in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, O ct ob er 7, 20 21 | 30 Become a Part of Something Bigger YMCA of Oakville We're Hiring Join our Team! Cut out paying more Your only destination for more coupons, more flyers, more savings. #SavingWithSave Save $1.00 On One (1) Green Giant* Veggie Fries or Veggie Rings 340 g to get coupons © 2021 B&G Foods Canada, ULC. All Rights Reserved. *T.M. of B&G Foods North America, Inc., used under license. Amid a rise in COVID-19 out- breaks in long-term care facili- ties, the province is making CO- VID-19 vaccination mandatory for nursing home workers. "We know that long-term care residents have been dispropor- tionately impacted by COVID-19. As new variants continue to spread, we are seeing a growing number of outbreaks in long- term care homes where the risk to those most vulnerable re- mains high," said Rod Phillips, Minister of Long-Term Care, in a news release. All long-term care home staff and volunteers must be vaccinat- ed against COVID-19 by Nov. 15, according to the announcement. Halton has seen several CO- VID-19 outbreaks in recent months, including an ongoing one at Hampton Terrace Care Centre in Burlington -- first de- clared on Aug. 18 -- which has left three residents dead and 34 infected. As for the weekly COVID-19 cases, the region's website shows that from Sept. 24 to 30 there were 158 new cases, down from 177 the previous week. As of Oct. 1, the number of ac- tive COVID-19 cases stood at 116 -- with 45 cases in Oakville, 39 in Burlington, 27 in Milton, and five in Halton Hills. There have been 19,507 cases of COVID-19 during the pandemic, with 19,149 marked as resolved and 242 total deaths. NEWS WEEKLY ROUNDUP: VACCINATION MANDATORY FOR LTC STAFF BAMBANG SADEWO Here's a weekly roundup of COVID-19 cases and news. Metroland file photo SCAN THIS CODE to view COVID cases tracker. Your business is a balancing act, so we make your delivery system easy. We have you covered with everything from shipping labels to receiving and routing. And with our custom client portal, you can follow live updates along the path of your parcel right to the customer's doorstep. Sign up now with Metroland Parcel Services. Visit our website at is a balancing act, so we make ed with e have you coverW om shipping labels everything fr And with our custom client updates along the path of your cel right to the customer's par doorstep. Sign up now with cel Services.oland ParMetr Scan for more information