pi Esday, January 19, 1950 THE OAKVILLE TRAFALGAR JOURNAL, ira e roe JUSTO Ee SEE BE GE GE GE SE DEE EE TEE ting peop, EDIE EDS REESE ithin a ver + fatalitie fraction of EJ MEN'S OVERCOATS REDUCED FROM Men's Fine Quality Shirts At One Low Price Some are slightly countersoiled, some are broken ranges--all are s: good quality shirts tailored by Can- "Arrow" Separate-Collar, Shirts I you wear separate collar shirts here's an outstanding opportunity to stock up at a saving of $1.30 on each ays look| ada's leading manufacturers includ- shirt! Woven broadcloth shirts tail- | ing Arrow, Forsyth, Tooke, B.V.D. ored by "Arrow" with two separate groomed and Migo! Choose from stripes, plain collars! There's a wide range of at- shades or whites. Some windsor col- tractive patterns and colours--not lars in the lot, others are regular all colours and patterns in every Delivery style fused collars. All are Sanfor- size, but still a good selection to ized for permanent fit. 57 Sizes 14 to 17. .... 2.79 Save up to 1/, the regular price at LE this one low 'price. < choose from. Sizes ie to 17 in the group 3.95 Regular price 5.25 FABRICS--Luxurious all-wool Elysians from fa- ous English and Scotch mills, hard-wearing domestic Elysians, smooth-finished dressy vel- ours, soft warm fleeces in a variety of weights. Men's Wool Plaid Parkas And Bush Coats The season's most popular garment for outdoor sportswear, or wear to Clearance Of Men's Better Quality Trousers * FABRICS--Yarn dyed striped worsteds! All-wool gabardines! Glen STYLES--Include single-breasted slip-on models with slash or patch pockets and double-breast- ed lounge or conservative models for dress or 'Checks! Sharkskins! Pick and and from work! They're made from business wear. Picks! Dressy navy and grey serges! warm all-wool blanket cloth in Smooth finished all-wool coverts! bright attractive check patterns. COLOURS--To suit every taste--navys, greys, * COLOURS--Blues, browns, greys, fawns and teals in all the most pop- ular shades. And they're warmly lined with cot- ton doeskin for added comfort dur- ing the cold blustery months ahead. browns, fawns and teals. SIZES--34 to 46 in models to fit regular, short and * STYLES--Pleats, zippers, drop In two popular models--bushcoat I loops and lap seams in sizes 28 to 34; style with neat turn collar or parka tall builds. pleats, zippers and regular loops in style with hood for extra warmth {ES sizes 30 to 38; plain front and zip- on the coldest days, A wide rango of Buy a fine overcoat now at really worthwhile savings! pers in sizes 38 to 44. patterns and colours in the group-- x A All are reduced from our regular but not all colours in every size and All are reduced from our regular stock--fine quality stock of better quality trousers to model. Broken ranges in sizes 36 to materials tailored by Canada's foremost manufactur- sell at one low price--All are tail- 46. Regular 16.95 12 85 ers! Sizes and colour ranges are broken, but there's ions ored from fine English or domestic Jan. Cleararice Price n still a grand selection to choose from! all-wool cloths by leading Can- adian manufacture) 'Whatever fag your choice in fabric, colour, or » yl 1 find it ih an 12.85 stantial saving . ; Men's Cotton Cream Rib. Combinations ~Short or Long Sleeve Style i REGULAR TO 49.50 Long Legs! An ideal in-between weight combin- ation, made from good quality cream colour cotton rib. Reduced from reg- ular 2.49 and 2.98 lines of two of Canada's leading underwear manu- facturers. Good full cut for comfort, re-inforced buttonholes and flat locked 'seams for durability. Sizes Fancy Patterned Cotton And Wool Hosiery Knit by a leading Canadian hosiery mill whose name you will recognize immediately, from good quality cot- ton and wool yarns! All are first quality, but the colour and pattern £23 "BIG JACK" WORK CLOTHES REGULAR TO 59.50 wanting ranges are broken. Buy several pairs 34 to 44 in short sleeve