Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 18 Dec 1947, p. 8

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THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL THURSDAY, DEC, 1st, 104 : « CLASSIFIED 'USINESS DIRECTORY ANGUS McMILLAN BARRISTER, SOLICITOR | NOTARY PUBLIC Office: Colborne St. E. | Telephones 2 Office idence: 126 Dundas St, Cor. Spruce S. H. GILES | REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE 189 Colborne Street East Oakville - - Phone 19 Melinda Street Toronto - - Adelaide 2761 bo Evenings - - Oakville 713 Dr. Maurice E. Lunau 532 1 Residence 837 4 GENERAL INSURANCE | H. S. THORNTON PHONE 874 Lakeshore West, | HEDDLE & RYRIE Oakville Oakville 1268 3 7-545 Church and Tho! Sts. Ham. 7-5452 PHYSICIAN & SURGEON C. TL. OLIVER a es the Memorial Hospital fund. He Bal oi aa a a man Re I ness Systems Installed. Income Barristers, Solicitors el Pak "Tax Returns Nortaries Public + ag me Office at Oakville Hotel | Office: Colborne St., Tel. Oak. 65 4 Si Bo 00 P.O. Box 402 Dunbar M. Heddle, Res. 701 Afternoon -- 1.00-4.0¢ \ Res. Clarkson 111 Ross Ryrie, ARD OF THANKS , Repair work, modern i} R eG olbrook | Ca Holbrook--Mr. G. H. Fol San i and family wish to express to cuphoar Phone 9 { f) S, el ve: d = rr J fheir many friends, relatives and Cie | Neighbours, their heartfelt thanks WANTED } | y hans or ies | appreciation for acts of kind- | a = me IH Hes: a pathy and| CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY Beautiful floral tributes extended | EE to them in their recent sad ber- | Applications will he received by ear the loss of a dear | The Children's Aid Society uf Hal- ton at their office, Bank of Com nent in Wife and mother. = ---- | merce Building, Milton, for a suit ARTICLES FOR SALE abe private home conveniently lo i | cated in the County of Halton, to Hit > Steel Dump Body and hoist. | pe used by the Society as a Rec- i { Blione 131M, Streetsville. | eption Home for the temporary it One Doll's pram, 1 skating ares: | care of children coming into the "Size 14, reasonable. Phone -V | care of the Society. A monthly = 550. 1 == ith songs | retaining fee will be paid, also o i shld "Phone 923-7. daily allowance for each child in i RR © beige camel | Care; cots, bedding, ete. provided. Bromlaigh bo Sox 007, |For Torther particuiars apply to ai ioe 0 Annly BO Bo [he Society ones. i Oakville. Price $15.00. | Cocker spaniel puppies. Regis- i ! tered stock. Make ideal Christmas i ifts. Phone 238. fil ge fast nook fable 30x57" |Mediately with classified adver- i reakfas 2 3 2 and benches with backs, to match. | tisements in the Journal, reveal Phone 390-W. ing the pulling power for those Four antique Sheffield salt-cel- | who advertise in these columns. | lars, $50.00. Phone 1019. Beside Mr, Ken furnaces and ping-pong tables sold almost im- Cocker puppies, McTtggart's i 11 HELP WANTED Girl wanted for clerk-stenog- rapher. Shorthand mot essential, senior matriculant preferred. No. Saturday work. Apply to plant dept. Bell Telephone Co., cn Fri- day, Dec. 19, at 1.30 pm. Social Worker Wanted Applications for a Social Ser- vice Worker will be received by the Children's Aid Society of the County, of Halton, Milton, Ontar- p. Applicants are required to state qualifications, experience, if any, and salary expected. Cashier Stenographer for down- town office in Oakville. Give de- tails of education and experience to Box 100, clo Journal, Keenan's Store. testimonial, a Balsam Drive ad- vertiser tells us that advertising a 8TOUD of items this'year she had more calls than she cared to keep track of, as opposed to a solitary call when the same group was advertised the year before. IRVEN FELL GENERAL INSURANCE Phone 328 SE @ Lovely Dorothy Parker, Canadian-born screen model, assures St. Nicholas a warm visit at Christmas time. SAT A WARM WELCOME ST. NICK WILL GET \ Laas actress, and former welcome when he pays his anagal 97 Children In (Care OF Aid Society The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of The | Children's Aid Society was held in |the Society Office, Milton, on the evening of December 11th, with the president, Mrs. M. E. Nixon, in the chair. Accounts for the month of November amount- ing to $861.82 were passed for payment. Mrs. Nixon, Mrs. Mary S. Pet- tit, Mr. B. D. Mahon and the Superintendent were naried as delegates from the Society to at- tend the Regional Conference to be held in Guelph on January 16th, 1948. On motion, the Board fav. oured an increased Provincial Grant to Children's Aid Socities as financing will bé one of the main topics of discussion at this Conference. Owing to illness, Mrs. Hutt of Acton, who has been operating a Reception Home for the Society, has found it necessary to give up, therefore it was decided to again advertise for a Reception Home conveniently located within the County. As no response had been re- ceived to a former advertisement for a Social Worker, it was de- cided to again advertise in the lo- cal and city papers. In response to a recent appeal, the receipt of $248.00 and several bundles of clothing is gratefully acknowledged. At the end of the month there Were 69 Child Protection cases open, 9 of which were new dur- ing November; and 97 children in the care of the Society; one adop- tion. being completed during the month. Fire Destroys Barn Cattle Are Sold OR November 1, 