in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, Ju ne 24 ,2 02 1 | 48 CONCRETE FREE ESTIMATES uality At Its Best! Call Fernando • DRIVEWAYS • FRENCH CURBS • PATIOS • STEPS • WALKWAYS • GARAGE FLOORS ExposEd aggrEgatE (pebble) • DRIVEWAYS • FRENCH CURBS • PATIOS • STEPS • WALKWAYS • GARAGE FLOORS wwwwww • PATIOS FLOORS FREE ESTIMATES 905-844-5518 1-888-944-5518 It's a modest three-bed- room Halton house, envel- oped by welcoming neigh- bours, that holds untold possibilities for survivors of human trafficking. Nancy's House, as it's officially known, will offer a safe haven for up to two years, a place to heal, with all the physical comforts of a home and 24/7 wrap around peer supports to combat the complex trau- ma of its occupants. The dated building was donated and upgraded through the generosity of local businesses and ex- pects to open its doors in August, a dream come true for the charity behind it. The seed for Restora- tions Canada was planted eight years ago by a small group of women and a con- versation about possibili- ties, and while the organi- zation has been providing support for survivors liv- ing independently, their steadfast objective has been to offer a local sanc- tuary for hope and recov- ery. Nancy's House will serve as a second stage home for women arriving from first stage housing -- NEWS A PLACE OF HOPE AND HEALING Fiorella Kuczma (left) and Jennifer Lucking show one of features at Nancy's House, an outdoor fire pit. Graham Paine/Metroland HOME FOR HUMAN TRAFFICKING VICTIMS TO OPEN THIS SUMMER KATHY YANCHUS See - page 49