Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 18 Dec 1947, p. 1

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ournal FA Cop F000 For Yo ins unicipal Board Hearing Winner Single Oakyilld Council Sot Public Spirited Citizens Joday In Oakville Arouses Ny Form H.&S. Associatio Ratepayers Assoc. Protest Jan. 8th--All Welcome Commenting on action of Ontario Municipal Board in Appointments To At the invitation of principal Fanting a public hearing without first consulting to dis- ? Blake, of Oakville High school, a ver local council's position on the matter, M. F. Auden, High School Board |srou of interested citizens have The last meel th, 194 uly » OLUME 1, NUMBER 4 di THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18th, 1947. Bairman Linbrook Ratepayers' Association, which repre- held meetings concerning forma- ts ratepayers in the area with which the hearing is con- g for 1947 of [tion of a Home and School assoc- €rned, said, "I'm surprised any public body would not have ation for O.H.S. 5 Trafalgar council Monday after ken the normal action of investigating with local council Toon asianostly devoted to a A nominating committees has | Bfore appointing a hearing. And having called a hearing I lar business. But there were two | CCS formed with P. J. Cowan as n gould like to know why they have not taken the trouble to am 2 © Ol chatrman, to bring in Tecommen- ify our organization which has been carrying on nego- ations for the residents within the area -- including the ighway residents most immediately affected," he comelu- items of particular interest, tollldations for th executive at the | Trafalgar residents. The appoint- | fir. to be held in [ment of Daniel Pope and James | the | A. Caulder Sr, th Line, as Tra. | fatgar representatives to the Oa | tat ve Wil accept aduitional { nominations 01 ti 1] r ville-Trafalgar High School Area | nomi Hoes By z | first meeting," said chairman Eoard [was made by council. The | L150 meet ) | township clerk was directed to ox. | COVA "We Hope for a big turn. | wnship " "2 © lout and while the association will Press, in writing, @ppreciation ne pactieularly of intescat o) par- ents of children at the school, any- one who cares to attend will be | "I should like to stress the fact Pn Saturday the location for -- € hearing on Dec. 18, was chan- New Sports Centre by the Board from the Tra- gar town hall to the Oakville Planned For Town fin hall. The Hon. George Dun- oh | Minister of Municipal Affairs, | (melusive to the Journal) ched by. telephone in Ottawa! The armouries on Thomas St. day, said the Municipal will pe turned into one of the d was a seperate entily and) most modern bowling alley sports to Alex Petrie who served the pre- vious year on the board and has | a 2 0 v i LL. relinquished his duties because gh|Eelcoma he concluded. DS! JEL not fall under nis department. | centres in Ontario when the pres- 5 Gotinal Pioto By Crouch |i neaith, Deputy-reere. Fea sang] "A somewhat similar association i BE suggested the change in 1o-|ent lease expires in the near fu. 5 y ; | organized in 1937--was suspen- | [Bion rom the township affec-| ture. The building was sonstru.| Out of approximately 1700 vo-|and Jack Foster in last place. |the Township was fortunate to do th 1045 Tor reve amaan | 1) [iff to Oakvilly might be because | ted by Mr. Ross Gibson, who. in- | ters in Oakville only 823 turned Commenting: jon J his re have secured a man like Mr. [said Roy Smith, vice-president, makin] more adequate facilities. In-| tends to bring. the bowling alleys | out on Monday to elect a candid- | he victorious candidate sai + of| Caulder to accept this responsib- Ontario Federation of Home and ver Y ied the township hall was as| and other facilities to town. ate for the single vacancy on greatly ae i SUPPOT! Of | iv with Mr, Pope who dic such | School associations. "The chief ie thy | , if not larger, he was at a) pppoe So on fons ws ed = mt gon wer fost seer difference this time will be that do [Biles or = possible reason and re-| os contres of Oakville seid a ent a a accepted plans of | the new association will be for Lo ed' heliboard be Seontacted| nil ihvan "There will boo ee Wn a : Black 453, | the Greenless subdivision to be|the High school only, while the ef fitéct. The following telegram | or iittee room for bowling lea- | °V® 16d the polls with a majority Ls en en AOD, passed on to the Provincial Mini- [former was for all schools in the | then sent to Judge Richard | gue meetings and for any eparit. | OF 232 OVer Ted Lauderj who ran | Lauder 221, Savage 126 sad tr' San an , : > ¢ i 5 si = ird | ter 23. ; : er, chairman Ontario. Muni-| pe organization who wishes te |S°00nd: Sidney Savage was. third | ter sure it would conform to council's| The mew association, when for. %) Board, Toronto: ' ; use it. It will be suitable for a overall plans for the future as to|med, will be one of 370 which are ould 'appreciate a statement [i j5x; parties, dances and affairs M | A L | J il F roads and amount of land around | active in the