Robinson is serving as Halton's new Indigenous advisor. Rob Beintema/Metroland MELANIE HENNESSEY mhennessey@ metroland.com NEWS