Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 11 Dec 1947, p. 7

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th, 1947 0 Was hop. he Right EWeombe, Son, Fy. ud, nn Bi FE 2 es 2 Pee 5 rome SEB CT Tr a a a Bod LL A. THURS, DECEMBER 11th, 1947 PAGE SEVEN Leslie Bradley Entertsins W.A. The regular W. A. meeting of Munn's United church was held at the home of Mrs. Leslie Brad- ley. The following officers were clected for 1943: Mrs. Walsom, president; -- Miss Marie Feather- stone, vice-president; Mrs. Leslie Bradley, secretary; Mrs. Haven, treasurer; Mrs. Lorne Fish, mis- sionary convener; Mrs. D. Flem- ing, missionary treasurer; Mrs. Fairbarn, programme convener; and Miss L. Conover, pianist. England Will Come Back Alright (Mrs. Time Main Requirement-| Ars. New Over 150 members and guests of | She Seemed not just a princess but the White-Oak Chapter LO.D.E. [the type of girl that any mother met. last Thursday for the dedic| OU be proud to call her daugn- cation by the Reverend Mr. C. K. | ter)" said Mrs. New. She went on Nichol of the new standard, pre- se of the LODE: -- of an ermine wrap. '" sented by Mrs. New, the hostess i re i ol for the meeting, was chosen at the suggestion of the original standard-bearer when the Princess Alice. Although we ihe Chaster was formed in 1931. | didn't know, she did, that shes (Mrs. E. N. Killer, a former Oak-|the princess went partying, Prin- villite, now living in Port Credit, | cess Blizabeth had to borrows her played the piano as she had acted Mothers," Mrs. New said, bringing los pianist at the first meeting, laughter from the audience, f Among the honoured guests wel- | "We who see only the glamour omed were Mrs. W. R. Walton Of royalty, are apt to foget that br, National Treas, Mrs. Lionel | Elizabeth has grown from a little fillen, Provincial Pres, Mrs. on to a young woman in wartime is, Regent of Angela|England with all its restrictions ! wy Eat Mrs. Maurice | on food and clothing. Thus it was | Sale. seting oo WA, 519550. unau, Honorary Regent of the | that when wedding bells were in oe a wy a dis- Angela Bruce Capter, and the |the offing her fond mother could | Play % I AEL = = ichool teachers of the Oalcviie | not possibly buy a grand trous- Sots taken during his trip to the rafalgar district. |seau. Actually trunking for the [West coast. Tea was served by go Tonle bed Yinen the > . Mrs. Bradley, assisted by her Since the last meeting it was | >° Jusen was restricted : a | to two sheets and two pillow cases. | daughter Betty. ELT ee Se collected for = parcels, thirty-five used garments, 3 y Cted 3 : ; i. | the gift to the princess is being fwo quilts and nine knitted arti- fics had been shipped to England, | UMed over, at her request, to firs. Douglas Armour agreed to| the British Hospital Fund," Mrs. : io + | New said. look after magazine subscriptions. e following new members were firelcomed, Mrs. W. S. Blake, Mrs. ohn Basson, Mrs. C. Slip, Mrs. Walter King, Mrs. J. Reiffenstien, rs. J. Molesworth, Mrs. B. Stone d Mrs. Page Wadsworth. Mrs. Ryland New spoke of her cent trip to England, telling of flow she stood among onlookers tside St. Margaret's-in-the- eld to be rewarded not only with who had been As a result of the business ses- sion, it was decided to hold a chic- ken supper on Dec. 19 for the children before the Christmas play which the children are pres- enting at the church on that date. At the meeting Mrs. Jos. Bent- ley acted as auctioneer for a Snow Storm Record Excellent=-Say Police In closing Mrs. New added,| Only minor accidents involving "England will come back, given |dented fenders were reported by time. They are going to be all|local and provincial police as a right, but only if we do our part result of the snow storm which to help them. The old country |gave Oakville its first taste of to me will still be the same as|winter last week-end, long as Big Ben chimes the hours| While the snow which fell was and the Royal Standard waves|not deep, it did provoke John over Buckingham Palace." Derry, chief of police, to criticise Tea was served by Mrs. W.|the considerable number of citizens A. Chisholm and Mrs. Lionel Who did not clear sidewalks in le sight of a lovely bride but an | Millen, assisted by the past re- [front of their houses when the fren more lovely guest, HLRH. | gents of the chapter, Mrs. Ryland | Storm was over. : ffrincess Elizabeth. "When HRM. | New, Mrs. Harry Ryrie, Mrs. W.| "Citizens are responsible for incess Elizabeth acknowledged ie crowd with a wave of her hand d a flash of her lovely smile, M. Copeland, Mrs. W. R. Adam- | clearing their sidewalks within a son, Mrs. W. Jebb, and Mrs. F. reasonable time after the storm Scott. has subsided," the chief said. "If they don't, pedestrians have Hello Homemakers! Christmas may spell C-a-n-d-y for the first time in years. Because sugar is no longer rationed, we will want to try our hand again with confec- tions made at home. The children are elated too, and want to help but they need a few instructions. So here is what to tell them. Use a two-quart or three-quart deep pan. Any kind of pan can be used, but the candy will not stick so readily in a heavy metal pan, Since candy thermometers may not be available, the way to recog- nize the different stages is the cold water test. Place a few drops of syrup into very cold water. When the syrup is cooled by the water, it thickens and can be formed into a soft, or firm or hard ball. Use a small amount of corn SYTup to prevent grainy candy. Or substitue for corn syrup, 3 tsp. cream of tartar, or % tsp. lemon juice to 2 cups sugar. s Do not stir candy while boiling unless it contains brown sugar or molasses--even then scrape back and forth across the pan and down the sides. Let candy mixture cool before beating. (Do not cool candy in cold water). In substituting cocoa for choco- late, use| 3 tablespoons cocoa and 2/3 tablespons butter instead of 1 square of chocolate. Peanut Brittle 2 cups sugar, 3 cups peanuts. 