1947, fire de- stroyed the barns of Leonard V. Smith at Troy, Ontario. He had just purchased the well-known farm of the late W. B. Cleland and had completed the purchase of 100 head of carefully selected Jersey cattle prior to the mishap. As a result of this disastrous fire the cattle had to be sold, Prior to the sale Mr. W. D. Black, Waterdown, housed the cattle in his barns. The 90 head of cattle sold Dec, 4 at a dispersal sale at Hayes stables, Dundas Highway grossed $15,000, the highest price being paid (8735) for the prize bull, Edgeley Double Aim, 114309, Junior and Reserve Grand Champion Canad- jan National Exhibition 1947. This was a short notice sale. Police Court News A three month term in the county jail at Milton was accor. ded James Rutledge by Magis- trate Kenneth Langdon in police court last week. Rutledge char- TEU SPECIAL BRICKS For Yuletide DEVON DAIRY ICE CREAM PRODUCTS BELL CENTRE & SEASON'S SPEC. FRUIT BRICKS, 26c ea (order early) Also regular assortment of brick flavours, Bulk Vanilla, Orange Sherbet Pints, and "Take Home Sundaes" in four flavours. CLARK'S DRUG STORE Opp. Halton Inn. Phone 248 space, unfortunately, Santa Claus To Visit Children's Parties By Meg MacTaggart Despite the grind of Christmas exams, pupils and teachers of the Oakville schools are planning con- certs and parties to mark the fos- tive season. Our survey shows plans for happy festivities of dif: ferent kinds. At Linbrook school this year, Pupils drew names for presents and besides the giving and receiv- ing of gifts; the pupils sing Christ. mas Carols. "We're planning a party just for the children," said | Mr K., McDougall, teacher at Linbrook. "Owing to shortage of no adults will be invited.' The rebuilding of Brartwood school has scattered the pupils to St. John's United church, St. Ju- | de's Anglican church, and Teen | Town Hall. "Most of the classes," principal F. V. Brown said, be having, their tree, concert in: their own these locations." At Central school will have its own tree and present giving. The principal, Conrad Crawford, said "As far as I know it will be much as usual -- the teachers will plan with their own classes." A party will close school for the | Pupils of Westwood school. On i) afternoon of Friday, Dec 19, the school will assemble in the Kinder- garten. Each class will have an item on the program which will consist of recitations, solos, group choruses and Christmas stories. Miss B. May Dennis, principal, said, "We expect that Santa will visit Us in the afternoon." Mothers are invited to the Christmas concert which will be held at Miss Lightbourn's private school this year. The older child. ren will stage Christmas plays and sing carols. At the close of this the kindergarten will demon- strate to their mothers their act- ivities. St. Mary's separate school will hold a Christmas party. Miss Gil- martin, teacher, said, "There will be a visit from Santa Claus later in the day." "will | party and classes at Too Many Permits At the high school area board meeting on Tuesday night Clar- | ence Byers, secretary, reported he had as instructed consulted Chief ! Derry concerning the issuance of | work permits to students. These permits are requested by students wishing to leave school under the legal age limit. Constable Lou Patterson is re- sponsible for the Trafalgar town- ship area and reports to Chief Derry, who recommends the ap- ications of students or turns them down. The secretary ex- plained that Chief Derry is ex- pected to work in close co-opera- tion with the principal. The motion bringing about the checking with the attendance of- ficers came about because princi- pal W. S. Blake felt that too many were being issued, especially in Trfalgar township. : ged with vagrancy, had spent Wednesday night in town jail at his own request. The defendant was suffering from arthritis and requested the magistrate for a Jail term so he could receive medi- cal attention. He had been mak- ing his living selling shoe laces, 1 Know Just How You Feel" "I know because T have been that way myself. ave been 80 chron- ically tired that I Siousht I would never feel well again. However, I found that Dr. Chase's Nerve Food 5001 gave me new pep and energy and put me on my feet." Tired feelings, indigestion and loss of sleep are quickly relieved by Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Ask for the new econ- omy size bottle of ON Fey Nerve Food [B 60 pills--60cts. 180 pills--$1.50 Uni She called in at the nursery school just as the children were en 'ea, and when this picture was taken, the y b wppeared to take more interest in a photo each class | § An incident decurred during the visit of P ss Margaret to tl n of Girls' Schools Social Service Settlement in London recent Sincere Christmas Wishes. To all our customers and friends we extend a Merry Christmas and a bright and Prosper- ous New Year. GEORGE GRAY FUEL AND ICE CO. Dundas St. N. ] Phone 85 by PRINCE MATCHABELLI i A real Yuletide bell that gayly jingles! Inside are three one-dram crowns of Prince Matchabelli perfume -- Duchess of York, Ave Maria and Katherine the Great. There's a smaller-Christmas Bell, too -- holding just cae of any of these perfumes. CHRISTMAS BELL : 4 : (3onedrams) & 3 3 $5.50 CHRISTMAS BELL i (lonedram) : : : $225 BYERS' DRUG CO. Phone 47 3

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