Page ¢ THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, April 20, 1045 including all members of Intermediate Were present at Victoria Sunday afternoon. Following Near Fatality Follows F irst Baseball Practice About 30 baseball enthusiasts, asf champions Park on | practice in fly-chasing and throw- | -- [team were carried out, Player Award Goes Bill Galbraith, centre player on the Dr, Chase's Junior team, ha some of the players retired to in Victoria Shortly after entering the Bill Leslie collapsed and outside by Benny which signalled trouble, other members of the ® in, the shower" room rink rried Languay and a ole. . YOUR CAR YOUR MONEY The best single method of preserv- ing the life of your car and avoiding expensive repairs is regular lubrication -- properly carried out. Start this good y habit today.--drive in for FACTORY SPECIFIED LUBRICATION OAKVILLE MOTORS PHONE 460 Reynolds St. at Colborne Dr. E. P. Soanes was summon- and artificial respiration -ap- plied with the assistance of Bob | ont, president of the club; Chris Speyer, manager; and Doig Wilson, one of the players. Benny Languay, Bill Leslie, Johi Turner and Jim Whitnell were taken to hospital and re- leased after about four hours. The others affected were Bill Galbraith, Norm Carter, Ken Pol- lock and Bob Snowball, who re- covered sufficient to he driven home. It is supposed that one of the gas heaters had been unknowing- ly extinguished, causing the gas to escape. Park Nearly Ready Trafalgar Park, known as the old Oakville Motor Camp, has Deen the scene of great activit this past few days. Grading and levelling work has been in pro- gress and a hardball diamond and ed BILL GALBRAITH ee a softball diamond will soon be|the player award for the 1947-48 in readiness for the minor teams|season. This award is voted b of Oakville. the teammates to the player This added facility will be an|whom they consider to have been asset to the younger sportsmen |the greatest asset to their team of Oakville, who will be given | during the season. even greater opportunity to hold their games and round them into shape for stepping up to add ma- terial to the Juveniles and Inter- Sports Association Elects New Officers mediates. President, F. Turner (acclama- tion); 1st vice-president, B." Me- THURS, FRI., SAT. BACHELOR'S BLISS vs. BOBBY-SOXER'S KISS! gaffin; 2nd vice-president, Wm. Macrae; treasurer, R. Smith (ac- clamation); secretary, D. N. Sto- koe (acclamation). Board of di- rectors: Bud Corbett, Bert Rea- gan, Wm. Terentiak, Pete Taylor, J. Stead, Mickey Forbes, George Hastings, H. Wilson, Kenny Crew, Dr. Deans, ; APRIL 29, 30 - MAY 1 A romantic riot when amorous Shirley and glamorous Myrna chase wary Cary! Letter to the Editor The Editor, Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, The teachers and officers of Knox Church Sunday School de- sire to protest against the at- tempt oh the part of those who are responsible for carrying on organized sport in our town in having ball practice on' Sunday afternoons. We are convinced that there is sufficient time in the evenings and on Saturdays for this' type of ~recreation without encroaching upon the sanctity of the Sabbath. We believe that the Sabbath has been given for a wise pur- MON., TUES. MAY 3.4 TIKERR (rhymes with star) BREENSTREET ADOLPHE MENIOU A A DARONER Plus the ACADEMY AWARD winning short subject "Goodbye, Miss Turlock" pose and there is a tendency these days to let down thé bar- riers which have existed for many years until the day will have lost much of its meaning and signifi- cance. We would plead for the aid of the parents of the boys to sup- port us in this protest. Anna G. Ezard, Rec. Sec. Claude M. Kent, Supt. WED,, THURS. - MAY 5.6 ACADEMY AWARD WINNER To Bill Galbraith hockey. been named winner of Qakville Cricket Club The Oakville Cricket club will play as usual on the Appleby Col- lege ground this summer. The club was asked to join the Toron- to and District Council, but it was decided unanimously to continue the "friendly" games. This year the Toronto and District Council will have 18 teams playing and special arrangements have been made to coach boys on five differ- ent grounds. Oakville also is issuing an invitation to boys in- terested in cricket to practice at the nets. Practice nights will be on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday at the high school grounds and two nets will be used one of which will be partly for the boys, who will be coached by ex- perienced cricketers. The date for commencing practices will de- pend on the weather and an an- nouncement will be made later. The club is anxious to hear of who have come to the recently and they are asked to get in touch with Mr. H. Boorer, Thomas Street, or Mr. H. Wiffen, Church Street, as soon as possible. The question of having two teams will not be decided until a later date, when it is known what will be the player strength. The annual subscrpition has been raised to the old rate of $5 and members are asked to send these dues to Mr, H. Wiffen, Church Street, if possible before the season opens. This year the club intends to enter for the county cup which it has not done for many years. On the 24th of May a special practice