province at the pres- led Board in explanation of jie that» he added. o eals t Oca = al or each dwelling, which must be, in [ent time, vice-president Smith ex- Bh i ge from Trafalgar town hall © AE A z : i this case, single dwelling units plained. "The total membership 1a fg RA I or De Tran eo modern Transients Agrees { Aayor Hillmer only. Mr. Nixon, owner of the new | somewhere around 45,000," he fanj | Ges mee In re ormenl sain rm rs open to| - vision which is part of lot |added. pA 2 Er acalsar township restriction, = hie through the day and a : any town strests. The police were | 15, concession 2, said several lots |, At the Jan. 8 meeting, the pur al w. Also would like fn Tne for the convenience of evening a Panna imstructed to give offenders a|had already been sold to veterans. | pose and plans for th. associa- aj Linbrook a en crowds. Sa Jk 2 a on Warning and then follow up with| Monday night Oakville council tion will be outlined. "Anyone él iL Who, | according "Bowling equipment is like ev- : a 2 summons. The police were in-|appointed George Atkins, Dr, |interested in education should at. au) that organization, have been x received complaints from prison- X : 3 tend" ia 2 : tiations for all| CIYthing else," he said. "But ivs| OIE DUPANLS from ceiving | Sucted to strictly inforce this| Murray Deans and Thomas Blake. | tend," said Roy Smith. 'Bir (Bi SR SE aa La ey town |TeStEiction as parked cars made [lock as the town's representatives Blake's invitation to form this as- a oa oo - pr ot re-| SIV delay will De expevienced |Fao: i snow removal difficult. fo the high school board. It was |Sociation is one that all parents Eo iam Sh a have possession. "of the | or oR: in-| The regular accounts and busi- [the final meeting: for 1947 of Oate/| Will recognize as. being evidence ear ed official notice of public T went to Milton to make in- ; ; Bm 5 building. By the way, there will | .... 5 ness matters were handled. ville council also. Of his interest in the full use of ve by ing. Appreciate reply as soon" X le boned 1h. | dUiries of a prisoner who stated lor ere a domi ati Eh os me fee of oo po i [while in custody here fora day -- IT Serving the area it does, Oak. ei « : stalled and a specially comfortable ; : erving , Oak- 4 Eater tne a orate anda ole Be Tal omy: sesciven Councillor's Criticism | Industries Pleased To [vine mer 2° merely 2 town fe | : seating & one sandwich, said councillor fair, Wi iti § [W8h Tuesday the following: reply | and. spectators Ce ; Si Share Campaign | 222iF: With the addition and the En Bh cceived: T6115 ro1t that because there rel Sr To Bring Visitation ¢ PaIgN oy, facilities it win provids, there df one ontario Municipal Board, we a : "Transients have also told me A - ; will be no reason why the build Bc | Portiement Buildings, | pop industries in own | yey 4ig not receive any food be. Mr. J. F. Pringle, vice-president | The Tuberculosis Christmas Seal | ino. op oii be used by the com- i i oot sem er hag MONEE," he and general manager, CN.R., Tor. | COMMittee have mailed appeal munity for many more hours than (Edy oon Sena per, | E2mes wil start immediately this went on. ; onto," said that N. A. Walfora, | [tters to all Industries in Halton | fi 0 present," he concluded iy : Dec. 15, 1947. | gqgition to the recreation facil. 4 Pn % a .| County concerning the Health i £ felt Eitan a : } Chief Derry denied this prisoner | Gen. Superintendent, Southern ! va : : Se SE ea, custody for that | Ontario District, and F. E. D, Mc. | Bonds which are a new feature ille, Ont . jE: D. Me, fve thi ol Br F length of time, "He was arrested | Dowell, public relations, would be a = oy a = ar Bronte To Have a CT in Toronto Wednesday, Dec. 10, [coming to Oakville in the near = Te Jane ; Evi! 1 have fo ackrowed: Chamber Forum ie I [ei than a general indication of tne | Journal Correspondent i nt your 'telegram of the 1 a Ee : reaction," said Peter L. Paull, = i laa For Better Town | that dey. chanson wis sos 020 | il ant unt eit est ths nd tenses (two) and jumping bail. He appeared in court the next day at 1.30 P.M." The police produced chairman. "But I have had sever-| We are pleased to announce Tr al enthusiastic responses and we that starting next week | Mrs, feel that this will be a fine source | Bremner Sargant will be the Jour. ; f revenue for our mass surveys |nal's Bronte correspondent, Tn ad- 3 arrest book to substantiate the |i. .. = Te to get out and see you as S9OR 85 next year." | dition to covering straight news 1e i : possible I am sure you will nish TRL bel presented items our correspondent will write "1 asked prisoner if he wanted [to know all the facts about steel fo each company who makes a a Bronte column and will or food when he was registered," the | coaches and stopping trains," he donation, for display in their of- tribute to the People and Events chief said. "He refused." concluded. Ti : fice. column. I zemerence othe transients IE DIN eet AT Wh ha or Chief Derry said, "If we give transients a meal we will soon of b- Board. We are uninterested