or long . If you at this exceptionally low price. Reg. sleeve styles. Stock up 1 98 BLUE DENIM UNION-MADE ion just 69c. Special! for, the rest of the sea- L (0) K Ss 55 EA. 2 FOR 1 00 son and save up to 5lc PAIR OVERALLS and SM C r3 : " {0181.00 on eacli garment! High back stile. Strongly made from fully tested fabrics with seams. and bar tacking at all points of strain. Full cut for comfort oo. lasting fit. And they have lots of pockets including rule pocket and ham- mer sling and all the features normally found only In much higher priced ne 1233 CLEARANCE OF BOYS' garments. Bu, pairs at this exceptionally 2 98 WARM ALL-PURPOSE PARKAS fo poten, He rasan rw . match, Oversizes to 52 extra BACH * Good looking hard-wearing parkas--ideal for school or play. m-- * Made from tightly woven cotton gabardine or oxford cloth. Union-Made Painters Overalls Po i ings Ty WEIR AIA gi Made from hard wearing, washable white duck. The Big Jack label Istyour or * Specially treated to be water repellent and colour fast. rin yey a ol, Big da i + Sizes 24 to 30 to fit boys 6 to 12 years old. guarantee of quality materials, roomy cut and the best in workmanship - . 5 for long wear and lasting satisfaction. Colours blue, brown and teal. JANUARY CLEARANCE SPECIAL MANUFACTURER'S $13.95 LINE ...... $9. 85 BOYS' WOOL PLAID COATS Ideal for school, play or dress up wear. Without the hood it's a smartly styled bush 224 vac Oversizes to 52 extra 2 PR. $5 "'Big Jack' DOESKIN "Big Jack" WOOL WORK SHIRTS WORK SOCKS Sizes 84 to 44 EP! IA r= of coat with all around belt--with the hood it's a cosy parka for extra cold days! Warm Winter weight plain shade doe- Knitted from good quality hard 3 wool plaid blanket cloth, lined throughout with soft fleecy doeskin for extra warmth. skin cut in a roomy comfortable wearing grey all-wool yarns In i De | $3 They're really smart looking, comfortable and practical, and priced to save you dol- pattern and strongly re-inforced smoqth fitting ribbed knit. Loop- oA lars. Blue, brown or maroon check patterns in sizes 24 to 84, but not all colours and| at all points of strain for lasting ed toes for maximum comfort, §3 patterns in every size. $1 1. 85 wear. Carefully finished for neat Medium welght (approx. 21; bs, i 2 JANUARY CLEARANCE SPECIAL iii good looks. Choose from five pop- to the dozen.) > ular shades--navy, brown, tun, 3 FOR oh Boys' Breeches Boys' Overcoat Groen. or wands Buy several and 45 1.30 __Broken lines of better quality breeches save at this special low price . PR. . os "reduced from regular 3,98, 4.50 and 4.98 1/3 OFF REGULAR PRICE Sizes 141; to 18 1.98 §3 stock! This group includes Humphrey, n £3 Renfrew and Ayers tweeds, meltons Brown, blue and teal fleece overcoats N $h and frieze cloths. Some have leather in dressy single-breasted slip-on models £5 knees. The balance have double knees. with balmaccan or notch lapel collars. SPECIAL! GENUINE "RHODES" WwW kT > : or rousers fam alll arejlined Sthroughout for iadded Well tailored fom good looking, hard This fine English tweed pant Is famous for hard wear. And yot its cledr cut attractive £3 warmth and comfort. Stock up for the wearing cloths. Save 1/8 at this Jan- striped patterns male it a good looking dressy pant--Iideal for wear to and from work, scurately 4 balance of the season and save 58¢ to uary Clearance Price. For hard wear, warmth and neat appearance, this is an outstanding pant and they're 4 5 ientss ES $1.59 on each pair. Sizes 24 to 28 only. JUNIOR 000418, 24-28 1 1 30 exceptional value at this low sale price, Sizes 40 to 44 3 JANUARY 3.39 Regular 16.95--Special = CLEARANCE SPECIAL JACK FRASER STORES Colborne St. E., Oakville Open Saturday Night Until 9 p.m. Telephone 645-w 5 EVERY PURCHASE IS GUARANTEED - YOU MUST BE COMPLETELY SATISFIED OR Four money CHEERFULLY REFUNDED oy ed ne St. E § $-3ner saan ee sant Jace Snes Sane See Saar Jee 3000 3106 Ser Jann 3 SEED ECP EGP ECD GD ed