1005€e 'Thursday, February 9, 1950 BRONTE ai (Contiued from Page 2) of singers have been touring the province, and are a very talented group. eau A social evening to be held in in connection with the the public school on Friday eve. |C"$% 1 : ning, February 17, by the Home |HUnter's banquet, for which and School Club has been plan-|Munn's, Wesley and Sheridan rangements were Silver 'Anniversary tea to be held by the W.A. on the afternoon of February 14 in the S. S. hall of the church. Plans were also dik- nd business session. Final ar- made for the ned. There will be various games for all who attend, door prizes of W. A. 's are catering as hereto- fore. This year it will be held in fowl, and refreshments. Admiss- (the new township hall on March ion will be 40c. 1st. Representing Munn's WA. By JIM HARRISON ' the three-church banquet INSIDE] BRIEFS i TRAFALGAR committee are Mrs. Walsom, Mrs. Mrs. Lorne Fish the members of Munn's W.A. on Wednesday, 1st. The som, presided for The Lorne Scots Regiment (Canadian Army Reserve) is offering something' really at- tractive to men of 17 and over who are physically fit and anxious for a spare time occu- pation that pays off, Nps 7 od Here's a Regiment that offers you many personal ad- vantages; trade and technical training; Active Service rates of pay for time spent in training; a full programme of sports and social events fo a kick out of we [in an all-important job. spare evenings devoted to train- help to assure the well-be- of Canada, because the Reserve Force forms an, i [portant part of this country's defence force: JOIN THE | LORNE SCOTS (Peel, Dufferin & Halton Regt.) For Further Details Visit Oakville Tuesday at 8 p.m. entertained | ©. Church February president, Mrs. A. Wal- the devotions Pickering, Miss M. Feather-| Steve Cochran stone and Mrs. J. Bentley. Mrs. Wwart Hall, who arranged the vrogram, gave a particularly ap- oropriate reading on "Gardens and their relation to the spiritual "art of one's life" Mrs. Harold Ciggar sang the solo, "In the "arden," accompanied by Mrs. A. Ginger Rogers for "Storm Cen ter." "The gal" says he, "jus doesn't know her own strength! by Betty Hutton Your Gun" once Pancho Villa. in "Annie Gel Sammy Cahn and Jules Styne. The big Robert Mitchum and Als Road, is leaving on Sunday Wohruary 12th. from Malton Air- "nt, on a visit of six weeks with "atives living in widely separ- ted parts of England. Her first "2 will be a Birmingham where "me relatives on her father's Ava Gard: filmed in a graveyard in New Or- leans. Academy Award "ide live. She will then go on to Narthamoton to her mother's rel- tives, For several thriller, "Stage Fright." and canvasser for the Red Cross| Richard Toad, for Trafalgar east of the Seventh i The campaign opens March will be glad if a resident or ican wi ; ents from Trafalgar east [20 Western drawl Jackie, the famous acting lion, had to be henna featured role in day." Jackie's 20 years. old now, the canvass. She will also ~ missed by the Women's Aux- m7 of the new hosvital, she is member of the executive, x wn Ei: threads among the gold! Honoured guest of Virginia Mayo on "The Hawk and the Ar- row" set this week was his Royal Highness Prince Buu-Loc, cousin Alfred Bentlev, who has been ™ Toronto ' General Hosnital "here he underwent a serious "> nveration as the result of an is nursing a shiner from a slapping scene with The silver-mounted pistol used belonged to A. Biggar. James Cagney's forthcoming rr picture, "The West Point Story," Mis. Fred Harris, Upper Mid- will feature eight new tunes by love scene between ner in "Carriage Entrance", was winner Jane Wyman portrays a girl learning how to be an actress in the forth- coming Alfred Hitchcock mystery [would permit spoke Scottish dialect and learned how to play the bagpipe for his starring role *"* and those in charge of the|in "The Hasty Heart! In nis | obit OF sn WEEK raign will be handicapped eg play "Lightning " an eo LT Seen den vear by Mrs. Harris! absence, | SUikes Twice," -- helll play the cent, was having some trouble guitar and speak with an Amer- rinsed for his "Mad Wednes- and there were too 'many silver Page 11 of Indo-China's Emperor. The prince was enroute to the United Nations conferences at Lake Suc- cess. Stephen