game will be played in which as many "old timers" as possible are invited to take part. A special invitation is given to spectators. A request to the sec- retary, Mr. Boorer, or any mem- ber of the club, will ensure a tele phone call before any home game, to anyone who is interested in watching. Dr. Murray Deans (Continued from Page 1) the convention, Wilsie Robinson, K.C., outlined the service which the nominee had rendered during his terms of office as mayor Of Oakville. "When he gave up the mayor's office--and he could have been elected again if he had so wished--he left a record be- hind which: stands out for its ex- cellence," he said. While not born in Halton county, Dr. Deans had been a resident for many years. Serving in the first World War. in the dental corps, he was placed in charge of the Guelph re-estab- lishment hospital following the peace, he said, "I feel that in placing Dr. Dean's name before this convention, I am making available a man who will make his presence felt," he concluded. J. M. Wallace seconded the nomination. "I feel Dr. Deans is 2 fitting person for the job" he said. "Mentally and physically he ought to fill the chair. Cer- tainly if Drew is in the house, Dr. Deans will take a few good raps at him. Also nominated were Thomas Blakelock and Murray McPhail. Both withdrew their names and heartily endorsed Dr. Deans. "The people of Halton county. made a tremendous mistake in the last election," Thomas Blake- lock, former M.P, for Halton coun- ty, said. "You get what you pay Ho-Hum! It is SPRING again and most of us are be- ginning to experience that familiar tiredness and Jack of ambition which seem to be so. pre= valent at this time of year. A spring tonic will of- ten-do wonders for those afflicted with this "mal- ady." Visit DUNN' S DRUG STORE and talk it over with your drug- gist. He will be glad to recommend a reliable tonic for you. J. Arthur Rank Presents Ee = \ "SILVER WEDDING Horner's ' ANNIVERSARY" Maltlevol ... ..... 2.00 An outstanding film recora of|| Wampoles the lives 'of King George VI and || Phospho Lecithin .. 1.00 Queen Elizabeth, All the page-|| Waterbury's antry historic events--ana in-|| Compound ....... 1.00 timate family gatherings, = It's Fellow's. the short subject of the.year. Syrup .. 89¢, 1.39 FLOWN DIRECT FROM BRI- TAIN TO OAKVILLE IN OAKVILLE IT'S . DUNN'S FOR DISPENSING J. R. Dunn, Phm.B. Phone 650 for in this world--and 'what you vote for. T fail to see one thing. your present member has ever done for Halton county. I have no desire whatsoever to allow my name to stand, knowing as I do that we have a man who is going. to carry the Liberals to victory." Contending- the Drew govern- ment had accomplished none of the 22 points promised at the last election, Mr. Blakelock, himself a builder, said, "Not a house; not a stick, not a dollar has Drew pro- vided: to build: homes." Mentioning two things which he considered all should know, Mr. Blakelock stated that Dr. Deans immediately granted Oakville town employees holidays when he discovered that prior to his be- coming mayor no holidays had been given them. "And when he was tendered a testimonial ban- quet on his retirement, he said there was one thing which disap- pointed him about the banquet," he continued, "And that was that there were not more working men present. So the next week he tendered a banquet at his own expense to those people who had been associated with him. Murray McPhail also expressed his belief that Dr. Deans was the man to carry the Liberals to vis- tory in the county, A young far- mer, he stressed the fact that On- tario, (of all provinces, should be the last to fight with the Domin- fon government as it had been gy, recipient of so much federa) bene. fit "Of the $95,000,000 frei assistance paid by the fedory government, 87 per cenit went (, our province," he stated, "oy, five thousand dollars of subg were paid on feed grains from (),, west which we planted on farms." : "The Liberal party is desery. ing of having outstanding pe, stand for election" said Farg,. har Oliver, Liberal leader, "yo, will hear people say, 'Where j Oliver going to get men of cap. net rank to form a governmen if he is elected? I say that 1 gy, not one whit afraid when the, are men like the man you. hay, picked tonight to choose from, 1. Deans and men of his calibre gr, the men who I shall choose to the various portfolios:" Edward Mahon, president Hg. ton county Liberal association, presided. Hughes Cleaver, M.p, spoke briefly and presented the report of the executive appoint. ing the meeting. our AT 7 All those interested in playing Softball are requested to be present. ® Softball Practice Tuesday Evening, May 4th P.M. 102 Colborne Street RING PHONE 1368 Are You Ready for the OPENING DATE? Sport Cycle --- - Oakville # Annual Hockey Banquet : Victoria Hall Monday; May 3rd at 6:30 p.m. PLAYERS FROM PEE-WEE, MIDGET, JUVENILE AND JUNIOR TEAMS INVITED, * GUEST SPEAKER ED. JOLLIFFE LEADER ONTARIO C.C:F. Ww. BE. The Halfton: C. C.F. Association NOMINATION MEETING For the purpose of nominating a candidate for the coming Provincial Election, will be held in : PRINCESS THEATRE, MILTON Wednesday, May 5th at 8:45 D.S.T. ; ADAMSON; President. LT