THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL spending the two weeks' v. FON t Tickets a draw to be held by the Oakville Bowling club on Monday, Aug. 2, An addition to the had proven fruitless, Tim Kennish, Charles Rumsey, fleet arrived on Sunday when John Heddle, Tyke Windeler and Doug and Bill Russell sailed their Miss Kate Reid, who has heen [David and Trevor Smith are go- new 18-ft. 'sloop out from Tor-|studying drama at the Niagara |ing to Sherwood Forest camp on ¥ 3 Sato. Playhouse, Niagara-on-the-Lake, | Monday. ) | i LEE will star in their production, SIT HE Mrs, R. A. Christianson, of [Claudia, to be staged Thursday,| Mr. and Mrs. A. Morgan spent | { Hamilton, with her two children, | [Friday and Saturday of this week. [the week-end at their cottage at . i Patricia and Peter, are visiting _. |Caesarea. at the home of the late Dr. Chris-| Twenty-two ladies attended the hed tianson's brother, William D,|Oakville Golf club luncheon on| Mr. and Mrs. M. Auden have Christianson, Jr, Douglas Ave, |Kriday, after which the pro, Les- left for a holiday in Muskoka. Fe lie Louth, gave a talk on the short 4 Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McIntyre, | approach. Winners of the two-| MT. and Mrs. C. Windeler are 5120 formerly of St. Catharines, have [ball foursome held in the after- [leaving Friday, by plane, for a 1 taken up residence on Douglas|noon, were: Low gross, Mrs. |Month in Newfoundland. ] i Ave. Mr. McIntyre is a member | Garth MacDonald, Mrs. Cam Hill- i of the personnel staff of the John i i Inglis Co. : i i i cere | Mr. and Mrs. Noel Eaton return i on Saturday from Lorraine, North | dri Bay, where they have been spend- | Dr. and Mrs. G. Knowles at their | With the care and feeding of ani- ing two weeks. cottage at Georgian Bay. mals during the summer months. THURS, FRI., SAT. I =" EVERY WORD i | OF THIS Call Northside Is You were seei Page 2 Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Bight Hamilton people, includ- in Haliburton. two hours Sunday re now on sale for the pleasure craft in which they were the date set for the tournament |fire department, and a fishing |Balsam Drive, left yesterday with played with Milton, Port Credit |boat operated by, Fire Chief Free- | their family for Chesley, where and Streetsville for the Archibald | man towed the disabled |they will participate in the an- trophy. craft ashore. A strong offshore [nual Bruce county reunion. Saat breeze was drifting the boat rap- 2s Mr, and Mrs. Duff Pullen left [idly into the lake at the time| Miss Dorothy Maybee entertain- on Saturday to spend their vaca- | the hing boat appeared on the (ed at tea Friday afternoon. tion in Georgian Bay. scene, reported Owner Fred Oakville | anchor mer, ley, Mrs. Ken Streiler. ~ PERSONAL ROTICES £5,000 REWARD mation on killers of Officer By P- m. Ask for Tillie Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Reid, of Hove and London, England, with their son Robert, are staying. With Mr. and Mrs. Monty Mac- rae. During the war 1475 serv- ice personnel signed the guest re- gister at the Reids' home in Eng- land, of which 400 were Cana- dians, many from Oakville, n 8. r-old girl, drifted for afternoon when he the 86-foot motor failed in "ui: Shore residents near Bronte, notified the Ave., Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Dovenor, who stated attempts to| Stephen Irwin, Hugh Sutton, The third meeting in the sum- mer series, "Of Interest to Wo- men," sponsored by Oakville Arts and Crafts, featured an address by Mrs. George Cairns, who dealt and low net, Mrs, E. J. Far- FE Mr. and Mrs. Harry Macken- ick have returned after visiting Mrs. Cairns had much informa- tion and direction to offer, and her remarks stimulated an ani- mated discussion concerning pets. The next meeting in the series, held in the Barn, will present Mr. J. Burros, whose subject will be "The Care of the Hair." PE Dr. and Mrs. R. N. McBain and daughter, Judy, spent a few days with Dr. McBain's mother, Mrs. J. C. McBain, Douglas Ave. Mrs. McBain returned with her son's family to Chicago, where she will spend two weeks enjoying a vaca- JULY 29 - 30 31 7 with infor-| gency appendicitis operation. saga Beach. wa xa Mrs. Mary Adelaide mother of Edgar Ogilvie, of Oalk- ville, died July 22nd, in Victoria, C EET Miss Nancy Lightbourn has left for an extended vacation in the Georgian Bay area. Xow Mr. and Mrs. Jack Relffenstein are enjoying a holiday in the Georgian Bay district. Mrs. Archie Grant and son Brian have returned to Oakville, after a month's vacation at Feath- erstone's Point, Lake Erie. