Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 11 Dec 1947, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL THURS, DECEMBER 11tr, 1, | ictory Parade vi i : Victory «4A Home Away From Home" [) CLASSIFIED J It was a happy group of people t x that crammed the Cumberland GREYSCHER HOUSE ; { B U S I N S S D | R TO RY home when the Journal's editor E E ( arrived Monday night. The Oak- an ville Garden Community club was FOR ELDERLY and RETIRED PEOPLE 0 there in full strength as well as ve T. S. H. GILES ANGUS McMILLAN GENERAL numerous friends. Telephone calls REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE| BARRISTER, SOLICITOR RANCE were a problem while the Jour- 27 Reynolds Street South NOTARY PUBLIC INSU! nal's photographer was posing : 139 Colborne Street East Office: 139 Colborne St. E. H. S. THORNTON Rusty, Garna and Rod for pictures Oakville -- Telephone 125 0 Oakville - - Phone 532 Telephones: AE until someone took for | ( 19 Melinda Street Office 532 Residence 837 PHONE 874 a he = Toronto - - Adelaide 2761 | Residence: Lakeshore West, Oakville | perlands were probably the most Evenings - - Oakville 712| 126 Dundas St, Cor. Spruce ioe, ns nth Tt WEon Two Gilson Snowbird washing | C195 Face for second place among T RKEY EUCH ANNOUNCEMENT (ARTICLES FOR SALE wo wr om eeate | the otters. i The officers and members of | Ping-pong table, good condition, | Apply C. J. Ribble, Gilson Agent, | Garna seid her daughter Paci, MASONIC HALL . ; Angela Brace Chapter take this | $15.00. Hot water boiler, practi-| Hornby RR. 2. short for Patience, who is in grade | oy i ok ppreci. | C2lly new, $10. Pobne 2803. Breakfast Suite with benches. | 7 at Central School in Oakville 0 AKVI LLE | means of expressing their a = i came home after school without t : ; Ford-Ferguson tractor and plow, | Phone 390-W. 0 : u ation to the management of In-|) completely checked over, | ~OR TWILL SWAP -- po in Bet Ee of fer fathers 29 dustries and merchants who gen- | repainted. Complete with lights | Bicycles, man's 24-inch and | Victory. 'T asked my teacher i M d D lice : erously donated space in the new- | "tia es 560 Oakville. girl's. Also excellent fireplace a rather sd in, onday, ec. 4 1947 fo ; ly completed Cook Book, also to | rrr [50 ot "Want man's bicycle 205 Fact Topo ts her lr 8.15 p.m. oul { those who gave valuable advice, | 1; oo Telephone 615-W after | inch, small radio or cash. Phone | Cher poe enna a | oti Hl and to those who contributed |€ : i going to vote for him myself. ; tig recipes. em oh sw --- That settled it for Paci who was EVERYBODY WELCOME ! | Full-length, black Persian Liam! FOR RENT asleep when the victorious candi- iid } The Angela Bruce Chapter of | C03 perfect LE wag at. date and his supporters arrived Admission 35¢ = 3 . | $250.00. Phone 1019. Small shop, also suitable for |home after the meetin; . 4 the FLODE! sre' holding their |$25000- Phone 1015. } : 2. i Bh | anual Winter Frolic on Jan. 24th | Brown coney muff WIth ZIP | office, storeroom--storeroom avails : i Auspices: C.C.F. Club of Oakville # Music by Lorne | compartment; four pieces brown | able. The Cookie Shop, Reynolds | Angus McMillan, Oakville coun- oo. 1 a sens EO Re : 5 cillor, dropped in to congratulate i ES Miasason's crohestra. broadtail 31" wide, suitable for |St. N. Phone 882-W. " = ne 1 trimming dress or child's coat. All | --Boarq and room. Good board, --_-- EE gla Tos an ad- | A WANTED | nearly new. Phone 564-J. hot and cold water, electric lights. Sk a 4 eta > : Japanese Tourl coat, pure Sk | Phone, centrally located. Phone | COUNT Fhe 18 in faVOr of close A FULL LINE OF Quebec stove with oven. Phone | black and green, reversible; apple | 1186-W. -- an i 281-W-3 blossom and iris design. Phone tovmsnip) | Ausus] said last ) [ no i ZW R 5 En year's co-operati the part of 1 3 dor wan wy oe oF | LOST es eon tase hs ion FRESH i MEATS i someone to make one before | Oil drum, 4o-gal capacity With | "Ronson lighter on Saturday | school addition was an indication | feat: = Christmas. Phone 1269-J. [tap attachment. Phone 764-W-2.| night between Club 20 and restau- of the amicable and mutually for: | go rant. Initials MER. Phone 732-I. | ward looking attitudes of our fes resse ou try % councils," he told us. We enjoyed the meeting in the S ill B E Hot Off The Press|, 2c ued menting in he treetsville Butter - Eggs 5 il | respectfully solicit your The Angela Bruce Chapter of| "M4 Victory party very much. i = = zee. i; the LOD.E. have their cook book res iS al Y tl I "Favorite Recipes" off the presses er, VOTE in time for Christmas sale. This ELECTRIC a! 5 | book, with its attractive electric T | i i blue, washable, metaloid cover WELDING Qakvi e | IN THE COMING ELECTION bearing the Chapters erest, con-|| No Job TOO Large-- pee i tains over 500 