Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 19 Jan 1950, p. 2

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Stripes sea THE OARVELLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL PEOPLE an The recently completed house numbering of the town has been published in the January issue of Civic Administration. Laurie Mannell is the author, and the account includes a description of the steps his Municipal Service Company goes through in order that a town may be numbered scientifically. The value of ade- quate and accurate numbering is set out in the article by an en- gineer. "The loss entailed in one fire, where the brigade cannot find the call because of inad- equate numbering, will more than pay for the whole service." rar The engagement has been an- nounced of Barbara J. Gray, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank- lin M. Gray, Toronto, to Douglas Keith Russell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley S. Russell, Oakville. The marriage will take place in St. George's United Church, Tor- onto, on Saturday, January 28. ses The Johnny Black Trust Fund was augmented to the amount of $67.85 from a sale of home cook- ing conducted by Angela Bruce Chapter, LOD.E,, in December, it was reported at the Chapter's January meeting. Fi The etching and engraving pro- cesses by which Swiss postage stamps, the best in the world, are made, will be depicted in a film to be shown at a meeting of the Oakville Philatelic Society at Vic- toria Hall on Tuesday evening, January 24, at 8.30. All stamp collectors and any others who may be interested are cordially invited to attend. Pr David Masson celebrated his 10th birthday on Saturday with a party for his friends. seven Mrs. Harry Pawson has return- ed from hospital in Hamilton. Mrs. Clare Willis on Saturday night, entertained 0 EVENTS Mr. Dave Rosenberg spent last week in Montreal at the Furni- ture Show, and is atending the Furniture show this week at the Coleseum in Toronto. He leaves next week for New York on a buying trip, "knw Winners of CP.T. Euchre last Friday were: Ladies: 1st, Mrs. J. Anderson, 2nd., Mrs. L. Ribble, Consolation, Mrs. Flaxman. Gents: 1st, Mr. Rose, 2nd, Mr. Skoog, Consolation, Mr, Fitzsim- mons. Draw, Mr. Wm. Burrill. a Mr. Dane MacKendrick now of Vancouver is in Oakville on short visit. PRP Mr. R. Crawford flew to Bd- monton recently on business. Fe Mr. Bill Gregg, a student at 0.A.C,, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Angus Gregg. Pre Oakville Optimist Club will launch a' membership drive in the near future, it was decided at the regular meeting held Monday night at Riverside Lodge. John Belyea, in charge of the club's "Baster Holiday Trip To New York" draw, reported ticket sales are booming. "People seem to like the idea of flying down for a long week-end, with all expenses paid," he told the meeting, PE Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Kilty of Welland spent the week-end with the Trven Fells. Pre Mr. and Mrs. Wilder Brecken- ridge were in New York City, from Wednesday _to Monday. - . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Edwards who recently moved from Milton to the Forster Survey, enter- tained on Saturday night. Porro x Councillor and Mrs. Jack Isard entertainment at dinner in their new home on Saturday night. {The Cookee Column, presenting the story of "Patsy's Kid Fud- gee, returns to the Journal's children's section--on Page 6 of this issue. H. C. Merry's doglife feature was particularly popular with the youngsters last winter, so parents would be well advised to see to it that the kids don't miss this introductory chapter. PRR Mrs. B. A, Rogers of Welland a spent a few days with her daugther and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kilty, Howard Ave. ferns Miss Grace Merry, Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geof- frey Bide. sesen Mr. and Mrs. Les Siegrist have returned from a holiday in Ot- tawa. PE Dordie Ann Wilcox celebrated her 5th birthday on Tuesday with a party for her friends. - BRONTE Duncan Cochrane, who has been visiting in Bronte for some time, has returned to his home in Pictou, N.S. . sox oa Mr. Charles Bruce, Brampton, is visiting -at the home of his daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James Sloan, Nelson St. sssen The Bronte Branch of the Can- adian Legion are holding a Val- entine's Party at the Pig and Whistle Inn, Feb. 14. . . Mr. Douglas Suirane, Toronto, was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. McLeod, Jones St. os The many friends of Mrs. Tam- er Cotter, Mrs. Harley Carpenter, and -Mrs. Truman Ajtcheson will be glad to know that the above mentioned who are sick, are doing nicely. esses Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Flumer- felt, celebrated their 39th wedding anniversary, Jan. 12 with a fam- ily gathering at their home here. cesses Members of Bronte Home and School Association were hosts to members of Halton Home and l.eo Gorcey Huntz Hall And The Bowery Boys a SU JOANNE PAGE §- Wenoeii coney a "ROCHESTER " MORTIMER SNERD You Garr? Cheat an Howes! Man ONSTANCE MooAr Jan. 23.24.25 3 ror ATE rr err School Council at a meeting in Bronte public school Tuesday evening, when the guest speaker was Mrs. J. D. Taylor, Hamilton, vice-president of the Ontario Fed- eration of Home and School As- sociation. Clayton Rayburn, treas- urer, of the Bronte Association, also spoke, and a tribute was paid to the