in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, N ov em be r 25 ,2 02 1 | 40 Offering independent, assisted living, trial stay, and respite stay optionswith state-of-the-art amenities: Elegantfinedining ExclusiveCLUBfit programs Heated saltwater pool Tranquil beauty salon&spa Andmuchmore! WORRY FREE RETIREMENT LIVING In the heart of Clarkson Village 905.403.8660 Experience vibrant senior living in a trendy neighbourhood. Luxury style retirement, within walking distance from restaurants, parks, churches, shopping, and much more! NOW BOOKING IN-PERSON AND VIRTUAL PERSONALIZED TOURS Limited suites available. %,"" *!+,& *! .)-).') &!(. -(#*)$ 1907 Lakeshore RdW,Mississauga Seeourmodel suites Enjoy treats Call about our special! JOINUSFOROUR OPENHOUSE! DECEMBER8 Byappointment