Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 26 Jan 1950, p. 2

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Page 2 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, January 26, 1 the union of the W.A. societies into the United Church of Can- ada. Mrs. Leslie Bradley, mission- ary convener, arranged and pre- sided for the program and read Herbie McLeod celebrated his 5th birthday with a number of friends at his home here, Jan. 23. PEE Mrs, F. G. Wyman, Peterbor- Oakville has been selected for the Ontario premiere of the mov- ie "Two Lugs From Brooklyn," starring William Bendix and Max Baer, because the producers Oakville and District Liberal Associatio PEOPLE and EVENTS Westwood Friendly Circle held Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Fuller, their regular monthly meeting Oakville, have announced the en- feel they will get the best patron reaction here to this brand new ough, is visiting at the hqme of her daughte r, Mr. and Mrs. R: A. "Roll On, Wagon Wheels," the story of the Scotsman, the late - ANNUAL MEETING a evening, January 18 Sm he Sn oe movie, To secure audience reac- | Hopkins. Dr, el Be 3 with over fifty members present. |bara Mildred, to Howar tan Monte Biren een sionary ca. . R. J. Court Whist and Crokinole were |ham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Si ih a contest, first| Bronte Scout Leaders attending | Fleming and Mrs. J. Bentley con- Electi f Off; played. Winners = were: Court|Bonham, Erindale. The marriage prize a three month pass to the|the rally held in Oakville last|tributed readings to the program. ection oO. cers Whist, 1st, Mrs. Medland, 2nd, |will take place Saturday, Feb. 18, Gregory theatre where the pic- [week-end were Gail Godfrey, |The proposed plan for Munn's W. JAN. 30, 8 P.M Mrs, Burr, olation, Mus,|in Munn's United Church, Tra-|,, "iy he shown for 3 days,|Dannie Scarrow, Max Lang and|A. to affiliate with the WM.S. of -130,°8 P.M. | | Laing. Crokinole, 1st, Mrs. Ford, | falgar. x starting Thursday February 2nd,|Tommy O'Connor. the United Church was ned MASONIC HALL ed. | fie Consolation, Mrs. Bradley. A de- phi best 150 word or less re- rare by Mrs. Lorne Fish and was 3 ) licious lunch was served at the| Alterations are being made to i the a There are 10| The Bronte Community Club|adopted by the society, thus leav- OAKVILLE 2 ce. th [1078 Of the piestng and an ex-|the bullaing on Colborne Strect/ LL Crier of double pas Belt its weekly, sudlite on Mow ing only two W.a. societies inf 0 jn pon ale Hel | ansS OF BiiS thok vite, Cupe|forerly. eceupied | BY EPS] rel im Marien, suti| der nigh thE wiimers of fojraton Presbytery not affiliated. | SHCH. \ 10 all dia. | Sd sauces Wore resenicd fo/Frosted Foods, Which will hatse|l 2 ewmmats Hollpaced. Be. (priv: weretas gallows: Mr. Lew EERE interested, especially fq {if the Oakville branch of the Royal Bank of Canada. | Miss Dennis and teaching staff The January meeting of Wesley and to Mrs. Barker, Mrs. Turner, W.M.S, was held at the home of || Patterson, Mrs. Louise Ribble, Mr. Art Soules, Mrs. Lola Craig- porter will act as judge. Entries Ladies and Young People | may be mailed to or left at the b Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. Meyers adil : : re. test|ie. Mrs. Clifford Carpenter won|Mrs. Roy Fish. The president, De ey DE Ee i a Tr mmm Sion the Ta = iD me cpt = cle. TS. [cArthur, IS. ans- % rE meetin; an: also arran, field and Mrs; Crowthers present- (ing of the new Trafalgar Town- BRONTE Don't forget the Community id in which she was assist- || M § Tue. Wed. On| cdl the mitts ship community hall. Members of | nyo que. Cotter who has CIb Dpeh meeting 40 Bo held in |=0 By Mrs; Gordon Post, Rev, J. on. fue. ved. nly. Sire oY eorinell 27d [been 11 at hor' home Toro' for ne halt Thuretey svening. Jun | We Slawart, conducted. the ine Jan. 30-31 - Feb, 1 7 A meeting of the directors of | other- municipal bodies in theo FBC TORE IE SU 28 at 8 p.m. stallation of the officers for 1950. . 