Je a THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, Noy, 4 b ly PEOPLE and EVENTS The regular monthly meeting: of the White Oak Chapter IODE will be held today at Teen Town Ld SNAP THAT SWITCH aw x x x wow = Miss Patricia Ellen Smith, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Smith, Linbrook Road, is being married early in December to Joseph Car- ollo, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Car- ollo, of Detroit. 2s re wl EE * PREVENT CUT-OFFS * Te a War Mr. and Mrs. E. T. C. Burke had as their guests last week-end Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wyant of London, Ontario, who are leaving. Canada in the near future to take up residence in South Africa. » Co-0PRRATION. counts * 3: land Me Wells en- tertained for all the children of the neighborhood at a Hallowe'en party in their new barn. % x * SAVE POWER Mr. E. Burke attended the tea and coffee association convention held recently at the Seignoury Club in Quebec. Fa + x ® * PREVENT CUT-OFF "The! smal ast of ofties sof Mr, Ewart Hall, retiring D.D.G. of Rebekah Lodge, was the presid- ing 'at Golden Rule installations. : co- OPERATION counts * Mrs. a = pain Sopot to Monday night's meeting of the Angela Bruce Chapter that net proceeds from the sale of cook books amounted to $3,564, with still more books available. Mrs. Haughton Laird reported 147 ar- ticles of good used clothing have] been forwarded to headquarters for consignment overseas. The chapter will send Christmas par- ceéls to three former members now in England, FIRE + ow x * SAVE POWER lr ma Mr. Freeman Bray was treated at Oakville Temporary hospital Saturday, following a fall on the Bronte pier. Mr. Charles Stokes, a Canadian resident of five days standing, checked in from Glas land this week to take up his new. duties as manager of the Greg- ory theatre. Charlie expressed himself as much impressed with Canada in general, and Oakville in particular--and evinced a pro- nounced interest in the distinct Scottish name tinge he noted in the local telephone directory. * CO-OPERATION COUNTS A dinner meeting of the Can- adian Ceramic Society will be held in Riverside Lodge on Fri- day, November 12. Arrangements for the event are in charge of J. K. Hossack, of Ferro Enamels (Canada) Ltd. who has scheduled visits to the Ferro and Dominion Potteries plants for members. Guest speaker for the occasion will be Otto Klein, metallurgical engineer with the Steel Co. of Canada, at Hamilton. Mr. Klein will contrast old and new meth- ods utilized in sheet steel produc- tion, and will illustrate his ad- dress with lantern slides, The Canadian Ceramic Society, for med 47 years ago, operates three divisions, namely: heavy clay pro- ducts and domestic pottery; por- celain enamel on steel; and artis- tie pottery, . PREVENT CUT-OFRS * About 150 attended the Hal- lowe'en party sponsored by the United church Saturday, with Rev. T. W. Delve acting as chair- man, Members of the Bronte Bap- tist church entertained children of the congregation Friday even- ing. FER SAVE POWER PA Mr. and Mrs. Byron Pickard, and family, of Islington, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, A. E. Pickard. RSS 5 JENT CUT-OFFS * PRE Mr. and Mrs. Elliott era left Sunday for London, having An afternoon tea and sale of home cooking will be meiG mn the Sunday School rooms of Bronte United church Saturday in aid of the C.G.LT. £0: OPERATION counts Donation pledges of $1 per month over a two-year period were suggested by R.C.A. Cum- berland, chairman of the Oakville- Trafalgar Memorial hospital cam- paign for funds, in addressing the Monday luncheon meeting of the Oakville industries committee at Riverside Lodge. Asking that employers designate key men in their plants to work with cam- paign canvassers, Mr, Cumber- land declared; "This is not a lux- ury building, but a well-planned and well balanced unit which will provide an important service in making available close at hand facilities when industrial accid- ents occur. It is the biggest com- mg effort ever put forth here. xx ta Murdoch, president of Musical Protective association, was the guest spea- ker at the regular dinner meet- ing of the Oakville Rotary club, held in Victoria hall evening. Mr. Murdoch held Rotar- jan interest throughout with hi relating of "The Petrillo Stor: dealing with the much publicized record ban which was lifted rec- ently, The Simeon Joyce 10 pro- vided musical entertainment. Walter the Toronto x SAVE POWER The Progressive Conservative association of Oakville will hold its annual