7 | O akville B eaver | T hursday,F ebruary 3,2022 insidehalton.com A FINANCIAL PORTRAIT THAT REFLECTS WHO YOU ARE AND WHAT YOU VALUE As a woman, your wealth and your aspirations are unique and require a personalized approach. At CIBC PrivateWealth, we take a comprehensive approach to managing, building and protecting your wealth. Call me to find out how we can work together to achieve your wealth aspirations. CIBC PrivateWealth consists of services provided by CIBC and certain of its subsidiaries, including CIBCWood Gundy, a division of CIBC World Markets Inc. The CIBC logo and "CIBC Private Wealth" are trademarks of CIBC, used under license. "Wood Gundy" is a registered trademark of CIBCWorldMarkets Inc. E. Jeanette Power, EPC Senior Wealth Advisor The Power Investment Team Mississauga Office 905 804-2240 9 Locations to serve you better Heating & Cooling www.aireonewest.ca OAKVILLE 905-849-4998 1-888-827-2665 OVER 120,000 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS AIRE ONE HEATING & COOLINGAIRE ONE HEATING & COOLING UPGRADE TO A HIGH EFFICIENCY SYSTEM Starting From 10 Year Factory Warranty & RECEIVE 10 Year Factory Warranty *Call for Details *Call for Details $5600$5600 **** $2699$2699**** UPGRADE TO A HIGH EFFICIENCY SYSTEM UPGRADE TO A HIGH EFFICIENCY CENTRAL AIR 96% EFF. $79 /MONTH OAC* $39 /MONTH OAC* WAS $3699 $49* *Call*Call forfor DetailsDetails $79* *Call*Call forfor DetailsDetails FURNACE DIAGNOSTIC SPECIAL FURNACE CLEANING SPECIAL The Canadian Caribbe- an Association of Halton (CCAH) has kicked off its Black History Month cele- brations. The theme for the 2022 event is "Imagining Fu- tures" to encourage attend- ees to think about the chal- lenges of the past two years and to envision a way for- ward. The CCAH has part- nered with a number of or- ganizations and people to hold this year's month-long event. Author Ekiuwa Aire, who has written two children's books on charac- ters from African history, will be telling African sto- ries on Feb. 26. Oakville Museum will be putting on an immersive education program called "The Underground Rail- road: Next Stop, Freedom & Legacy Voices." Hands- on activities, virtual tours and digitized artifacts will give students a chance to learn about Oakville's rela- tionship with the Under- ground Railroad. These and other events are on tap for those who are interested in attending. Those interested should keep an eye on the CCAH website (ccah.ca/ bhm2022.html) for more details. BLACK HISTORY MONTH CELEBRATIONS UNDERWAY MANSOOR TANWEER mtanweer@metroland.com NEWS SCAN FOR MORE Scan this code for more local news. DONATE Donate to Black-led organizations that support anti-racism and Black communities, such as Black Lives Matter Canada, the Black Legal Action Centre, Black Health Alliance and the Black Youth Helpline. SUPPORT Support Black business owners, artists and creators. Websites like Canada Black- Owned Marketplace and the Canadian Black Chamber of Commerce keep directo- ries of businesses across the country, while some cities and towns have their own local directories. READ Read and promote books by Black authors and watch Black-made films and televi- sion. Invisible Publishing has a list of recommended reads. LEARN Learn about Black historical figures and communities in Canada. PARTICIPATE Participate in online events and attend virtual Black History Month celebrations. You can find these on Eventbrite or local library or community organization websites. 5 WAYS TO CELEBRATE BLACK HISTORY MONTH A STRONGER VOICE We recognize that diversity is the strength of our communities and we are inviting you to share your voice in our publications. INSIDEHALTON.COM/COMMUNITYDIVERSITY