3 . 30s ma Disirkel, Mumsnslesuniy will Be goted, ehtmen [Sl rradny, Hantiton recae The benefit to be derived from Adult Entertainment Society will be held at the home [of the program will be Rev. W. Eh The Baptist. Young People| officially joining the Halton Pres- Children Under 16 ! i 0 Leyn tones) Porter of Avenue Band Unit). guncvioiations ts. Catsmtie aver or Bk fone SY al bytery Women's Association were NOT ADMITTED [Pedros sven, Pebrusy |Our, Toronto, fwmerly of | oy sh Bred diver om the ith) A, Dalby last Friday evening. Mr. [presented by the W.A. convener, EA | The engagement nas bes anwar, who Wil road the nomen ohglh 27 S4VSNer ab Casa |W. Granton, Clarkson and dv. Mra. B.A. Kish, and the sugges || + ALL SEATS 40c Marie, last week. ssess and Mr. and M (for this engag A. Tripp were | tion was accepted, nounced of Mina Gene, daughter|roll of the township's war dead. Pao ; in charge of the group. During aaa = of Mrs Delaney and the late | Principal speaker will be Rev. W.| Miss Lois Groat of the Public| ening SALE, lA DMI Basne Conover: and Mrs mest Edward Delaney of Oak-|J. Johnston, of Elginton Ave.|School teaching staff here, has qin. Wer eieel BRATH|H © Lovetr or mene ve ville to Dr. Alan Russell Wright, | United Church, Toronto. AlSO| resumed her duties after being Craigie wil Tne Sealron sone 2) BEIT Theat the i son of Mr. and Mis. Frank Be-|taking part.in the program will|sick at her home for the Past | duet. Mrs. Dalby later seyved re-[Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Biggar. ZR van Wright, Hamilton. The mar-|be the Oakville-Trafalgar High |week in Snelgrove, Ont, Sein ¢ Siaeee | riage will take place on Satur-|School Glee Club, and the Jun- ee rv We are sorry fo saport ihe J day, February 18, at 3 o'clock in ior Farmers Club of Palermo,| Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Hoppins| pre gn. Burch, 'Trafalgar St. [ness of Mr. Ross Lunau who last | | St. John's Presbyterian Church, | who will present a stage number. | Toronto, were week-end visitors entertained a number of ladies at [week underwent an operation in Hamilton. Ti aT = > : > SAAT at the home of Capt. and Mrs, T. |p. yom Friday, January 20, at|Milton Hospital. His daughter, Iie - Le 22% Lomign Rook 19 moment a tea in Honour of the birthday |Mrs. Livingstone, Reg.N., 4s with (it | Miss Thuis Sibpold; Torento, | daughter an Vancouver Island! Eon of Mrs. W. Cowan. The Bronte | him. i visited her sister, Mis. Richard ACEC The Women's Auxiliary of the|pi int Club was also enter EE . Ii George, Watson Ave, over the| Miss Ruth Ellison, Toronto,|Bronte Canadian = Legion have tained 4 a luncheon on Monday,| At the annual meeting of the . Sie week-end. spent the week-end with Mr. and| been invited to attend a party in Jantary 23 by Mrs, Cowan at her | Halton and Peel on Club, i Mrs, Sooitgy Bil. Brampton, 'Thurs. as: guests of | nome. Mrs. BE. L. Kennedy and [Gordon King, Dundas Highway, [~~ | "Can you lend pe g So ar tt Py Tanph Branch of the Le-| family, Toronto, and Mr. and) was. elected one of the distor i a Paradol tablet? Xe Spruce Street, spent the week- gon vera po dh liad hi k # Mr it » [0d in Clinton with Mrs. Suyd-| Mr Ken Hogan -formeny of| SH0Fen Of Mrs. Co : nn SE : § with her on Sunday and enjoyed [Mrs. Donald Albertson (formerly ih the Bronte Public School teach-| S20, ih Gen Rene