in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, M ay 20 ,2 02 1 | 14 The COVID-19 lockdown and restrictions in Halton and the en- tire province continue. Premier Doug Ford an- nounced that the stay-at-home order, initially expiring on May 19, has been extended until at least June 2. "While we are seeing positive trends as a result of the public health measures put in place, we cannot afford to let up yet," Ford said. "We must stay vigilant to en- sure our ICU numbers stay down and our hospital capacity is pro- tected." As for the weekly COVID-19 cases, the region's website shows that from May 6 to 13 there were 794 new cases, a drop from the 896 logged the previous week. Four more deaths related to the virus were recorded, bringing the death toll to 220. As of May 14, the number of ac- tive COVID-19 cases stood at 634 -- with 220 in Oakville, 192 in Mil- ton, 159 in Burlington and 63 in Halton Hills. To date, there have been 16,632 cases of COVID-19 during the pandemic, with 15,778 marked as resolved. Here's a weekly roundup of COVID-19 cases and news. Metroland file photo WEEKLY ROUNDUP: FORD EXTENDS PROVINCIAL LOCKDOWN BAMBANG SADEWO NEWS SCAN FOR MORE Scan this code to view COVID cases tracker.