Thursday, Sept. 16, 1948 To EX THE Oxy DURNAL. 7 oe 305 HCE TCR EEE OOICHO SE CE SOCIO EE S0C00t ep ll EE EE TE EE 0 OTE 30 Ro CE AO CE CEASE 10 HE HEB OCEEER WE INITE YOU Thursday, Sept. 16, 1948 | WELCOME ond The x 2 The Fair TRIAL I FRIOAY SEPTEMB Where you will see on exhibition the Products of the Industries of Oakville. Ws and neighbours are associated with us in the manufacture of these products. bir efforts and skill, combined with our facilities, this production is possible. Jh & 18h SATORDAY will be particularly interested in our exhibits for this reason . . . your friends The sale of our products is reflected in the well-being of our community. H be said - - - we are all vitally interested in these, | ey created by this production is spent among our merchants. Truly it may of the hands, brains and machines of Oakville. Dr. A. W. (ki H. J. Downey Elsley's Froste Air Coils Manufacturing Co., Limited Atlantic Manufacturing Co. Arlyn Products Arnold Banfield & Co., Limited Barringham Rubber & Plastics Ltd. British American Oil Co., Limited Canadian Charts & Supplies Ltd. Chestnut Poultry Ranch Ferro Enamels General Stamp! Glassco Limite Hillmers Fue! § Jas. R. Kenda Dominion Potteries Ltd. Langmuir Pai th The Industrial Exhibition is Sponsored by RADIO BROADCASTS - REFRESHMENTS - VICTORIA PARK es Sr re -- n ; i 0, Limited Oakville Basket Co., Limited S$. W. Savage Sheet Metal Works Stor-Aid of Canada Ltd. Companies United-Carr Fastener Co. of Canada Ltd. Fil Venetian Blind Laundry & Mfg. Co. Co. Weatherstone Windows Ltd. J.A. Wotherspoon i Son Lid. ille Chamber of Commerce Industrial DMISSION FREE - SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS AND FEATURES 0 0 oR 000 CR EEOC CE RCE SEO ERE EOE HERE TE REE Section