2, 1943 -- Let thy hildrep Whoop. ble Bisday, September 2, 1948 Z ARC 0CE0EITEI CET SEER "THE READING BU OF ALL TIME! v1 AFHTIT, fi WP 141 rE The Oakville-Trafalgar J Fiction > ournal $10.25 Value for Stairway to the Stars--By Dorothy Dumbrille ........... $1.00 Retail The Wild Flag--By E. B. White 2.00 Retail | Love Miss Tilli Bean--By llka Chase 2.50 Retail Antioch Actress--By J. R. Perkins ...................... 2.75 Retail 1 Year Subscription to This Paper ..............c....... 2.00 Retail r $10.25 Retail # Four Books pictured above at this amazing combined price. 1 NON-FICTION FICTION NON-FICTION $2.98 } Yes, with your One Year Subscription to THE JOURNAL, you will also receive the | THESE ARE BOOKS EVERYONE WILL WANT FICTION The Wild Flag I Love Miss Till Bean Stairway to the Stars By Dorothy Dumbrille "Miss Dorothy Dumbrille is one of the new voices of Canada in whom I have faith, and for whom I predict worth- while achievement. Miss Dumbrille has a keen feeling 'for le mot juste, a fine sense of rhythm, and a humanitarian outlook on life which she expresses in lines that linger, in phrases that stir the imagination , . . she deals in a sim- ple and very moving manner with the elemental emotion aroused in family life . . . and I do not think any of our contemporary writers can excel her in this sort of verse. At is because it is simple and goes straight to her heart, and yet is devoid of mere sentimental- ity that it possesses such a potent appeal "'--S, Morgan-Powell, Editor-in- Chief, Montreal Dally Star. By E. B. White This book is living proof that it is possible to be wise without being sol- emn, During recent years, the editorial page of The New Yorker has devoted an increasing amount of space to com- ment on world government. Though unsigned, these pieces have had an un- mistakable tone of voice. They have been listened to and discussed. They have been torn out and preserved. They have come to be generally considered the best writing that is being done on the most crucial topic in the world. The topic is world government and the author is, of course, E. B. White, The i1d flag of the title is the blue flag or iris, which, Mr. White says, 'grows everywhere in the world, does not lend itself to frantic waving or national ex- ploitation." By Ilka Chase Author of Tn Bed We Ory and Past Imperfect, Tika Chase was born in New York and lives there today, She is well known to theatre goers, her first Broadway appearance being in The Falcon. Between that item and her long and suce The Women, she appeared In dozen New York productions and man- aged to get to Hollywood to make sev- eral motion pictures, With an frresat- able, subtle wit so characteristic of all her writing, Miss Chase creates in Till Bean, an incurably romantic Quaker widow, a character the reader will long recall with affectionate chuckles, inconspicuous aful run in some Antloch Actress By J. R, Perkins Set in the Syrian city of Antioch early in the second century, this powerful tals exploits the ageold conflict between the Church and the Theatre, There could be no peace between the two inatitu- tions, for the Church stood for the froe- dom and sanctity of the individual, from which democracy springs, and already the Stage was the mouthpoace of Cuenarium, advocating the ruthless sup- pression essential to military dictator ship. Dr. Perkins distains most of the tricks of sophisticated modern novels fits, writes simply and straightforwird- ly. He knows how to create an illusion, and achieves o high quality of render interest, He Is also the aithor of the best selling novel, The Emperor's Physlclan, MAIL THIS COUPON WITH CHEQUE or pL MONEY ORDER FOR $2.98 FOR A YEAR'S READING PLEASURE .. . «The Journal" -- AND -- Four additions to your Library Shelves or Four Gifts for Any Occasion Ener gaer ner Ince ace 3300S CERES ELEN EARL NES SERTEIE Oakvil NAME ADDRESS TOWN rafulgar Publishers Ltd. 100 Colborne St., Oukville, Ont. Enclosed please find $2.98 for your great Reading Offer, Subscriber's Nome and Address (Plense Print) Books will be mailed within two weeks, AA IA A A A AINA AN IAARIATNA =X AACE AE SAE SAE SAE INE ICE PAE IEE ICI. =X RAINSA NIA