in Oakville," I Mr. Pringle said. "I will stir up Mr. Walford and Mr. MacDowell ug 9 The December meeting of the a |: directed to advise you|Chamber of Commerce to be held fithe place of hearing Was | tomorrow night in Legion Hall at ed from the Township of|g PM. is a.change from the regu- gar to the Town of Oakville (lar third Thursday of each month. Hel the Board realized that the| The meeting will be a forum Enience of all interested par- [with discussion centering around rould be better served. the general theme "What can WE § consideration you will un-ido to make the town a better ifa pnd that the Board would|place in which to live and work." fe rh Zz, Ep rent pr] J SKIING OUT 0 iRfhave knowledge of 'any part-|1t js hoped every member will at- a | vy the CNR. officials he fe | : 8 flr ratepayers: association and| tend this last meeting of the 1947 ' : : | this was a matter which would be Te filirections to the Solicitor for schedule . . . and all interested| Mayor Hillmer agreed with this [of interest to a great number of [EWA pplicant were that notice citizens are cordially invited to Statement. There was discussion citizens and therefore wrote the "2 [Bd be siven to al ownors of | pe resent and enter into the din. | OF officers on duty being given the | following letter, BB rty within 200° of the prop-| cussions. : authority to purchase meals for Oakville, Dec. 16, 1947. [1 question in the amending | Question blanks went out with | Prisoners in the {absence of Chief yr J. F. Pringle, 4 : J namely Lot 10, Concession the Chamber's monthly 'News |Derry, who said, "Officers or. duty | vice Pres, and Gen Mer., | { WButh of Dundas Street This Bulletin" and all members present [have to use their discretion When | can, Nat. Railways, va he , | J accordance with our general [wil have an opportunity to pres. |I am on my day Off --T can't see | ynion Station, wr i : i fice in these applications. | ent any thoughts which may have | Why they shouldn't do so in. Such | moronto, | Yours truly, occurred to them concerning this |cases." He went on to say, "I do Dear Mr. Pringle:-- MB! Soncerson, estion Bhan. not serve full course meals to the a re Secretary. ---- PuSere Swe I dons neliovs of Mr. N. A. Walford 2 Sup. ffllen advised of the communi-| Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rchinson, EE os Sa Te Southern Lines and Mr, F. , D. B from the Board, M. F.|Lakeshore Highway East, enter. | Tt E &i neh," he MacDowell of your public rela. said he had no further|tained a large group of {riends | cluded. tions department, to Oakville for nt to add to what he had| from Oakville and Toronto on Sun-| Councillor Milne said he recel. a mesting to disouss the railways aly said. |day--it was a Christmas party. |ved a number of complaints from ! position and answer to Council- residents because they had not| jor miners request for steel coach- been advised in advance the pow- i es as published in the Oakville- er" would he off from one olclock | rrasalgar Jowrmal, T Suppose. at tol fourfon Sunday. STMNICK edie (fame these men will also vice of such shut-offs should be published in town. papers," he gin rine Crossing which because sald. "Many people had to. eat qr the recent tragedy reported in cold meals at noon," he concluded. | pq press concerns me mora than Méyor Hillmer said the rotices |ever. usually came through from Ham- |" May I offer my services to ilton, but in this case had arrived | arrange this meeting and suggest too late for insertion in the pap-|it be shortly after the first of ers. the year? It is my thought that Mr. W. A. Hawkins, representa- | the 1948 council may wish to be tive of Central Mortgage and present as well as pther interested Housing: Corporation, outlined the | parties. Will you please commumi- Re 1 N THE PRAIRIES i i 1 Journal Classified Ads Praised flitor, Oakville, Dec. 1947. fie Journal, Bkville, Ear Sir: Congratulations on the way your new paper pulls ults. When T advertised a used furnace and a set automatic furnace controls, by Saturday I bad re- ved three calls and Saturday night the whole works d been sold. In view of my inability to sell them by fvertising just a year ago you can appreciate my vertisir government's building program | cate with me 'so that we may vi Fern ER So? | isfaction. for Veteran's houses for 1948 Tor (arrange a mutually satisfactory | You don't have to live in the mountains to be able to enjoy the sport! ; J : ; x o | Again Congratulations. benefit of council. date? : of ski-ing. These prairie youngsters, who live in Regina, Sask, bands I: Sincerely, There was discussion of the fact Yours very sincerely, train on Sunday. Homing and are dropped off in the Qu Svea valley, i Ken MacTaggart. that during winter months cars A. E. W. WHITAKER | ear the town of Lumsden, where the steep slopes of the valley provide Hr \ zs TeV tcl . A heavy snowfall brings the gang out in forse. | . could not be parked all might on Mayor-elect. | "°t°lass runs. A heavy snow Ean e 3 4)

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