memory of the late Mrs, Cudmore, founder of the Bronte Association. Two solos by Jack Wakely were much appre- ciated. Mrs. A. Hart, president, presided. A euchre is being plan- ned for February 17, and the next regular meeting will be on Feb. 21, when Founders' Night will be observed. sass The W.M.S. / of the Walton Memorial Church will meet at 2.30 Thursday, . Jan. 12 in the Sunday School Rooms. PRP At the last, meeting of the Carry On Club of Walton Mem- orial Church, Mrs. Ainsou, Ham- ilton, entertained. Group No. 1, headed by Mrs. Gladys Milligan was in charge. Mrs. R. A. Hop- kins and Mrs. Milligan put on a skit, much to the amusement of the ladies present. Later, a salad supper was enjoyed by all. . Mr. and Mrs." Harry Collier, Brampton, visited at the home of Mrs. Ella Rochefort over the 'week-end. seen Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Ribble celebrated ther golden wedding anniversary Jan. 14. tr 50 The Bronte . Community Club held a successful dance last Sat. evening and a euchre on Monday, Jan. 16. The following were the euchre winners. Mrs. Lina Bow- en, Charles Howarth, Mrs. Lora Reid, Mr. Harry Brewster. There will be a dance held every Satur- day night and a euchre each Mon- day at 815. - arden The 1st. Bronte Cub pack meets each Wednesday night in the Community Hall under the lead- ership of Mr. K. Hogan, Cubmas- ter and Meredith McKim, assist- ant. The age group is 8 to 12. ers ea 'The 1st. Bronte Scout pack meets each Wednesday evening under the supervision of Mr. A. Dalby and Mr. R. Robertson. A hike is held each Saturday after- noon as part of their training. The annual meeting and din- ner of Oakville Milk Producers' Association was held in the par- ish hall, Church of the Epiphany, Wednesday evening. Harold Burkholder, Freemlan, was elect- ed president, and directors named were Joseph Bentley, Trafalgar, Dan Wilson, Oakville, F. Ball, Milton, and Arthur Spencer, Pal- ermo. Victor Lawrence, Palermo, was elected secretary-treasurer. Speaker of the evening was G. Callon, Ancaster. ssp The Brownies meet each Mon- day night in the Community Hall at 6.30 and girls between the ages of 8 and 12 are invited to attend. TRAFALGAR {Price control of farm products formed the topic of discussion at Monday. evening's Sniders' Farm Forum. Games and refreshments 'were enjoyed. Next Monday's forum will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Edward Fish. xaos Annual congregational meet- ings ofthe three United churches of Trafalgar circuit, Wesley, Sheridan and Munn's, were held last week. A healthy financial position was revealed by treas- urers' reports, Both Wesley and Munn's had substantial credit balances. The Woman's Associa- tion of Munn's raised a total of $818 for all purposes during the year, Sheridan W. A. $938 and Wesley W. A. $604. Fred Near 'was appointed treasurer of Wes- ley church, succeeding Earl Al- bertson, and . at Sheridan church Floyd Albertson was named treasurer to succeed Miss Violet McCleary. Arnold Fish was ap- pointed superintendent of Wes- ley Sunday School, in succession to Dan Turner. rex The North Trafalgar Commun- ity Club is holding a euchre and dance in the new Trafalgar com- munity hall this evening. rr Mrs. Williamj Sinden, organist of Wesley Church, who has been ill for the past six months, was back at the organ on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Fish, Mrs. Dewart Carson of Hamilton, and Mr. and Mrs. Turner, Hornby, went to Markham on Monday for the fiftieth wedding anniversary Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Dunn, Clay) son, were guests on Thursday their former neighbors, Mr. Mrs. Ross Lunau, base line, . . 5 3 Congratulations and good wish es from friends throughout the district were - showered upon popular Postville couple, Mr, ay Mrs. Gordon, Post, who celebra) ed their 25th wedding annivel sary on Saturday. Mr. and My Post entertained a number of re atives at a pleasant family gq ering and dinner Saturday oy, ning, when they received a nu ber of handSome gifts and bo quets, of flowers. On evening, at the Sniders' Fan Forum held at the home of yj and Mrs, Stanley Turner, ty members presented Mr. and My Post with a handsome flo Monds{ in Vi Stanley Turner. of thelr relatives, Mr. and Mrs. |lamp, the presentation (Continued on Page 11, HELD OVER TODAY ONLY! "l WAS A MALE WAR BRIDE" CARY GRANT, ANN SHERIDAN Friday, Saturday Jan. 20-21 | BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! 7 = odgers and Hammerstein AN ATF Monday, Tuesday, Wed., Jan. 23-24-25 | This Year The Picture Is Each year from the studios of the world comes a motion- picture which accepts the great challenge of the day-- Setting a mirror to our tim- es. Becoming a part of every life . . . an event of such boldness and intensity that every person must exper- ience it. THIS YEAR . . DARRYL F., ZANUCK "PRESENTS A picture in this great tra- dition. ITS THEME: A woman who passed for white. ITS APPEAL: as universal as the human heart, Starring a distinguished cast JEANNE CRAIN ETHEL BARRYMORE ETHEL WATERS 5 WILLIAM LUNDIGAN ENTURY] 'Comm iness held f ficers Georg' Teport ed in Host Pre] openin month ing o last w fruit, and a dition wishin their BE. W. to- joi 'applic 'hop, ¢ Oak The Peo CLARK'S SERVICE CENTRE - WITH THE - Phone Us For A Demonstration AUSTIN SALES and SERVICE Colborne St. W. at Chisholm ... Get up to 40 Miles Per Gallon

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