las sifie THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL A NATION'S HEALTH IS A NATION'S WEALTH 3 B. of M. Low-Cost Loans For Medical Expenses "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure'--so runs KEEP Speedy Results - week to forward copy issue, advertisements The Journal will be acc borne St. Want ads may also be left at the office, AN EYE ON JOURNAL WANT ADS For Outstanding Opportunities Phone 1298 In order that advertisers may have ample time each for insertion in the current for the classified section of epted up to V noon. the proverb. And sometimes that ounce of prevention can be inter- preted to mean early medical treatment before serious trouble develops. In such cases, borrow- ing to pay necessary medical ex- penses can be good business. And the lack of ready cash need not interfere with your health plans. The Bank of Montreal's Personal Loan Plan has helped thousands of Canadians with steady incomes to meet the daily emergencies of life. The B. of M. 100 Col- r purpose to those in a is glad to lend money for any position to repay. The low cost of this personal financing will surprise you--only Ee ---- Please Report Promptly LOST OR FOUND ANIMALS to Cakville Humane Society PHON Lost and Injured Animals Humanely Treated --_---- ANNOUNCEMENT AN The Women's Association of St. John's Church will hold a rum- sale on Saturday afternoon, mage October The Women's As: 23, at 2 o'clock in afternoon, in the Lusk Hall PERS -_ Mothers, Fathers, take time off Baby sitter available Box 218, Oakville-Trafalgar Journal. 35-p- alterations, good work at reasonable Phone Mrs. Brooks, Bronte p-45-47 together. days, evenings, week-ends. DRESSMAKING, etc; rates. 76-J. FOR SALE 10-25 POUND turkeys for your dinner; 65¢ per Ib. choice, Order th 46c46 n of St. John's United Church intend hold- ing their annual bazaar on Friday Dec. 3, from 3 to 5 43-c- fresh Thanksgiving now. Chestnut Poultry Ranch, 1152-W. 62-1c-45-46 SS HELP WANTED WOMAN to clean one day 25-p-46 immediately Typist clerk, preferably experienced. Ap- qualifications, ete, to Box 220, Oakville-Trafal- lc-46 also waitress for part-time work Wed- Ap- 25:p-10 YOUNG WOMEN for light fac- tory work. Atlantic Manufactur- FEMALE week. Phone 630. ~ WANTED ply stating age, gar Journal. Waitress for day work nesday and Saturday night. ply Modern Cafe. 2! e|ing Co. Forsyth St, Oakville. OPERATORS --In-- BRONTE Full Pay While Learning Regular Wage Increases No Previous Experience Necessary VACATION WITH PAY 5-DAY WEEK Age 16 to 25 Years Two Years' High School Education Required APPLY IN PERSON 30 46 46 ~to-- CHIEF OPERATOR ih he BELL TELEPHONE CO. of Canada BRONTE 25-t-46 TELEPHONE 27c a month for a $100 loan, re- payable in 12 monthly instal- ments.. You can borrow less or more for longer or shorter per- iods, at the same proportionate rate--equal to 6 per cent per an- num. And there are no extra charges. a Mr. Otton, local manager of the B. of M, or the accountant, Mr. Short, will be glad to discuss your plans' and financial requirements with you at your convenience-- all in strict confidence, of course. 1c-46 Retailers Join Industry (Continued from Page 1) cut in our wage rates, although we work 315 hours less per man per week. We are eager to co- operate, but we feel that, after all these years of Wednesday af- ternoon closing, shutting up on Thursday would entail too great a loss of business." Reeve Philip Chambres contend- ed the domestic users were the "worst offenders' in wasting power. "The best way would be to pull the switches on the homes a few times. They'll soon cut down." "Pulling switches just makes people mad. We must do a sell- ing job, make them saving cons- cious," replied Councillor Milne. Chairman Hillmer ~~ Lofquist agreed with Councillor Robert Hunter's suggestion that street lights be staggered wherever pos- sible. ee BL TICE NOTICE is hereby given that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife, Bs- telle Bernedette Gray, either in my name or otherwise, nor will T be responsible for her mainten- ance and support on and after this date. Dated at Hamilton this 24th day of September, A.D. 1948. George David Gray Oakville House, Oakville, Ont. APPLY 4 - 6 P.M. Wanted JUNIOR FOR ACCOUNTANT"S OFFICE -- Also -- PART-TIME EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER C. L. Oliver Above Black's Store PHONE 1268 1934 PONTIAC deluxe sedan; HELP WANTED perfect condition. 