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Parnaby. and daughter, Shirley, left on Saturday for a two weeks' trip to Washington and the New Eng- land States. Hows Lt.-Col. F. H. Chisholm and Mrs. Chisholm visited their sons, Jock and Dick, at Pioneer camp, near Huntsville, over the week- end. EE Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Kilty, daugh- ter Marjorie, of Welland, visited Mrs. Kilty's sister, Mrs. Fell, then went on Harbour to visit Mr. and Mus. Herbert Merry. Irven Miss Jean Caven went into hos- pital on Saturday for an emer- Ted Currie leaves on Sunday to spend a weeks vacation at Wa- Ogilvie, to Victoria | "Tuesday night's rain was a good rain around here," said Clif- ford Post, 8th Line. "We were lucky as we escaped any hail" Stating he had talked to farmers from Cooksville and Port Credit when he took raspberries to mar- ket Wednesday morning, he in- formed The Journal there had been a lot of damage in those areas. "The hail came down the size of cherries and their apples are badly pock-marked." He said he had heard Clarkson had also escaped serious damage. A free-hitting contest Brampton Combines, 'Which tually saw them reluctant cept the short end of a 16. dropped Oakville girl back into a first-place tio Port Credit last Friday nigh, ing: of the group leaders af p, Park Friday night shapes ,, the most important tig of Arthur Heaven is enjoying a brief vacation aboard his motor- boat. Season to date. +a ww The Misses Ann and Phyl = Angelis, from Phi are visiting their sister, -- Frank Stansbury, Queen Elizabeth Way, for two weeks. wr wowx On Sunday last, St. Chrisoph- er's Day, Rev. Father B. A. Har- ris blessed some 20 motor vehicles following mass at St. Andrew's Roman Catholic church. Among Brampton tonight to sider ar for provincial competition, KENNELS (Reg'd) condition of Mrs. C. V. Hillmer, who has been very ill in hospital in Hamilton, reported night by Mayor Hillmer. won oxow WASHING - was last CONDITIONING Mr. and Mrs, Bert Keenan are vacationing in Michigan. Oakville - Tele. 457 Thursday, July 2, 0 Expect Tight Contes As Oaks Meet Pory Againy b 14 el SOfthally, Witt a result, the final scheduleq a i bo League executives will me APproyf Plans for group play-offs ang gy, furthgl see SE DEERHAVEN| the cars were those of several (B. K. Snider) American visitors. A HOME for your Dog Marked improvement in the while you are away WORMING| GROOMING - DEFLEAIN| q Gi UPPER MIDDLE ROAD ing this ad for the tion. a ; "x first time .... would you suspect-- Mr. and Mrs. Ken Chisholm. that behind it was one of the leave on Saturday for North Bay, great, true human dramas of today? A story of a free press and free men fighting alone for justice. Now it climaxes 20th Century-Fox's filmed-from-life technique of "The House on 92nd where they wil spend 10 days. Monday to spend 10 days at the Scout camp in Haliburton. Oakville Sea SH left on ox oko x Katherine Tyrrell of Agincourt Street and "Boomerang!" ** RICHARD CONTE - LEE J. COBB - HEL | ITT WER /74 spent the week-end with Pinky. Reiffenstein. PE Oakville Scouts and Cubs re- quest that all paper be saved for their fall drive. rox x The Roy Irwins are leaving on a motor trip through the Marti- times and Gaspe. Hitec OUR MECHANICAL TESTING EQUIPMENT WILL CHECK a 3 | on : so LCI LET FE SE eR ot HEE REE BR YOUR WHEELS AT SPEEDS UP TO 80 M.P.H. Pontiac - 0 CERRO Re Eo RS Bot Bo Bo BSE RE ae Four of a Kind WHEN THEY ARE BALANCED WHEELS MEAN WINNING WEAR FOR THE LIFE OF YOUR TIRES Give your car a front-end ALIGNMENT CHECK Axles Straightened Wheels' Balanced hcox Motor Sales Buick - G.M.C. Trucks 345 - PHONES - 55 THURS. FRI., SAT. EN WALKER MON., TUES., WED. How iS the SNE THE You'll say it's GREAT, 100, when you see these great stars kis ing and clinching in their happiest, scrap- Piest romance together! ANGELA ADOLPHE LANSBURY - MENJOU - STONE METRO GOLDWYN MAYER and LIBERTY. FILMS presat AUG. 2 - 3-4 5 GREAT ' o re Ws men ha0 10 NON Smoke If You Wish i in the Loges - FREE PARKING JULY 29 - 30 - 31 A ou Ll a Som Sead yo Hr TUES., WED. * AUG. 2 - 3-4 who lille the Wolf on er doors, stop? COLUMBIA PICTURES présents with Adele Jergens Jim Bannon Leslie Brooks make friends with you! 1 Real E 139" C Bz kville 1 ( Aftern Even x hurch Teleph ANTIQL Py