in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, F eb ru ar y 24 ,2 02 2 | 16 Signature ConcertsSignature Concerts ELLEVATOR - February 26 Your Natural Choice Since 1968 297 Oak Walk Dr, | 905.844.2114 | Dearcroft Montessori Trafalgar Crossing rcroft...GrowingWith Our Commu Now Accepting Registrations for Toddler to Grade 3 North Location Opening September 2022 Canada's leading think- ers reflect on how COVID-19 has changed our communi- ty, Canada and the world, and forever altered the fu- ture. We are not the first gen- eration to endure a global pandemic, nor will we be the last. History has proven that when faced with unfathom- able trauma, taken to un- charted waters, we navi- gate new ways to live and be. The entire world forced into the same boat but not the same vessel. At the brink, our spirits frayed, our minds over- whelmed, our core eroded, faith in the human spirit of resilience, love and unity kept us afloat. With "nor- mal" stripped away, living in bubbled islands, run aground with no anchor, forced to see ourselves from the inside out, people chose to live, inclusive or divisive. Everyday tasks became daunting and tainted with fear, anxiety and mistrust. Community and social cohesion mean having com- mon goals, shared values and acting with the com- mon good in mind. People crave contact, communica- tion and community -- we are built that way. With so- cial norms of "normal" gone, behind faceless masks, longing for others, craving contact, life and death magnified to extreme levels, we floated without purpose and control. Social interaction is human na- ture. We need it and yearn it. We stopped talking and started walking. Biking, hiking, Peloton, sitting on the john, TikTok, watch the clock, bought a dog, lived in a fog. Hoarding, baking and cottage laking, time stood still. Some in canoes, learned joy and solace of quiet, self and nature. Some in speed boats, lost power and con- trol, unable to find the key, and handled the loss of life as they knew it. They pad- dled with a divisive heart. Those of us who have ex- perienced and survived life- altering trauma know the mind, body, emotions and spiritual connection to self and others. Mother Earth brought the entire planet together for us to learn if we were lis- tening. To slow down, find true priorities, discover and create and to remem- ber who we are from the in- side out. To reconnect and renew our human spirits. To realize and recalibrate our courage, strength, joy and love of self and others. Joyce Jonathan Crone is Mohawk, was born on Six Nations and is a retired teacher living in Muskoka region. 'WE STOPPED TALKING AND STARTED WALKING' OPINION PANDEMIC BROUGHT US TOGETHER TO LEARN - BUT ONLY IF WE'RE LISTENING Those of us who have experienced andsurvived life-altering trauma know themind, body, emotions and spiritual connection to self and others. JOYCE JONATHAN CRONE Column