Humphrey Bogart cel- ebrated his first birthday Jan. 6. Glamorous star, Doris Day, can » [forward pass a football for 25 yards! MALE VERSUS FEMALE Since his recently completed starring role opposite Ginger Rogers in "Perfect Strangers,' Dennis Morgan has become hy- per-conscious of the eternal struggle between sexes, and this has become his favorite story: Female lecturer: "If there's a man in this audience who would t cers like. Ulcer patients who smoke have more relapses than those 'who do not. On the effect of tobacco on , doctors that smoking does not do preg- nant women any more harm, or any different harm, than it does anyone else. 'The article reports evidence that smoking impairs athletic prowess and retards the growth and chest development of college sportmen. Coaches are almost un- animous that muscular power is lowered and that fatigue begins earlier in. smokers. Heart disease is more prevalent among smokers than non- smokers, and smoking may inten- sify existing heart disease, Riis States. Smoking speeds the pulse by.as much as 28 beats per min- ute, and raises blood pressure markedly and quickly. As yet, however, no. proof exists that smoking causes heart disease or Righ blood pressure. Studying the life spans and smoking habits of more than 6000 uy Mixing Bowl (Continued from Page 3) serving cabbage salad. At average present prices the daily requirements for vitamin C can be: obtained for one cent by using raw spinach, turnip, cab- bage or baked potatoes. For two or three cents by using oranges or grapefruit or their juices or to- mato juice or vitaminized apple juice. White American males; a physeian at Johns Hopkins concluded that 66 percent of non-smokers at the age of 30 will reach 60, but that only 61' percent of light smokers and a mere 46 percent of heavy smokers will double their age at 30. Other doctors disagree, hold- ing that heavy smokers are tem- Pperamentally the kind of people who do many things to excess and thus are more likely to die early. allow his wife to be - |let him stand!" A meek looking little man arose. The lecturer, with deep scorn: "Do YOU mean to say that YOU your wife to be slandered 7" The little man, apologetically: "Oh my no! I thought you slaughtered." with his southern accent for a scene in "Bright Leaf" ,| "Donald!" Director Curtiz f aly ilmplored. "Couldn't you pre- tend you're from the south of Scotland?" GUEST OF THE If J. Mereweather, Sth. Line, | WEEK Get Your . . . Don't Wait For The Last Minute Rush ONTARIO MOTOR VEHICLE LICENCES And PERMITS NOW ON SALE P. W. CHAMBRES 310 Reynolds St. N. OAKVILLE will present himself at the box office of the Century Theatre any guest will be admitted free as guests of the Journal. "ivry which he sustained in the ~vtimn. has been recuperating at "homes of his sisters, Mrs. W. Were among Snider's and Trafal- gar people who attended the Ont- Titeving. Mrs S. Barnstaple [tio HolsteinFriesian banquet at Mrs. H. Dunn. the Royal York. Mr. and Mrs. Brees Royle attended some of the bus- iness session. Bort ov x Mv. and Mrs. Roy Fish, Mr. and "Ts. Lorne Fish; "Earl Albertson A Allan Fish motored to Mono < on Fridav to extend their "mnathy to the family of the 'ata' Wilson G. Duke who passed "wav on Wednesday, . February Ist Mrs. Ross Lunau and daugh- ~' Mrs. Livingstone( relatives) were also among the callers. The >ta My, Duke had been a fre- "vent visitor during the years to |from a flu attack. {he Snider's district. His widow is * sx former Miss Sadie Forster,| Master Neil Walsom, who has snonter of the late Mr. Fred A.|been away from school because "orster of Snider's. of ill health, is gradually improv- krone i We regret to hear of the ber- by Mrs. J. Trafalgar Charge in the passing eavement sustained W. Stewart, parsonage, last week of a brother in Oshawa. Miss Ida Pickering Irene Lawrence and Miss are recovering The Armoury ing. Gordon Joyce, who has been EE under the doctor's care for some Mr. and Mrs. Earl Albertson, time, is staying at the home of |who are celebrating their silver |My. and Mrs. Goodwin, Seventh [wedding anniversary this week, Line. were presented with a handsome . saree My. and Mrs. F. Near, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Post, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Fish, Mr. and Mrs. J. Tentley, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold |Fish and Miss Barbara Royle floor lamp Monday evening at the Snider's Farm Forum at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Post. The presentation was made by Walter Royle. 