27 | O akville B eaver | T hursday,M ay 20,2021 insidehalton.com *WANTED* Fine Art & Antiques. Chinese, Japanese, Asian porcelain, jade, paintings, Sterling, Bronze, Canadian art, European antiques, objects d'art etc. English gentleman buyer. Call Andrew Plum 416-669-1716 www.plumsfineart.com WANTED ANTIQUES Estate Clearing, Downsizing. Victorian Furniture, Gold, Silver, Sterling Silver Flatware, Estate Jewellery, Coins, Watches, china tea cups, Figurines, Anything Unusual. Kathy 905-920-9137 Southworks Vendor WANTED WE PAY FOR GOLF BALLS Pay $0.10 to $0.24 per ball Purchase all year long 416-889-9365 Peter NO MIN QTY OR NO MAX !! WE BUY CARS! Any Year, Make or Model WE'RE HONEST & FAIR Hamilton - GTA - Niagara 905-321-9121 WBUR.ca ALL WANTED ALL TEAK FURNITURE, JEWELRY, Watches, Sterling Flatware, Coins, Antiques, Paintings, Guitars, Drums, Accordions, Violins, Records (LP's), Military Items, China, Pottery, Estate Downsizing WE PAY CASH 905-979-4447 LOOKING FOR ANTIQUES Quality Antique Furniture, Sterling, Lighting, Jewelry, Memorabilia, Toys & Complete Collections. Send photo's to normsantiques@gmail.com or call Norm 905-703-1107 RECORDS WANTED LPs-45s-STEREO-ANTIQUES Call: 647-265-1404 Frank Lost Cat Baobao Identifying marks: solid black with white marks on chest and tummy, fixed, microchipped and wearing white collar. He may not respond to his name, and doesn't like being held, may scratch people. Last seen: Corner of Springdale & Stillmeadow Road, Oakville - April 30 4:00 p.m. If you could check your shed, garage, porch, deck & backyard or call me to do so, that will be greatly appreciated! Contact (647) 895-0109 29 March, 2021 LOST TITLE APPLICATION NO.: 2272101 OFFICE OF TITLES NOTICE PURSUANT TO SECTION 82 OF THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT (RTA) WHEREAS the applicant in the above stated application has declared that the following duplicate Certificate of Title has been lost, I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that I intend to cancel the said Certificate of Title and issue a new one in duplicate fourteen days after the last publication of this advertisement. Volume: 1238 Folio: 656 Place: Ashley Parish: Clarendon Registered proprietor: Vincent Trevor Lodge and Deta Keene The following transactions were lodged with this application and will be registered pursuant to Section 81 of the RTA: Transfer Application No. 2272099 Transmission Application No. 2272098 29 March, 2021 LOST TITLE APPLICATION NO.: 2272097 OFFICE OF TITLES NOTICE PURSUANT TO SECTION 82 OF THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT (RTA) WHEREAS the applicant in the above stated application has declared that the following duplicate Certificate of Title has been lost, I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that I intend to cancel the said Certificate of Title and issue a new one in duplicate fourteen days after the last publication of this advertisement. Volume: 1233 Folio: 244 Place: Wood Hall Parish: Clarendon Registered proprietor: Vincent Trevor Lodge and Deta Keene The following transactions were lodged with this application and will be registered pursuant to Section 81 of the RTA: Transfer Application No. 2272100 Transmission Application No. 2272096 Brick - Blocks - Stonework Chimney's Tuck Pointing Porches Flagstone Window Sills All Masonry Work. Insured & Licensed For FREE Estimates Call Roman 416-684-4324 www.fadom constructioninc.com BRICK, NATURAL STONE & CHIMNEY WORK Flagstone, Tuck Pointing, Windowsills & Much More! Insured. For Free Estimate Call Peter: 647-333-0384 www.stardust construction.com BRICKLAYER Chimneys, Porches, Sidewalks, Block & Stonework Free Estimates, Licensed, 25 Years Experience CALL ROB, 905-335-8943 MASONRY Chimney Brick Repair Chimneys, tuckpointing, brick restoration work, underpinning, waterproof FREE ESTIMATE Call Fabio 647-519-5980 ncquality.ca MASONRY RESTORATIONS and Small Concrete Jobs. Residential Only. Guaranteed Workmanship. Fully Insured. Free Estimates. Call John 905- 592-9856 or 905-808-0346. MASTER MASON in concrete, stucco, stone, pavers & parging, brick restoration. Chimney repair and all cement finish work. Professional and reliable. Estimates. Evan 905-921-5226 HOME IMPROVEMENT MARKETPLACE | FIND WHAT YOU'RE LOOKING FOR, FROM LOCAL SERVICES TO MERCHANDISE AND MORE | Looking for a new home | The easiest way to find your next car | Find the right ride for you Leave the Car at Home Try walking or biking to work for a week. If the office is too far, take public transit. ARTICLES FOR SALE/WANTED ANTIQUES & ART MERCHANDISE PETS NOTICE BOARD PUBLIC NOTICE BRICK, MASONRY & CONCRETE