47 Randall St., 44-48 P or phone 351-W. UPHOLSTERING or drape ma- i shade. A 50-p-44-46 in warm brown best cash six. 25-p-46 cloth ~ 31 BUICK coupe; offer. Phone 965-R after TWO GIRLS winter coats, fur trimmed; Phone 1130-W. ployment. Apply at Motor Sales, Colborne St., vill 5. and spray gun operators; young men willing. to learn. syth St. Oakville. WANTED Service station at- tendant; good wages, steady em- Hitehcox Oak- 46 PERIENCED _ woodworkers also At- lantic Manufacturing Co,, For- 746 FORD tudor, super deluxe, = in excellent condition; complete tune-up, brakes re-line new battery, two new tires, spol less inside and out. after 7. just had Phone 599-] 50-p-46 WANTED d, t- * | with house, Box 221, WANTED. d-hand 35-t£-46 NAVY pensioner wants acreage Oakville- W. J. Beatty, The Annual Meeting Of the Progressive Conservative Association OF THE COUNTY OF HALTON Will be held in the TOWN HALL, MILTON --on-- TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 12TH At 8:15 O'clock Speaker: Mr. Carl E. Desmond, M.P. for Kent - EVERYBODY WELCOME - Thursday, October 7 REPLACE THAT "WORN-OUT" ENGINE WITH A CHRYSLER METHOD REMANUFACTURED ENGINE Why bother with half-measures such as valve grinds, re-bores etc. when you can get real new-engine performance with a Chrysler Method Remanu- factured Engine. The Chrysler Method features precision engineering which ensures longer life and lower maintenance costs. Every Chrysler Method Remanufactured Engine is tested and guaranteed to give new-engine performance. Come in to-day and let us show you how to cut your repair bills by installing a Chrysler Method Remanufactured Engine in your Chrysler-built vehicle. Don't Repair... REPLACE! 1948 -- L. D. Dingle, K. C., Secretary. Hedleigh Home Limited The Home of Chrysler - Plymouth Service Dundas Street N. Oakvi PHONE 1063 - EVENINGS 887-J lle BROODER HOUSE, well con- also poultry compartments. Will sell separately or complete, 30-p-46 coat, structed, on skids; battery with 24 Phone 599-R. LADY'S BLACK cloth silver fox collar, fully interline size 16. Phone 1183-J. 46. or is an "41 FORD super deluxe sedan, all equi This or reasonably priced. Box 218, ville-Trafalgar Journal. TRANSPORTATION from the Lorne Rd. on d.|urst and Glencairn. than 6:45 am, p.m. Phone Port Credit 4350. Not radio; Oak- 25p46 wanted -- Young man wishes transportation Queen Elizabeth or Lakeshore to Bath- later return at 5:30 55-c-46 - opportunity to buy a car that has had an easy life and is conse- quently in Phone 779-R. perfect conditiol 65c-46 TENDERS n.| Tenders called on FOR RENT FURNISHED room, people without board and room. Nort} WANTED TO RENT _ children; FLAT, APARTMENT or other suitable quarters, furnished or un- ¥¢ wi- 50-p-44-46 furnished, wanted by young dow. Phone 1178-J. TELEPHONE OPERATORS --In-- OAKVILLE Full Pay While Learning Regular Wage Increases No Previous Experience Necessary VACATION WITH PAY 5-DAY WEEK Age 16 to 25 Years Two Years' Bducation Required APPLY IN PERSON --to-- CHIEF OPERATOR he BELL TELEPHONE CO. of Canada OAKVILLE suit two also 21 Forsyth St. 5 4 High School steel boiler. fire rating 4,503 feet. 7112 noon, October 18th, 1948 signed. S. A. Featherstone, Clerk, Trafalgar P.O. WALSH FOR OAKVILLE "The Man With the Choice" PHONE 1307 $3,500.00--Dundas Highway 5 - Roomed Brick Cottage standing on acre of ground. G. ALBERT WALSH Real Estate Broker Phone 1307 Office open evenings above Bargains and many others. Priced Right. an oil burner for No. 4213 Oakwood Net mechanical Addi- tional base if necessary. Ten- ders will be received up until at the office of the under- Township of Trafalgar, Corner Colborne & Reynolds Sts. Insul V2 to show Ald UL ATHIINLY a TT WA NTED Automobile Mechanic WITH CERTIFICATE MUST BE FIRST-CLASS MAN --Apply-- W. WILTON HEDLEIGH HOME LTD. 459 DUNDAS STREET N. [7 AE fel pra ) V7 While We Still Fave Some Bool Sets T.eft 1 Year Subscription to The Journal And These 4 Valuable Books for the Combined Price of This" Mail Your Name and Address With Cheque or Money Order For 1 Year Subscription
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