Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 9 Feb 1950, p. 12

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Page 12 THE OAKVILLE-T RAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, February 9, 195 OODFYEAR STUDDED SURE-GRIP TIRES Wm. WHITAKER & SONS Station Rd. OAKVILLE ANNOUNCEMENT HELP WANTED Trafalgar Fire Brigade, No. 2, Buchre and Dance to be held at the New Trafalgar Memorial Hall, Feb, 14. Refreshments. Good prizes. (1.05p10-12) The Ladies Aid Society of Knox Presbyterian Church will hold a Valentine Tea on Thursday, Feb- ruary 16th, from three to fives thirty in the Church Hall Don't forget to attend the CP. T. Euchre, Friday, Feb. 10th, in the TO.O.F. Hall at 815 sharp. Sr. and Mis. Len Gould, form- erly of the New Murray House, wish to announce they have open- 24 a confectionery and tobacco business at 292 Eglinton Ave, W.. Toronto. Residence address % St. Clair Gardens, Toronto Representative one month, We specialize in Mar- Shall and Beautyrest repairs. Spring mattresses rebuilt, re burned like new. Eiderdowns re- covered. Finest workmanship. Ontario Bedding Company, Port Credit. Phone Oakville 203-W. DEATHS LUCAS--Annie McCready, in Palermo, Ont. on Tuesday, Feb. 7. 1950, Annie McCready, wife of the late Jacob Lucas, and mother of Anson Lucas, New Toronto. Resting at the funeral home of S. S. Russell and Son. Service Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock Tnterment Appleby Cemetery. FOR SALE 3 BURNER gas stove with ov- en, apartment size, practically new, $40.00. Apply 4 Chisholm St. over Westside Grocery. "SMALL __ house, conven- jences, with choice 2 acres Of land, Phone 147. 1938 PLYMOUTH coach, has excellent motor; good finish; Slip covers, heater, etc. Phone after 6, 476M. (25p) 500 BARTLETT pear trees, guaranteed to bear fruit next year, §1.35 each, Jos. Dorion, Tower Middle Rd. (25p12-14) 1938 CHEV. Coach, good tires and motor, $550.00. Clark's Ser- vice Centre, phone 1031W (35lc) THREE large hot-water radia- tors; various lengths of pipe, 1," 1" and %'. Clark's Service entre. Phone 1031W. (35lc12) ALBERTA coal briquets, an all-Canadian product, from Frank M. Sullivan, Bronte 80-W. Your Blue Coal Dealer. (35¢1tf) WOOD for sale, hard and soft, wood mixed, stove length. Phone 224-W. (1cOtf) PENNSYLVANIA OIL This is an excellent type of oil and we are selling it at 80c a gallon. Please bring your own Containers. This is in bulk, grade 50 only. Hurry while it lasts. Hed- leigh Home Ltd, Dundas Street, North, phone 1063. FIREWOOD, suitable for stove ana fireplace, cut and split. Reg. Smith and Sons. Phone 72TW. (1.00p9-14) FEAT supply, balanced, fresh 1 Ci - | P? be 75% BOY or girl as junior clerk. No experience necessary. Good Op- Tr n portunities for advancement. Ap- ply Canadian Bank of Commerce. JUNIOR clerk, male or fe- : male, 16 to 20 years of age, pre- ferably with junior matriculation 7 oratory. Senator Ros! standing or its equivalent. Apply Box No. 353 Journal. all: When he finally strutted off the stand, one reporter TENDERS TOWNSHIP. OF TRAFALGAR whispered, "Conkling seems to think he built the bridge Tenders for Gravel and Hauling 'Sealed tenders will be received himself." 'You underesti- mate his vanity." said the by the undersigned until 12 o'clock noon, Feb. 24th, 1950, for other. "He thinks he built the Falls" 10,000 cu. yds. of gravel to be crushed and delivered in b.is an. delivered on roads 6000 cu. yds. to be crushed and placed in stock ile at the pit. This material to stone, balance fines, to pass through a % inch screen. Tenders for hauling the above yardage of 10,000 cu. yds. to be laced on roads, on a per cu. yd. mile basis, will be received at the same time, average haul 10 miles Contract must be completed b; Og. Tat, 1950. 3% y Tarked cheque for $200 must accompany each tender. on The real estate firm of Webb and Knapp. which assembled the property of the United Na- tions building project along the East River in New York, con- siders itself so firmly estab- lished that its advertisements mention its name and nothing By BENNETT CERF HE opening of the first International Bridge at Niagara Falls about eighty years ago was the occasion for some high-flown coe Conkling ranted longest and loudest of else. They explained in a press release, Stop Me CONKLING SEEMS To THINK, HE BUILT THE BriDSE HIM- SELF- "When we decided to adver tise in metropolitan dailies, we felt we were well-enough known to dispense with nessages, address, phone number--everything but the d ingly on name." Tide, the advertising Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. S. A. Featherstone, erk, copy writer?" Copyright, 1949, by Bennett Cerf. Dis! this campaign. and added. "What we want to know is--who was the tributed by King Features Syndicate. Pioneering in health service the Canadian Red Cross Soci was the first to promote pub health schools and public heal nurses, visiting homemakers, tui erculosis clinics, an independe training school for profession nurses, and the completely ff blood transfusion service on f national basis. | Ninety-seven per cent of Red | Gross work is done by volunteer workers, without pay. 5 fxna More than 1000 children with sieech defects have been assisted by the Montreal Speech Therapy Clinic, sponsored By Red Cross Juniors. To Get