1. Shell peanuts; remove skin with damp cloth. 2. Melt sugar in frying pan; stir constantly and do not allow to darken. 3. When melted, pour over nuts on platter (not greased). 4. Cool gradually; mark in squares while cooling. Maple Cream take to the road" Chief Derry explained that people walking on roadway in town when there are sidewalks did so at their own risk. "A person walking on the road could be knocked down by a veh- icle," he said. "This could result "unknown cases" |in DO YOU KNOW that in Canada today there are at least 25,000 people with "unknown cases" of tuberculosis? . . . that these injuries that might impair are a major reason why TB still |their future health and livelihood for life." kills more Canadians between 15 and 44 than any other disease--as they unwittingly spread - infection, maybe to you, yourself, or to a loved one? Chief Derry does not wish to issue summons to householders who fail to comply with this pub- lic duty and expressed the hope citizens would co-operate with the town by clearing their side- walks in the future. Corporal Allie Jackson, pro- vincial police, felt a record of no serious accidents in his territory was encouraging. "We didn't have a person injured," he stated, He explained that Sanders start from Toronto and it is 'sometimes late before they reach the limits of Halton County. "All traffic lights and bridges are sanded first," the corporal explained, "then the road- ways between are sanded." The reason for sanding bridges before roads was described by the of- ficer. "Bridges, because of the draft under them, are colder than roads, which means freezing oc- curs more rapidly on them," Cor- poral Jackson said. "Early morn- motorists will notice that while roads are dry bridges may still have frost on them," he con- cluded. The Provincial Police are pleas- ed with the way residents in the district observe stop lights cn the Queen Elizabeth. "I am confident residents will continue this splen- . . that the surest means of dis- covering TB early, before it spreads, is the chest X-ray? ... that your Christmas Seal money buys X-ray units and makes possible mass examinations? Please, send your contribution to- day. ing -- Compliments of -- I itchcox Motor Sales Prompt Subscription Coupon This coupon entitles subscriber's name to be entered for the - Prompt Subscription Draw, an ADMIRAL MANTEL RADIO | which will be given FREE to the person whose name is drawn. | IT MIGHT AS WELL BE YOU ! ! Attach your $2.00 payment to this coupon and mail to the Journal or leave it at the Golden Hour Bookshop, 6 Thomas St. | NAME (print) MAILING ADDRESS . (print) (print) ol 3 cups light brown sugar ly, stirring until sugar is dissolved. 2. Boil without stirring to soft ball stage. 3. Remove from heat; cool grad- ually. 4. Beat until creamy. Add nuts and vanilla; pour into buttered pan. Mark into squares before it hardens. PI Turkish Delight 2 envelopes gelatine % cup cold water 4 cups sugar 1 lemon grated, rind and juice 1 orange grated, rind and juice. 1. Soak gelatine in cold water. 2. Put sugar and boiling water in pan and stir until dissolved. 3. Boil 20 minutes. Pour syrup on gelatine. 4. Add rinds and juice. 5. Rinse clean cake tin in cold water. 6. Pour mixture in pan and let ight. Cut in squares ng sugar. Chocolate Fudge 1 cup white sugar 1 cup brown sugar % cup corn syrup cup sweet milk cup melted butter cup cocoa. Boil ingredients for 10 minutes, then begin to test for soft-ball stage. Add 1 tsp. vanilla. Beat EES [enti creamy. Pour into buttered pan. Mark. The Suggestion Box Mrs. G. M. says: When yor make an old-fashioned boiled suet pud- ding, it is wise to use a heavy cot- ton cloth, and always scald it, wring out and dredge with flour | before the batter is put into it. Mrs. T. E. says: Let steamed pudding cool thoroughly, uncov- ered, before storing in a cool place. For serving, cover, re- steam about 1 hour. Mrs. S. W. suggests: Grape Juice sauce--Blend 1% thsps. cornstarch with 2 thsps. cold water and stir into 114 cups hot grape juice. Add 1/3 cup sugar and 1 tbsp. lemon juice. Cook about 10 minutes. Mrs. F. J. says: When you cut vegetables in even-sized pieces the food tastes better; cut in small sections the food cooks more quickly and this method saves electricity. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Harris, Queen Elizabeth way who left for Flor- ida before travel restrictions were imposed are wintering as usual at Orlando Beach. OAKVILLE TAXI (Owned and operated by Bros) Devenish TWO PHONES-- For Your Convenience 1060 -- 1061 JARS Day And Night Service 2 tbsps. butter % cups nuts (chopped) % tsp. vanilla. 1. Put sugar, syrup, milk and butter into a saucepan; heat gent- did record," Corporal Jackson said. "Of motorists we have summonsed for passing lights, I believe only one was from Oakville. We in- tend to continue our drive to make other motorists observe the lights." BUY CHRISTMAS SEALS The Golden H 6 THOMAS STREET Books For Everyone Greeting Cards Fine English China and many other gift items our Bookshop HONE 663 ELECT = Il © el Oy SIDNEY Savage COUNCILLOR FOR 1948 Your Interests --- Are My Interests NOTE: This draw subject to closing without prior notice. Journal employees and members of their families ineligible. begin} malin} £8 ver le thy do 3 ol ori rv 4 a i i ed ed | nme) i) Br ol di & ads {Br nl e mun} zear! ve bY act ith Raw! med

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