"June Bride." 'Warners. Turtle") P aughter has cut her first two teeth, front ones; Bulletin No. 2--Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Kennedy are expecting in November; Bulletin No. 3 The have made Humphrey Bogarts reservations, Cedars of maternity Lebanon, for January. They hoping it'll be the new "Look Bulletin No. 4--An S-pound, ounce boy born to the Charles | Vidors. She's the daughter of Harry M. Warner; Bulletin No. 5 --Short subject, now filming at ) the valley studio, features the world's youngest archer, 5-year- old Melvin Beebe. The tot is a junior Robin Hood, no kidding. Opus will be titled "The Big Bad |p Hunter" . . . Dennis O'Keefe's at home with a severe attack of lar- yugitis. . . . Cinemalande calling this stellar progr Patricia' Neal famed young |, Broadway actress under contract to Warners, made her screen de- but in "John Loves Mary," with | Ronald Reagan, 6 17, Jack Car |g son, § 17, and Wayne Morr 5 27. In her next, "The Four head," she'll be opposite Gary are 5 i fon: | hi Cooper, Who's 6 3". . . . Lionel |p. Hypnotism - and - Mesmerism By C. S. Cooper CHAPTER V At this point, may I briefly tell you that pain can be removed by talking to a person during the natural sleep. OF course, it is not widely known, but it is a sei- entific fact that chronic ailments and bad habits have been abso- utely cured during the natural sleep. For instance, take a case of enuresis, or bed-wetting, in a child. It is remarkable how quickly the child can be cured. Parents should be strongly in- structed in this branch of hypno- tism, so that they may be able 0 break bad habits, correct aults, and cure aches or pains in heir children without them ything about it. ounding how the art f hypnotism benefits the health. t is as beneficial in its curative ffects upon others as it is help- ful and consoling to the operator' imself. Tt is a sublime conscious- which comes to a man who ("Key Largo") Barrymore takes js vested with the power of trans- this opportunity to deny, posi- THE OARVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, July 22, 1949 mitting a healing thought to the afflicted, as well as the moulding of those about him through the medium of his words, Hypnotism stands without paraffel; the hypnotic influence as a curative agent is wonder- fully simple in its application, and tremendously effective in its results, The person who under- stands hypnotism can be of un- told benefit to his suffering friends and neighbors. It is more subtle in its influence than drugs, and permeates every part of the physical life of the patient. There is no objection so weal, and void of sense, as that which accuses suggestive therapeutics of not making absolute and durable cures, In the first place, sugges- tion may be employed to relieve many attending symptoms of acute or chronic pain, for which ordinary drugs would have to he prescribed. I will also state that no abso- lute cures are effected in cases of chronic diseases by the use of drugs, because the patient's pow- er of resistance is decreased by their use, whereas with the sug- gestive treatment it is increased. At the end of the course of treat. ment by suggestion, the strength of will of the patient is so exalt- ed that he is securely fortified against future attacks of his old condition. All you have to do is to put the patient into a sound hypnotic sleep, and then by sug- gestion you can bring about the cure. Although only one treat- ment may be necessary to effect a cure, in some cases several treatments may be necessary. But a decided improvement will be noticed from the start, and a permanent cure be ultimately ef- fected. Judging from the fore- going facts, any patient suffer- ing a functional or nervous dis- ease or habit, may place himself Bass Rise To Lures Of Local Anglers Members of the town's angling fraternity need no longer journey: to northern lakes and streams to enjoy the incomparable thrill of hooking a fighting bass, accord- ing to Ron Winsom, himself an ardent Isaak Walton follower. "Right here in Sixteen Mile Creek are some of the fightingest bass any fisherman could wish to match wits with," Ron reported this week. "Just a short distance north" of town, Jim Hyatt, Art Pierce and I managed to hook a dozen or more beauties ranging between two and three pounds, and we threw back several under the 12-inch mark. There are some pike up there, too." Producing photographic evi dence to support his statement, he further disclosed that Halton bass aren't too choosy where bait is concerned. "We used plugs, June bug spinners and worms, and they rose to them all" he said. Incidentally, Ron claims that "Water Dry," the new moisture repellant for clothing recently featured in Life magazine, is all that the makers claim it to be in protecting the all-weather sports- man from a drenching during an unexpected shower. "I've tried it, and it works like a charm," he declared. or herself into the hands of an operator of suggestive hypnotism with every assurance that the needs of his case will be well handled. Yet the patient suffer- ing from a mental cause may ex- pect to have such remedied, as well may that ome ill from physical cause expect propet treatment of the same. (To be continued.) "We're adding more Long Distance lines all the time" LoNG DISTANCE lines are busier than ever and the number of calls is still increasing. Though some calls are delayed, most are put through "while you hold the line". We are adding more cables and switchboards just as fast as possible to make Long Distance service even speedier. These additions, plus unseen technical im- provements, are part of our continuing program to provide the best telephone service at thé lowest possible cost. COMPANY. OF CANADA tively, the constant reports that he raises razor-back hogs on his Chatsworth rancho. "Got nothin' agin' hogs," he said, "razorbacks or any other kind. But the fact remains that I have no hogs at all, not any! I etch, and I paint, and I dabble in flowers. But pigs? No!" . . . Joel McCrea, Frances Dee and their two sons are fish- ing in the High Sierras. . . . Odd coincidence: An actress named June McBride is portraying a bridesmaid in Warner Bros' Nothing Succeeds Like Success Nothing succeeds like success, particularly in Cinemaland. Since making his screen debut in Warner Bros! recently re- leased drama, "The Big Punch" young Gordon MacRae, radio singer, has been revelling, literal- ly, in the finer things of life. In one three-week stretch of good fortune he consumated a "fat" deal for the continuation of his Texaco air show; tripled his production of recordings; obtain- ed a shiny new auto; bought a 10-room mansion, with swimmin' pool, in San Fernando valley; ac- quired a highly prized member- ship in the Lakeside Golf club, where he can frolic at pasture pool with fellows like Bing Cros- by and Bob Hope, and was award- ed a starring role opposite June Haver in Warner Bros. forth- coming life story of Marilyn Miller, "Look for the Silver Lin- ing." "As a radio singer," sighed MacRae, happily, "I collected nothing but travel sores and a bank account." Tragedy of the Weel By mistake, misunderstanding or something, the Warner Bros.' wardrobe department dressed pert Dona Drake in one of those abbreviated new-style nightgowns for a boudoir sequence in "The Girl from Jones Beach." But a top executive, chancing by, or- dered her never to get out of bed. Guest of the Week If Mr. Lachlan McArthur will present himself at the box office of the new Century Theatre any night next week, he and another guest will be admitted free as guests of The Journal. DEERHAVEN . KENNELS (Reg'd) (B. K. Snider) A HOME for your Dog while you are away WASHING - WORMING GROOMING - DEFLEAING CONDITIONING UPPER MIDDLE ROAD Oakville - Tele. 457-Ji JULY 26-27-28 Remember : When You Taste Our Cooking It's Just Like Mama Always Gave You! Hotel New Murray Dining Room FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE MR. GOULD - 542 NAVY STREET S. Mama