Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 26 Jan 1950, p. 10

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ANNOUNCEMENT We are pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. James Mc: Kinley to our staff. Mr. McKinley Will be acting in a sales capacity in our organizations. Oakville Motors, Chevrolet and Oldsmo- bile dealers. Trafalgar Fite Brigade, NO. 2, Tuchre and Dance to be held at -- | ana fireplace, cut and split. Reg. the New Trafalgar Memorial Hall, Feb, 14. Refreshments. Good prizes. (1.05p10-12) prizes 0 (GOopiAel The Ladies Aid Society Of Knox Presbyterian Church will hold their usual series of teas begin- ning with a Valentine Tea on February 16th and continuing each Thursday during Lent until March 80th. VMaCKENZIE--T0 Mr, and MIs. (Grant MacKenzie, on Jan, 19 in Kingston General Hospital, a Son, Jonathan. FOR SALE PONTIAC Sedan delivery, 31, 000 miles, as new, phone 1214, or 1155] after 6 pam. ALBERTA coal briquets, an all-Canadian product, from Frank M. Sullivan, Bronte 80-W. Your Blue Coal Dealer. (85cLtf) 1948 CHEV. Sedan delivery. Good condition, Heater, under- coated, low mileage, $1475. Cash or terms. Clark's Service Centre, Phone 1031W. TRUNK with two_ trays, lock and key in good condition, $10.00 and key, in good condition. $10.00 Ee Now on display, the 1950 Pon- tise, Hitchcox Motor Sales, George Street South. WALLPAPER SALE: Special room lots, sample lots, etc, at worthwhile savings, Make your selections early, and do your re- decorating at a fraction of reg- war cost. FRASER HARDWARE: opposite Post Office. (55¢10) FORD (Thames) Y% ton deliv- ery truck, 17,000 miles. Phone 1914 or 1155] after 6 p.m. WOOD for sale, hard and Soff, wood mixed, stove length. Phone 224-W. : (1c9tE) This is an excellent type Of oil and we are selling it at 80c a gallon, Please bring your own Gontainers. This is in bulk, grade 20 only. Hurry while it lasts, Hed leigh Home Ltd, Dundas Street, North, phone 1063. SHOT gun, 12 gauge, double: barrelled, nearly new, $40.00 or best offer, Phone 887-J. (25p10) CENTRAL location, two large heated rooms; private -- entrance and washroom. Garage available (35p10) Adults only, Box 348. Fuel Oil SAVE U.S. DOLLARS A product of the British Empire (Trinidad Leasehold Ltd.) Local Agents HILLMERS Fuel & Ice Co. Dundas St. N. "URE | :o 2: The Jounal Phone 23| Mrs. Pattison. Reverse charges. LOST FIREWOOD, suitable for stove Smith and Sons. Phone 727W. LADY'S blagk oblong purse, (1.00p9-14) | between Colborne St. and west- WASHING MA- gee] soe Phone J. Ea 41, eward. CHING: There are many ex-|I Ee piss in oo nnioal | features\iin [PAD black change purse in the NEW BEATTY that make it Century Theatre Monday evening. Canada's most modern washer. Reward, 'Phone 5570 or 52100. Washes cleaner in half the time NOTICE taken by other machines. Proven by etual test. Price $160.50. Bud-| mAkE NOTICE that the Mun- 2% terms if desired with as UE ioipal Council of the Corporation BEATTY tle as 109, down. Liberal allow- |e the Town of Oakville PrOPOSSS ance for your old machine iio pass a By-law to provide fo SHASER HARDWARE, phone| the stopping-up of that part of oposite the Fost Ofice. | Head Street In the Town of Oak. No on display, the 1950) Fon: ville lying'between Blocks 95 and son Pitcher. Motor Sales, (99 and Being hounCel Ob the George Street South. Southowest by Kerr Street and BER el rth-i ilson ITGHEN, sink unib, new, ea-| a, the North-east Sky Street: sonable price, Apply 307 Allan St.