tested recipes and No Job Too Small = 9 features. = i i ; 0 Prefacing the recipes is a re- We repair anything i$ 0 u I i view of the activities of the Chap- anywhere--any time 5 i ter and a brief sketch of the town Ui of Oakville. J P KOLLEE -- WE DELIVER -- 7 | ud 3 3 i : Palermo Ph. Bronte 25:21 PHONE 30 2h ii Legion Election . i SRSRRRERIEEE EE EERE Eh POWER and POCKETBOOKS Annual elections of the Cana- |i SRRaaaneaas REE 3 dil dian Legion, Branch 114 were gi a Bossi | held on Friday night in the Legion | &F DAIRY FARMERS! hall. William Anderson was in 18 ear a the chair and an unusual; d L] nT 1 y goo Jie POULTRY FARMERS! attendance, over 100 persons be- = 111 GREENHOUSE OWNERS! ing present, made it a spirited meeting. i GARAGE OPERATORS! oh towing were oisten 10 GE Vv E SLIPPERS I : . tert office: \ i % Winter is here--Sleet storms are inevitable A hn a i : , ; 11 Fi % Don't let the lack of electric power hamper [|| Albert Chapman and Robert Hed- u u L 1 your business operation and wipe out hard [don vice-presidents; secretary, a 1 n 0 A ahd 5 Charles Ford, (acc.); treas., Ken i earned profits in a single blow Choirs (ony rin. Ca : | * Enquier Now--about the Fairbanks Morse [i |Hillmer, Pere. Spugeon, Ollie John- For the children--a grand i "Onan" Electric Power Generating Units [{|S°% Clff Reid, Pat Mackie, Jim a 5 assortment of warm! snug : | £ Black. adies' occasin ippers slippers, in cosy felts or There is a unit to meet every ed re ae la warmly lined with cozy fur eather some with zipper The cost is surprisingly low and frac ional BT a ee trim -- All colours. Priced front others with straps. A compared to losses that you may sustain {|| ere men over 21 years of age. from $1. 35kt0}82.05. nice selection of colors that 5 n a The meeting felt that if this tax ard sure to please the little onic: | Farm Equipment Service |v: suit povecfioia ss i res on a S100 bic = : en the franchise in return, | Lakeshore East - Oakville, Ont. 5 cor hd 549-W _ W. D. Wise Morley K | : orley Keegan ; ; : | y . - 0 Men's and Boy's sturdy leather Mens' house slippers in the i i | 3 le hy eads Masons , : e ever popular Romeo sty / = ii eau High Cuts in black or BIOWN. yin leastic sids or zipper : = i At the annual election of officers A useful gift for Xmas--Boy's fronts. Also the low everett | for Oakville Masonic Lodge on : Styleiwith semi-wedge heels 1 Wednesday night, Morley Keegan priced at $4.95 Mens from $6.95 tr er et 9 ns was elected Worshipful to $11.95 Teoh 703 £0 Other officers chosen at thi exis from $2. ! J CCO THEATRE -- OAKVILLE ion were: Len Hope, LP.M.; Dun- fice i 2 SHOWS NIGHTLY - 7 and 9 P.M. bar Heddle, S.W.; C. T. Sherry, : A Continuous Saturday from 6.30 J.W.; J. Wilson, S.D.; J. Anderson, Pa a ve » i gD; Stan olen 8.8; floyd Ladies' Sling back slippers I { Matinee Saturday - 2.30 Lunau, 7.8; Joo Rutledge, 1G. S'S Sling; ppe warmly lined with shearling ! I Allan Day, Tyler; J. S. Hope, Sec. 8 -- _ pn or fur in suede or leather in a ) 33. 8. 3 -- leather soles-- 1 i : | il FRIDAY - SATURDAY -- DEC. 12 - 13 retary; Fred Daubney, Treasurer a wr = id Rh red, black or brown. A gift - il "Butch" Jenkins - Peter Lawford - Bev. Tyler and IS. P. Hannah, Chaplain. The £82 she will enjoy--from $5.95 4 MY BROTHER TALKS TO HORSES installation of new executives will to $9.95 Sn i for your Adil Bajyment take place in the new year. LH a ys COMEDY - CARTOON and WORLD NEWS ; ; : THN Junior Farmers Plan -- . And don't forget your overshoes! Wz are stocked with MONDAY - TUESDAY -- DEC. 15 - 16 | c en rubbers and goloshes for the whole family at prices to suit : + . itizenship Da Your purse. ; 3 SCOOP--The World's Most Sensational Fight p: Lay Bitor on LOUIS V WALCOTT The Halton Junior Farmers Come in early and make your gift selections. Now is the time adh -- ALSO -- > a pore to avoid that last minute rush. ; of a county wide citizenship train- ; Lv DECEPTION ing plan to give intelligent instruc- oe (Adult, Entertainment) tion to young people before they S AVE WITH S AFETY El Starring Bette Davis - Paul Henreid and Claud Rains En i been concentrated on new Cana- - aut WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY -- DEC. 17 - 18 dians. : R | The Strange Loves and hates of a Strange Woman The young people intend to have : e : HEDY LAMARR in a day set aside annually in the ert: HE county for citizenship celebrations. " ) ; isfa THE STRANGE WOMAN a which young peonle Would be Canada's Most Progressive Shoe Retailers" as i (Adult Entertainment) welcomed to voting status. Geo, == PLUS -- Atkins, secretary, Woodlands Or- : The Paramount Super Thriller chard, Bornte, will gladly provide Ts 75 Colborne Street y ER STREET any information to interested par- : DANGER STR! ties. ih Ee EE oe

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