in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, N ov em be r 26 ,2 02 0 | 20 OAKVILLE 2525 Old Bronte Rd, Suite 110 905-842-4280 MILTON 725 Bronte Street S. 365-777-9777 Enjoy 2.5% Loyalty Points on all onLInE oRDERS EAT-IN/PIck-uP/DELIVERY Geographic restrictions apply ON NOW AT THE BRICK!ON NOW AT THE BRICK! SAVING YOU MORE For more details go instore or online The Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides is planning to move out of its existing facility at 152 Wil- son St., in Oakville. JUST THE FACTS The local charity, which assists individuals with disabilities through spe- cialized Dog Guide pro- grams, has been housed within the Wilson Street building since 1983. • Dog Guides chief exec- utive Bev Crandell says the organization has outgrown the Wilson Street building and has purchased land on Ironoak Way, just behind Joshua's Creek Arenas, where a new facility will be developed. • Crandell said the exist- ing facility previously served as a public school and has multiple levels, which in terms of accessi- bility is not ideal for Dog Guides clients. • The new facility is ex- pected to be state-of-the- art, larger and designed with the needs of people with disabilities in mind. • Crandell is hopeful the new larger space will per- mit her organization to train more dogs, which in turn will help more people. • It will likely be three years before this new facil- ity is ready for Dog Guides to move in. • Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides cur- rently trains 165 to 200 dogs per year, which are then matched with individuals who need them. • The charity currently has 85 employees between its Oakville location and its breeding facility in Bres- lau, Ont. • A developer is propos- ing to build a six-storey re- tirement building at 152 Wilson St., after Dog Guides leaves. • Dog Guides receives no government funding and anyone interested in donat- ing to the charity can do so at NEWS WHAT'S GOING ON HERE? DOG GUIDES TO MOVE OUT OF LONG-TIME LOCATION DAVID LEA A proposal has been submitted for the Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides' head office and national training school to be redeveloped as a seniors residence. Graham Paine/Torstar SIGN UP FOR OUR WEEKLY NEWSLETTER AT INSIDEHALTON.COM BEHIND THE CRIMES Solved and Unsolved Cases in Ontario Our journalists revisit the crimes that dominated headlines in our communities. INSIDEHALTON.COM/BEHINDTHECRIMES