in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, N ov em be r 26 ,2 02 0 | 44 ARTISTIC THERAPY Lesley Downs, a registered practical nurse with Halton Healthcare, shows off her painting skills as she contributes to a new Snoopy and Woodstock mural that will hang in Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. The mural is one of 70 being donated to hospitals around the world in conjunction with the 70th anniversary of Peanuts. Alison Hill photo COMMUNITY In October, the Oakville Public Library (OPL) an- nounced the move to a per- manent fine-free model, and introduced a new service, OPL Express Browse and Borrow. The OPL Library Board voted unanimously to move to a permanent fine-free model, an extension of the existing policy introduced in 2019 for the permanent elim- ination of overdue fines on children's materials, and OPL's COVID-19 community response to eliminate fines since the start of the pan- demic. "We're excited to offer this change to a fine-free model at OPL, and believe this new policy will provide members of the Oakville community with improved access to our physical materials, regard- less of their background or socioeconomic status," says Coun. Jeff Knoll, chair of OPL's board of directors. "We know that overdue fines dis- proportionately impact the vulnerable in our communi- ty and we know that there are people reluctant to use Library services or have sim- ply stopped coming due to fines." Another benefit for OPL customers: the launch of the new OPL Express service, Browse and Borrow, self- serve kiosks where custom- ers can easily check out li- brary books on-the-go at lo- cations closer to home. This new service is currently available at St. Luke's Com- munity Centre and Queen Elizabeth Park Culture and Community Centre. Designed with busy cus- tomers in mind, OPL Ex- press locations offer custom- ers the convenience of easily picking up library holds, re- turning library items, and browsing collections at sev- eral high-traffic community buildings throughout Oak- ville. For more information on all OPL Express services, visit This column is prepared by staff at Oakville Public Library. To learn more, visit OPINION GOING FINE-FREE, PERMANENTLY OAKVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY Column NEW EXPRESS BROWSE AND BORROW SERVICE INTRODUCED, WRITES OAKVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY ourpriceson • Artwork •AreArugs • Bedding •MAttresses •diningsets • Bedsets •uPHoLsterY • BrAndnAMeAPPLiAnces •woodFurniture • LigHting •AndMore! Burlington locationonly! Inventoryandprices subject to change HugesAvingson Visit our Brantford Location at 352 Governors rd. e Brant County, ontario 1-519-756-7673 901GUELPH LINE 905.634.5665 wHENarE wEOPEN? wHErE arEwE? Tuesday-Saturday 10am to5pm Burlington QEw/403 Harverster rd. Gu el ph Lin e 40%oFF rugs NOHST STOREWIDE! 5gALLonLAteXPAint eggsHeLL$60.00 3coLors BrAndnAMe APPLiAnces ArrivingweekLY 25% oFF MAttresses! •• •• Starts Now!