meeting in the Masonic hall on Tuesday evening, Novem- ber 9, at 8.30 p.m. Township resi- dents interested are also invited to be on hand. wl ie ENART [FHAT RARE Mrs. R. H. Crawford entertained at a bridge Thursday. A RE AVOID BLACKOUTS Mr, and Mrs. Fred = Collier leave Friday by plane for Eng- land on a combined business and pleasure. trip. FS disposed of their business here to Mrs. Gladys McKay, Mr. Jack McKay and Mr. Laverne Stone Mrs, Thomas Marshall had as house guest recently, Mrs. Owen Monday | * A full length movie and a Christmas tree for the children will feature St. Jude's Christmas Fair, to be held on Saturday, November 20. Tree and table dec- orations will be available at a special booth, while linens, handi- crafts and home baking will at- tract the interest of gift seekers and homemalkers. In addition to a tea room, which will include cup reading consultations, a can- teen for youngsters has been planned avon BLACKOUTS * Mr. and Mrs, John Home have taken up ence on Watson Ave. The Homes formerly resided in Montreal Y SAVE POWER | # r. and Mrs. Walter Fairholme are new residents of Watson Ave. aT x we 2 SNAP THAT SWITCH » Ho EE EE Out-of-town guests attended the Van Order-Fisk wedding from such scattered points as Timmins, Watford, London, Norwich and Woodstocl, The committee of Oakville Trafalgar high school old boys announces a meeting will be held in Victoria hall on November 10 at 2.30 pm, during which dedi- cation of the picture of former school students who died in act- ive service will take place. The picture is to be presented to the school by the old boys organiza- tion. Friends, relatives and for- mer school mates of the men whose "1ames male up this hon- our roll are invited to be present. * "save rownR. * Miss Christine MecClimont en- tertained at a partridge Ginner on Saturday, the result of good marksmanship during a recent trip to. Quebec. co- OPERATION counts * Litto Susan! Hill celebrated Her 4th birthday Friday afternoon with a masquerade party, while Shirley Perkins marked her 11th birthday Saturday at a Hallowe'en party given by Mus. Clifford Car- Toller of Ottawa. penter, The W. A. of the Bronte Can- adian Legion held its regular: monthly meeting Monday, -when|on the success of op, arrangements were made for a|at Bronte public scr, euchre to be held in the commun- | day. ity hall November 27. a wk ww ow Mr. R. Hopkins, np, 2 r, the pupils are to be eon i atu] ing yj} Bo last he ON Hits SAVE Powr SNAP THAT SWITCH ah OR oo » rE hei Memes of the A lege Women's fhe Amey & Buests of the college after their Testy # CI = Mrs. A. Kennedy is in Toronto Western hospital recovering from an appendix operation. for Jy on Fri At lost! and ALL you need! THE LEADING HARDBOARD pr No more-shortage! Production of MASONITE PRESDWOODS has been tremendously speeded up to meet constantly increasing demands. From the new modernized mill we're az Jast getting all the Presdwood we need--all the Presdwood you need, NOW is the time to order! Masonite is a registered trademark and signifies that Masonite. Company of Canada Lid 3 the source of the product, CHARLES F. DOTY & SON PHONE 76 Dundas St. - Nor th of C.N.R. Nights 670 - 33 Mechanic Wanted GOOD WORKING CONDITIONS TOP WAGES APPLY IN PERSON TO Hitchcox Motor Sales a Su A MICHAEL CURTIZ PRODUCTION wn OSCARLEVANT- 5.2. SAKALL SATURDAY - =r Ti ODAF on the S979 happiest fo, girl Cruise hegese NOV. 5 - 6 ESS HIGH SEAS -, . Jechnicolor" WED: THUR: FRI: SAT: FREE "THE FULLER Clothes PLASTIC BACKED - PATRONS: Retain your ti one of the - NOV.10-11-12-13 O FIVE LUCKY ATRONS EVERY NIGHT DURING THE 4 DAY ENGAGEMENT OF THE FILM BRUSH MAN" Beautiful New Fuller Brushes NYLON BRISTLES! cket stubs -- You may he lucky ones. MONDAY - TUESDAY : NOV. 8. 9 TWO MEN LIVED aN BEHIND THIS FACE! KANIN PRODUCTIONS A DOUBLE MAT NO. 208 Ronald Colman SIGNE TASSO EDMOND O'BRIEN A Universal International Release THEATRE D LOVED Presents LIFE Oakville's Greatest Week Of Movie Entertainment Purchase Your Tickets Now For The Hospital Benefit Night Nov. 12th es MUSIC COMEDY DRAMA 4 HILARIOUS DAYS WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY RED'S A DOOR-T0- COLUMBIA PICTURES pressals AN ca-starring JANET BLAIR van Don eae - Hillary Brooke « Adele gens » Ross Ford + Trudy hl bg AN EDWARD SMALL PRODUCTION i Saenly by Fre Tein ad Dev Fezmegy Based vpn a SATURDAY EVENMG POST str by Roy Hoggins Produced and Directed by S. SYLVAN SIMOK = NOV . 10.11.12. 13 -- PLUS -- COLOR CARTOON -- AND -- LATEST WORLD NEWS Something For Everyone fursd cr tw fu Ol PI