Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 19 Jan 1950, p. 7

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THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Page 7 11 = CHURCH NEWS = call her so | ST. JOHN'S Board of Stewards and Trustee over here | tne annual meetng of the con-|Boara, d girls!" epation of St. John's United Recently elected officers of the goodness Church will be held next Thurs-| Evening Auxiliary of the Wo- On Crab: gay evening, Jan. 26, at'8 o'clock, | man's Missionary ~~ Soclety were on't want in the Sunday school room, when installed, by the minister, Rev. other me. {reports will be presented and Harry Pawson, at a meeting held pe elections held for the Session, |last week. Annual reports pre- d me too, just a lot red tape!" er up! It orse! Just to crawl ve a sleep ere no one rit, she's ds. You'll the chap. tsy's Kid, That's what | asked the Government Annuity representative. I was trying to balance the family books at the time and told him that, like most home-makers, | had so many places to spend my paychecks, my account was zero at the end of each month. Bub.' es. He showed me a simple saving plan to provide an income in the future, that was as practical as a trip to the barber, and a plan which suited my budget. Before you say--'lt's a good ideq, but | just can't Service afford it', talk it over with a CANADIAN GOVERNMENT Ph. T14W) ARNUITY ive, or write for inf i -- I'm glad | did! Annuities Branch DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR HUMPHREY MITCHELL Minister A. MacNAMARA Deputy Minister enaason( Government ANNUITIES Provide for (> Mail this Coupon today POSTAGE FREE Annuities Branch, Department of Labour, Otawa. 'Plate send mo COMPLETE INFORMATION about Canadian Government Anaulfies. NAME. (PRINT CLEARLY) ADDRESS WILLIAM C. MILLIGAN, R.O. OPTOMETRIST « » OPTICIAN 69A COLBORNE ST. OAKVILLE (Over Bank of Commerce) r wet hg Telephone 1507 Tee OFFICE HOURS ds are Tuesday to Saturday--9.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. fe con- Tuesday and Thursday evenings--7.00 to 8.00 -up of gear, GROW ROSES It's easy for home garden- ers in Ontario to grow beautiful roses outdoors with bushes they obtain largest growers. Write now for Eddie's free from Canada's catalogue. It's illustrated in color Low Prices ® High Quality EDDIE'S NURSERIES W.41°"& MARINE DR. VANCOUVER B.C. 'Thelma Brown Commencial Photographer "Your Wedding In Pictures" The Latest Album Presentation of that Great Day sented revealed an excellent con- dition, with an increase in mem- bership and in receipts during the year, the allocation having been exceeded. ST. JUDE'S St. Jude's Church held a can- dle-light service Sunday evening out of strict necessity. The pow- er had been off all afternoon while repairs and alterations were being made at the Oakville sub- station. Tt came on agin in the neighborhood of the church, but only for a short time, and at the hour for evening service the lights were still off. But Sexton Ray Walker was equal to the situation. Getting out a stock of candles he keeps on hand for just such an emergency he plac- ded them on the altar and on the sides of the pews. The service proceeded in the dim candle- light, and without the accom- paniment of the electrically pumped organ. Then, just before Rev. F. C. Jackson, the rector, concluded his sermon, the lights came on. The organ was played for the closing hymn. The Women's Auxiliary of St. Jude's Church held their annual meeting on January 10. Reports on the year's work were present- ed and the following officers were elected: Hon. President, Mrs. F. C. Jackson. Hon. Vice-President, Mrs. R. H. Howson. President, Mrs. W. G. Paget. 1st. Vice-Pres, Mrs. E. Pullen 2nd. VicePres, Mrs. J. S. W. Williams Treasurer and Corresponding Secretary, Miss H. L. Smith. Recording Secretary, Mrs. B. Honeywell United Thank Offering, Mrs. J. B. O. Kemp Extra Cent-a-Day, Miss H. E. Smith Educational Secretary, Mrs. W. G. Paget Dorcas Secretary, Mrs. George Wilson and assistants, Mrs. Honeywell, Mrs. Kemp and Mrs. R. M. Smith. Junior Superintendant, Mrs. F. W. Grinham Treasurer Memorial Fund, Miss F. H. Beattie. Letters have been received from the Bishop's Messengers in Western Canada expressing ap- preciation for bales sent to the west by the Women's Auxiliary and letters of thanks have been received by the rector from recip- ients of food parcels in England. Next Monday evening, Jan- uary 23, is the date of the annual vestry meeting of St. Jude's. Tt will be held in the parish hall following a congregational sup- per which starts at 6.45. The ves- try meeting of St. Cuthbert's Church, Cedar Grove, will be held Tuesday evening, January 24, at the home of Eric Gooderham, Lakeshore Road, at 8 o'clock. The funeral of the late J. B. L. Grout, secretary-treasurer of St. Jude's and a leading member of the church for many years, was held on Wednesday afternoon of last week, and was largely at- tended. Services at the church and at St. Jude's Cemetery were conducted by Rev. F. C. Jackson assisted by Rev. R. H. Howson. Pall-bearers were W. B. E, Reade, H. L. Read, H. K. McKillop, Rus- sell Barlow, W. R. Ostrom and T. R. Jarvis. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE The subect of the lesson-ser- mon on Sunday last was "Life." Service will be held on Sunday, January 22nd, at 11 o'clock and Sunday School at the same hour. The subject of the lesson-sermon will be "Truth." KNOX The annual meeting of the La- dies' Aid Society of Knox Church was held Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 10, when officers for 1950 were elected as follows: Presi- dent, Mrs. J. N. Lees; Vice-Pres- ident, Mrs. H. G. Winnett, Sec- retary, Mrs. C. M, Kent; Treas- urer, Mrs. L. Stansbury. The following officers were elected by members of the Eve- ning Auxiliary at their annual meeting Tuesday evening, Jan- uary 14: President, Mrs. D. Mc. Innis; Vice-President, Mrs. K. M Carnegy; Secretary, Miss Mar garet Archibald; Treasurer, Miss J. Crosbie. Warren Hitchcox was elected president of Knox Church Choir on Thursday evening. Other of- ficers named for 1950 are as fol- lows: Secretary, Miss Ann Stans- bury; Treasurer, Miss Margaret Archibald; Librarian, Miss Nancy Ewing. 14 Inglehart Ave., Oakville Phone 485-W The annual meeting of ths By Mrs. J. F. Graydon [Third Guide Company had a busy meeting last week with Scouter Dunstan testing Second Class Sempaphore, Lieut. Reiffen- stein testing Second Class First Aid, and Captain Ling explaining the points to be covered in First Class First Aid. Shirley Howarth was enrolled, and Service Stars were awarded as follows: Twelve-Year Star to Lieut. Reiffenstein, Four-Year to Shir- ley Wilson, Patricia Brétt, Three- Year, Diane Miles, Two-year, Ruth McCausland, Lois Wilson and Elizabeth Black one-year. Diane Miles received her Cyclist and Swimming badges and Jean n her badge. Julie Weatherstone passed her First Class test in teaching sem- aphore to a new recruit, and Sec- ond Class Health tests were pas- sed by Ruth McCausland, Myrna Husband and Lois Shaw. Jean Duncan and Elizabeth Black pas- sed their Second Class tests, and Ruth McCausland and Elizabeth Black Second Class Nature tests. First Company had two Ser- vice Stars awarded, Two-Year to Marion Diltz and One-Year to Deborah Graydon. Trafalgar Employee Badly Hurt When Pinned Under Car Clarence Hall, Township em- ployee, was seriously injured last week In a traffic accident near the 7th Line municipal building. Rushed to Toronto Western hos- pital, he was found to have suf- fered a fractured leg and critical internal injuries. His condition was reported fair yesterday. Unloading a tractor with an- other employee, Hall noticed a car lowing preliminary by Dr. D. H. Dixon. examination Constable Fred Oliver who in- vestigated, intimated Bentley will face charges as = result of the mishap, but that court hear- ing will be deferred until the ex- tent of injuries is definitely de- must filter out im| bloodstream. For... Cigarettes Tobacco Soft Drinks Ice Cream Magazines * Hot Coffee --Drop In At-- Ed. Slater's 38 Colborne St. W. Do You Suffer FROM A "4 * ee LR) 2 driven by George Bentley ap- ea dC LA proaching. Fearing a collision, | Does sitti a draft or in a damp, the two men jumped for the ditch. | Chilly room Sometimes bring on an sek ing back? Many people say they get The Bentley vehicle also took to | "cold" in the buckor in the kid ys : --so easily. At such times it's good to the ditch, however, striking Hall. |} =0 about 'the quick relief 'of Dr. He was removed to hospital fol- | Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, Remember, both kidneys and liver purities from your So if you feel dred achy -- with painful Give your system a chance to work perly, Always keep Dr. Chase's iver Pi Ils handy--especially id during damp chilly weather. The name - "Dr. Chase" is your assurance. 3 Optometrist - Optician 163 Colborne Street Oakville -- TELEPHONE 1375 -- OFFICE HOURS Daily ...9.830to 6.00 Evenings Sat. .... 9.30 to 12.00 Mon. and Thurs. 7 to 8 Or By Appointment congregation of Knox Church will be held in the church hall next Tuesday evening, January 24, at 8 o'clock, following a sup- per to be served by the ladies at 6.30. On Sunday morning the min- ister, Rev. C. K. Nicoll, will preach on "The Lost Christ." The subject of his evening sermon will be "Isn't One Religion as REAL ESTATE * W. E. DAVIS 71 Colborne St., Oakville Good as Another?" W. S. DAVIS & SON MORTGAGES Evenings and Holidays Phone 612-R - INSURANCE R. C. A. CUMBERLAND Phone 41 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA VV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVY A. CARBERRY, Prop. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLAR AAPL If you want your suit, whether Lady's or Gent's, to keep that NEW look at all times . . . make it a habit now to have it dry-cleaned regularly at LAKE- SHORE CLEANERS . .. and the ser- vice is the best obtainable anywhere. . . LAKESHORE CLEA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAA FOR FREE PICK-UP 4 AND DELIVERY 2 y PHONE $ P 4 311 $ Q Q Q p & P 4 Q Q P 4 Q P 4 Colborne St. E. 4 AAAAAAANAAA VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVYY VVVVYVVYVYY

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