| ~ AND FURTHER TAKE NO- ---- SRATORS|tic ill will, ab its SLECTRIC REFRIGERATORS fice that fhe Co for Tamediate delivery. The Me- | meeting I Ee on Clary is a 7 cu. ft, machine; car- ony oF Eo SE pn ries regular five year guarantee; A a Loran of oa one of the most silent makes on ei am eo viet; modern and heauti-| Vile: Ie ee agent, any ful in appearance; a product of counsel, oe te ore neh of 'Canada's oldest manufac |[PEYSOn who applies to 'be heed oe Of eon at $320.00 it is one 2nd who claims that his lands Will re hast. values, Budget terms [22 EE affected by the op he 3 propose law. OF aosros. with as little as $50.00 | PEROT ic oth day: of Janu- down. FRASER HARDWARE, | oo50 phone 331, opposite the Post a : ©. H. BYERS, Office. (1.45¢10) | Glerk, of the Town of Oskville. Clore, on ne Tou oF DeRne 50 Pon- Sales, Now on display, the 19: tiac, Hitchcox Motor George Street South. SITUATIONS WANTED Mrs. Hillmer Buried Citizens in large numbers gath- ered in St. Jude's Church Wed- DRBSSMARING and, altera-|nesday afternoon last week for tions, Prompt and efficient ser-|the funeral service of the late Vice," Young women's fashions als, Alfred Hillmer. An impress specialty. Phone 625R. (€10-9-11) | give array of splendid floral tri- WOMAN wants housework 9 toll p, a opie anil or 4 Monday to Friday. Apply Box on Sh pa 345 The Journal. (50p9-11) | sanizations estified to 2 teem in which the late Mrs. Hil: HELP WANTED |Lmer was held by the' community. The service was conducted "by: with re-| Rev. F, C. Jackson, rector of St. FEMALE COMPETENT Gil, a Ged (wening | ude's, fan pall-bearers were conditions, hours, and environ- : ol ter vinw, only [| onles V. Hillmer, Cameron Dunn's Drug Store. \35110) | Eilimer and Donald Hillmer, Osls GIRL fo learn hairdvessing. | ville, Arthur Hillmer, Paid while learning. Apply Box | Whitney Hillmer, Sarnia and Wil eS = (251) liam Hillmer, Mount Dennis. In- TAB) woman able to toy i . > take charge of three children oc- terment was in St. Jude's|Ceme casional atternoons, very central.| tery: Phone 1461W (35¢10) -- omg sales fil for record| CHEQUEING ACCOUNTS bar, pleasing personality with 'Do not keep a dog and bark some sales experience and typing | yoursele" We're all agreed on the Boon Phone 711 for appoint-|{icjom of this proverb. Do not Sieroerapher, parttime, fve| ob & Trl Account onal pay oars So toy, IASply) George your billsiin cash is just as true. Asking Secretary-Treasurer, Oak-|Pay your bills with Bank of Mon- ville District High School Board, | treal cheques. Save yourself time AT Reynolds SE (35010) | ana trouble, while you keep a wa- ter-tight check on your expendi- ture, * WANTED DUCK, goose feathers, Wrought . AMP fron Br es phone este |IOVES TEOUNCE RAPT N W. LOT WANTED The advertiser is. interested in procuring for construction of a. home, a lot about 1 to 8 acres in area not more than 20 miles from Toronto limits. This must have electricity available and be situated on an open road. Please advise full de- tails of any suitable property instructions' how to lo- cate, type of soil, trees and cash price to Box No. 344 The Journal. Oakville juveniles notched their first win Monday night, fturn- ing back Brampton Dodgers 5-1. The Lush-Withnell-John- son line carried a fair share of the scoring mail, clicking for a goal each, Brockway and Rowe getting the other markers. Chuck Terry turned in another neat blocking display in the lo- cal cage. Thursday, January 26, 1950 Wm. WHITAKER & SONS | OAKVILLE Gas: By-law (Continued from Page 1) who! stated letters with the name of the signer withheld were like anonymous letiters and should' be disregarded, the name of Vincent TI. Barrey was read out as the writer. Walsh, a member of the audience, stated he had secured this signature and had explained the petition following Mr, Barrey's signature having been obtained. He stated he was sure Mr. Barrey had been satis- fied to have his name remain on the petition. Councillor Cooke pointed out that names as far away