60 Colborne St. E. kville Card & Smoke Shop C. C. Letheren TEEN TOWN BY KAREN PECK Wow! what a big ecrowd--it still leaves me breathless to think of it. I am referring to the large attendance at the "Sock Hop" held at the high school Friday night. A hundred and fifty kids were expectéd and over two hun- dred and fifty turned out. The dance was a big success and the proceeds were well over $183,00. Records were played over the PA system and all the gorgeous food was home-made. This Friday night at Teen Town is going to be a big affair, called the "Hayloft Hoe-Down and Box Social." Every girl must bring a box lunch and each one will be auctioned off to the highest. bid- der. Admission is to be free for the boys and free for the girls with box lunches, But, any girl who comes without a lunch will be charged 25c, There will be square dancing and novelty dances and the kids are going to get into the swing of things by wearing their blue. jeans and old skirts, Come one, come all for an eve. ning fun and beautiful box Junch- ¢5. slaved over by the poor gals, No man can do more than his best, but a good many men can do more than they think is their best. Phone 1481 caused by excessive smoking. The stomach ulcers are so caused, but states thaf excess acidity of the stomach, produced provides the kind of climate ul- Cigaret Smoking Jumps To All-Time Peak In Single Decade OLLIE'S 66 Colborne St. E. CLEANER QUALITY WORKMANSHIP AND SERVICE To Citizens of Oakville and Vicinity FOR 28 YEARS FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY S DYERS Phone 588 The tidal-wave increase in cig- arette smoking in a single gen- eration, stands as one of the most remarkable mass changes of hu- man habit in all history, declar- es Roger William Riis in The Readers' Digest. Last year, 400 billion cigarettes were consumed in the United States and 15 bil- lion .in Canada. About 800,000 American non-smokers are join- ing the smoking ranks annually. Two chemicals in cigarette smoke, benzo-pyrene and nicotine, are under grave suspicion, but medical science has so far not proved a case of harmful pois- oining against them. Nicotine, in pure form, is so violent a poison that the amount contained in two cigarettes would kill a smoker quickly if injected into the blood- stream. But in smoking, most of the nicotine escapes into the air; only a slight percentage is dbsor- bed by the mouth and lungs. CHOCO Colborne St. E. Though benzo-pyrene is an irri- For Valentines . . . Neilson's, Hunt' In Valentine Boxes .80 and .85 per pound Dunn's Drug Store J. R. DUNN, Phm.B. Ss McCormick's LATES Phone 650 tant more than a poison, it is a --_-- greater threat to heavy smokers than is nicotine, . according to many doctors. Throat irritation, the most common charge against smoking, is blamed by doctors on incompletely burned tar pro- ducts, of which benzo-pyrene is the chief ingredient Medical opinion differs on smoke-induced damage to the lungs. Cancer of the lungs has shown a marked increase in re- cent years, and some authorities attribute this higher incidence to a parallel increase in cigarette smoking. Others do not. The Am- erican Cancer Society formally states that no answer can yet be accepted as scientifically valid It is generally agreed, however, that cancer of the mouth, tongue and lips is unduly prevalent among smokers. Cigarettes retard hunger, the author states, by suppressing the stomach-wall contractions which produce the hunger sensation. Hence smoking interferes with appetite and thereby with good nutrition. A gain in weight is commonly experienced by persons who have forsworn the smoking habit. Heartburn and gastritis may be article gives no evidence that by smoking, OFFICIAL OPENING Trafalgar Memorial Community Hall February 10th, 1950 8 P.M. GUEST SPEAKER: Rev. W. J. EGLINGTON UNITED CHURCH, TORONTO Oakville-Trafalgar H. S. Choir PLAY BY PALERMO JUNIOR FARMERS "In A Kentucky Farmyard" LIGHT LUNCH WILL BE SERVED Johnston