Ready for a Party? THEN LET US QUOTE ON YOUR NEEDS FANCY CAKES, COOKIES & SANDWICHES HOR'S D'EUVRES for It i 8 I i | | Showers, Parties, Weddings, Special Occasions FREE DELIVERY F. Morgan-Brown Township of Trafalgar, Trafalgar P. O., Ont. Wite Preservers er A. F. BERRILL 161 Colborne St. E., Oakville Phone 1233 NOTICE! Home purchasing today is much easier than it was. Un- der the new N.H.A. plan mortgages have been in- creased and down payments required are lower. Come in and let's discuss your prob- lems. We are open every day from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and will be very happy to serve you. $13,350--Complete price, $3, 450.00 down, frame & stone bungalow with 3 extra large bedrooms, very latest com- bination living and dining room. Open fireplace. Modern compact kitchen completely tiled, 4 pc. bathroom. At- tached garage. All air-con- ditioned heating. They're moving fast, so act quickly on this one. Possession to suit. $9,550--$1,670.00 down. This js an exceptional buy. Com- plete 2-storey home, on large well-treed lot. 3 large bed- rooms upstairs, with ultra- modern 4-pe. 'bathroom. Hardwood throughout. Large bright, and cheerful combin- ation living and dining room, 1946 PONTIAC SEDAN Heater - Radio A Bargain $1195.00 Trade-Terms 1942 HUDSON 2-DOOR SEDAN Conditionaire Heater Radio - A Snap $925.00 Trade-Terms ground meat ration for dogs, Think and fox ranchers, delivered phone for free Refrigeration one Bronte (106p12-14) 90 x 115 lot suitable for com- mercial building, Chisholm St South. Venetian Blind Laundry Phone 859. (25D) MCOLARY cabinet gas range insulated oven, oven control, per- fect condition, also coal annex to match. Priced for quick sale. Venetian Blind Laundry, 47 Chisholm St. S. Phone 859 (49) HOUSE, Tot, garage east side, centrally located, 8 taom and bath, occupancy 1st. May, $12,500. Readily converted fo duplex. Box 352 Journal TOOSE hay, also cut straw, Bar] Albertson, phone 616J13, Oakville. (50p12-14) SCOTTIE pup, 8 months old; male, black, $35, Phone 768122. PREMIER strawberry plants. Quality plants + thousand. Joseph Middle Rd., Oak: (1.00p12-17) weekly. Write or Hough corner only. e Dorion, Lower 1034 50 plates, $250. Randall St. Phone 690M, i > 164 (25p12) FOR RENT M and board. Phone 1111W ria (1.00p12-17) Phone 954R "ROOM, reasonable, BED sitting-room, Kitchen and bath room, tained. Private entrance. 8057. : 'modern self-con- Phone (35¢12) WANTED TO RENT FORD coupe, rumble seat, |" separated by open fireplace. Beautiful kitchen, full cellar. These are brand new homes. 4 to pick from. Possession can be arranged. $8,500--full price, $1,500.00 down. Once again we give you a bargain. Recently we advertised a home same as this. Believe us, we were swamped with calls and clients, so we have persuad- od the builder to repeat them. Took at this, for the ahove price. Three bedrooms, liv- ing room, with picture Ww dow, dining room, 4 pc. mod- ern bath, full cellar cheer- ful well laid out kitchen. ATL clapboard construction, uated on large lots, amid] large old trees, ete. Excellent location for schools, shop- hing, etc. Come and see us. Possession can be arranged to suit. ©6.300--%2 000 down, stucco. 17 storey, 6-room garage, hot air heated. 15 x 1207, large living room with open fireplace. dinine room. 3 bedrooms, bath, full cellar; possession Feb. 1 terms on balance can be ar- ranged. $5,500 or good offer. 5-ro0m bungalow, situated on corn- er lot, approximately 50" x 127, combination living and dining room, kitchen 8 107, 9 good bedrooms, full base- 1941 FORD COACH New Motor Heater with Defroster $650.00 Trade-Terms 1938 CHEV. COUPE Radio - Heater $550.00 Trade-Terms 1934 PONTIAC COACH As Is -- $175.00 Others To Choose From SEE US FIRST Locally -- Know Your Purchase OAKVILLE MOTORS Chevrolet -- Oldsmobile PHONE 460 Buy By April 1, 4 or 5 unfurnished Looms or apartment in Oakville by Irish family living in Trenton. Phone 123TR (37pll) ment, hot air heating, gar- age; about 3 blocks from schools and shopping. Terms can be arranged. <5 WANTED A. F. BERRILL USED _ typewriter, dition. Box 351, Journal. good con- (25p12) After hours Phone Oakville 481TW READ THE CLASSIFIED ADS. IN THE JOURNAL CATERING SERVICE PHONE OAKVILLE 616J21 TERRIFIC VALUE THREE PIECES FOR $139 3 (] This beautifully styled modern suite is in the true design of 20th. Century furniture. Finest White Oak Veneer in soft luster finish, with plate glass, bevell edge mirrors, and priced to clear. $139.00 THREE PIECES with choice of Vanity or Dresser BED OUTFITS Or ALL TYPES llere's the answer to homemaker's dream. some bed in genuine poster style, complete with and spring-filled mattress. PCSTER STYLE ANY SIZE A WITH STEEL BEDSTEAD the thrifty hand- walnut in spring $59.50 $39.50 Clearance Price - Yet Fully Guarant == YOUTH'S BED ? 4 Large size 33 x 63 For Prompt Efficient Service CHILD'S LARGEST SIS 307 x 54 SPECIAL! in honey finish hard- hand rubbed. Complete with steel spring and soft felt mattress at $47.50 Regular Price $59.50 Sturdy const' and full pane A complete with and mattress $36.5 Regular Price DOMINION Furniture Stores - Oakville. PHONE 957 OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS 3 COMPLETE FLOORS OF FURNITURE & FURNISHINGS

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