15 | O akville B eaver | T hursday,June 17,2021 insidehalton.com Congratulations Class of 2021 Oakville's Planning and Development Council has approved the con- struction of a new subdivi- sion in north Oakville, which will feature 609 res- idential units. The 38.96-hectare prop- erty, which is being devel- oped by Argo (Joshua Creek) Developments Ltd., is located north of Dundas Street to the east of Eighth Line at 1297 Dun- das St., E. Leigh Musson of the Town's Planning Services said the subdivision will consist of 208 detached dwellings, 401 townhouse units, a 4- to 6-storey mixed-use building, a neighbourhood park, a village square, a stormwa- ter management pond and eight hectares of natural heritage system. The current zoning by- law requires 817 parking spaces be provided on site via garages and drive- ways. Town staff said an on- street parking analysis proposes an additional 384 spaces. Musson said town staff were not supportive of the developer's efforts to re- duce the standard parking space size for private ga- rages. To the property's north, east and west addi- tional subdivisions are ei- ther being planned or have already been ap- proved. Musson noted the pro- posed subdivision is ap- propriate and compatible with the adjacent land us- es and is in keeping with the intent of the land use policies of the North Oak- ville East Secondary Plan, which provides a planning framework for the lands north of Dundas Street and south of Hwy. 407. That plan promotes the protection of the natural environment, mixed use development, and a modi- fied grid road system that seeks to enhance trans- portation options for tran- sit and pedestrians. Musson said the pro- posal was also consistent with the Provincial Growth Plan, the Halton Region Official Plan and represents good planning. Ward 4 Councillor Al- lan Elgar questioned whether a high school would be coming to the ar- ea north of Dundas Street any time soon. Musson said that while a new high school is scheduled to be built to the west of Trafalgar Road there are currently no plans to build one in this particular area. Elgar noted that with all the development cur- rently taking place north of Dundas Street a new high school needs to be built in Ward 7, particu- larly since plans for a high school in the Neyagawa Boulevard area appear to have fallen apart. Ward 6 Councillor Tom Adams said he is aware that some people do not want to see any develop- ment on these lands but pointed out this property was marked for urbaniza- tion by the Halton Region back in the 1990s. "Unfortunately, we are not in a position where we can just say, 'No, we're not going to have any more de- velopment on these lands,' " said Adams. He said a condition of the subdivision approval is that the property owner hold a pre-construction meeting with develop- ment engineering staff and their contractor to re- view and discuss mitiga- tion work related to mat- ters including noise, mud tracking, material storage and dust. NEWS COUNCIL APPROVES 609-HOME SUBDIVISION DAVID LEA dlea@metroland.com The site of a future 690 home subdivision located north of Dundas Street to the east of Eighth Line. Town of Oakville photo