the too Verna Lewis) on the birth of a al Mr. aid Nis "Yiyed Minmsn EE returned to his | gies at the-tea were Mrs. Canon | daughter on January 14th, at St. WHEN A GIRL doesn't want to leave class--and have to make embarrass- ing explanations--it's Paradol"she asks for. For Paradol means quick relief from suffering caused by periodic pains--headache,. too-- without disagreeable after-effects. Ask your druggist for Paradol, scientifically compounded from 4 spent the week-end in Buffalo. PE Mrs. P. Blundy and children, Stephen and Connie are spend- ing three weeks in Prescott with Mrs. Blundy's parents, Rev. and Mis. J, Black. rowan Mr. and Mrs. Lou Myers at- tended the annual convention of the Canadian Jewellers' Associa- tion at the Royal York Hotel on PRP - Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Ribble re- ceived congratulations f rom friends and neighbors yesterday on the occasion of their golden wedding. They have ten children, 39 grandchildren, and 14 great grandchildren. Tes aa The Bronte Horticultural So- ciety are holding a banquet on Smith, Mrs. W. Delve, Mrs. D. Al- lan, Mrs. R. A, Hopkins, Mrs. D.. Orr, Mrs. P. H. McKim, Mrs. W. H. Fiel, Mrs. W. Patterson, Mrs. A. Dooley, Mrs. J. Green, Mrs. F. Grant and Mrs. R, Watson. TRAFALGAR - The January meeting of -the W. A. of Munn's Church was held at the home of Mrs. A. A. Big- gar. 'The worship. service and Joseph's Hospital, Toronto. This is the first grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Albertson, Trafalgar. errs A highly successful dance and cuchre was held in the new Tra- falgar Community hall last Thursday evening by the North Trafalgar Community Club, More than three hundred people en- joyed playing euchre and dancing to the music of Doris Hull's or- chestra of Georgetown, PO Free trade with the United Kingdom, but not the United States, was favored by members of Sniders' Farm Forum at Mon- day evening's meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fish. The topic of discussion was "Tar iffs." Tuesday, January 31 at 6.30 in the basement of the Walton &fem- LI orial United Church. Mr. R. D. The Oakville Liberal assn. will| Bourne, Secretary of the Hamil. hold its next meeting on Monday | ton N: evening, January 30, in the Mas- onic hall. business session was' conducted by the president, Mrs, A. Wal- som. In compliance with the sug- gestion from Dominion W.A. ex- ature Club, will be the guest | ecutive, it was decided to hold speaker. Open to all at $1.00 a|a silver anniversary tea on Feb. ticket. 14th, celebrating the 25th year of ingredients. The name "Dr. Chase" Monday evening. it 22 is your assurance. DR. CHASE'S PARADOL mmm Quick Relief from Pain ss THIS Is Ty ou AL LINGER Your sp He is aa ch Fm! et ierney, dy. mie new screen drs) Monday, Tuesday = . Jan. 30-31 ITS RAW REALISM ROCKS THE SCREEN Thursday, Friday, Saturday ~~ Jan. 26-27-28 fast-as lightning Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. behind-the-scenes ie Jan. 26-27-28 professional ROD CAMERON football players! = © WALTER BRENNAN RKO presents LLOYD NOLAN. in thrilled-packed "BRIMSTONE" Hi 7 ap | & VALIVIK, ont Il Sy LIV. i cotor el ; | PAUL STEWART « JACK PAAR » and THE Las suze PLUS Feb. 1-2 Wednesday, Thursday IT REACHES A NEW HIGH IN THRILLING ADVENTURE 20,000,000 IN GOLD... Yours for the taking, if you can find it MONOGRAM PICTURES presents DILLINGER rearvmimve Foun LOWE * une JEFFREYS RDO CINELLI "MARC LAWRENCE - ELISHA CHR oc annonce TIERNEY zz, ENTERTAINMENT = CE Feel the THRILL behind the wheel of the new "AUSTIN DEVON CLARK'S SERVICE CENTRE AUSTIN SALES and SERVICE Phone 1031-W

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