from Oakville as Burlington and New: Toronto also appeared on the pe- tition. It was his opinion that TRAFALGAR third Monday of each month at ; 8 p.m. except the February and Tariffs, as they affect farmiparch meetings, which will be at products, were discussed at thellyig0 pm, Suggestions on com regular meeting of Postville Farml| Jioints may also be ha Bonu, Tl Sony evn 8s oe. Cats Spe I " 2 Y| Bronte, secretary of the board. se Barnstaple. Next Monday evening: a the members of the forum willl he Ladies Aid and! Missionary entertatn members of Sniders'||Society of Knox 'Church, Sixteen, Farm Forum at the home of MI. |eld a business meeting Wednes- and Mrs: George King. day afternoon last week at. the BS home of Mrs. Ernest Hopper. Ratepayers having suggestions or complaints to make regarding Trafalgar township's' public| Hospital for another operation. schools are invited fo' present 4 {hem at regular meetings of the| The trouble with waiting for}} Trafalgar Township Public School | something to turn up is that in| Aven Board, These meetings will the meantime you may he turned be held in the township hall the] down. > Ross Lunau has entered Guelph this pefition should be disregard- ed. Reeve Litchfield then stated he felt the matter should be con- sidered entirely on the basis) of the dissenting operator's: petition. Deputy-reeve Lauder pointed out that a Halton magistrate had de- cided the by-law was not dis- criminatory- Reeve Litchfield stated this was the opinion of only one magis- trate, He had read . accounts of other magistrates) who gave op- posite opinions, he stated. "I don't think the opinion of one magistrate should carry much weight," he said. Councillor Isard pointed out that "this magistrate is our mag- istrate and we should accept his opinion. See COLLIVER For OLIVER Finest in Farm Machinery: OLIVER 66" Standard TRACTOR OLIVER Superior SPREADER NOW ON DISPLAY COLLIVER"S GARAGE PHONE 100W STREET SVILLE For All Your Lumber (1.5610) FORT RENT SINGER ROOM and board. PI - 3 i a Sewing Machine Company FURNISHED rooms, heated, Sales and Service car will hot and cold water. Phone and be in the Town of Oak- cooking facilities, bath, private ||| ville on Tuesdays for a entrance, no objection to children, 32 Rebecca St. weeks period of four starting January 17. New machines now: avail- able. Repairs to all makes. Free Estimates in advance. Work Guaranteed. Phone WANTED TO RENT THREE or two unfurnished. or furnished rooms required for a young business couple, reason- | [| or write able. Phone Toronto WAverle 1856, between 8.30 and 5 Si SINGTR SING 39 Main St., Galt. Ph, 3165 and our man will call COUPLE wants apartment, 3 or 4 rooms, in or near Oakville. (25p10) another BIG year More and Better Service for More People T.AsT YEAR, our installers added 188,000 new telephones .. -people made over 10 million telephone calls 2 day... . service was faster, better in every way. It took lots of work and lots of money. Money, for new telephones, buildings, and equip- ment. Money to pay fair wages to 28,000, employees. Money to pay a reasonable return to 58,000 Canadians whose investment in the telephone business has made its expansion possible. Although so much was done, 1949 ended with thou sands of people still waiting for telephones and with many needed imp! still to be leted Es P Only a finanelally healthy company can carry out the big job yet fo bo done. Telophone users, employees, share: { holders -- everyone has a vital interest in a servic | that means so much fo the welfare of so many. pesple, 1950 PONTIAC ea 1 Now On Display T& Hitchcox Motor Sal 8 GEORGE ST. S. es PHONE 345 - 555 ming Ac parti softk Sia Utila mor presi eng nta

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