Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 20 Apr 1950, p. 1

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The Oakville - Trafalgar Journal fol. 3, No. Entered. 2nd Class Mail, Ottawa Oakville, Ontario Thursday, April 20, 1950 24 Pages Ee LN 3 cents a copy, $2.00 Per Year in Advance hit bala RN Small Fry Swap Shop Attracts Eager Throng Board Approves $13,000 Estimate RY one FC For Wallace Park Floodlights Floodlight ba -- Farmlands Need Rain [oe 0 Halton Growers Say [n= Spring weather has arrived, but the bi on for the farms er has not yet begun. Although the air nice and warm there's still in the ground, and its t aseball, made possible $15,000 for tho establish M. Wallace's re- community centre, predicted Tuesday 1 of directors of the Oakville Baseball Aswn, met s for the project : Approve $15,000 Expenditure that estimates have alre board empower commission m. up to $11,000. The board i dQ by utilities and equipment on the far as I know," Reeve land yet a $2,000 for instalation W. H. Biggar, leading Trafalgar 35 Meas Mo Sane Fortune Smilos .*-- a mar ourna esday. e fall whea . Bd ns % oT ha : "We were lucky to lay our OTe = 3 oe oe Jack 8 Mit in the past |, OF WOR lwky to lv orl ROTARY ELECTIONS i Sn two or three weeks on account SWAP DAY was a highlight of the Easter week program lined up for town young- ) iris ol following officers of Oaks of the frost. If we just get a nico["* tNOF® Is offen a long waiting | ville Rotary Club were elected [8icis by recreation director Ted Kennedy, who is demonstrating convineingly that [warm rain and then some good | Period for this commodity" Mr. for the current year at the chs © 1S a man of ideas when it comes to keeping a swarm of energetic Kids happily oc- [weather the farmers will be able | LCCONVEey told the meeting. annual election on Monday aves fupied. Ted and his assistants had more than 200 boys and girls noisily and gleefully |to get out on the land." "I've reserved the ten we need |® 8 p changing comic hooks, wagons, trains, dolls and countless other toys last Thur 2 with a Montreal firm, so we | Vice-President, Bert Hard. Sparing 3 outioe) fe ) a : | wie ectors, 3 Regarding the outlook for should have no delay in this de-|'Wiek: Directors, Alla partment." Jock Carpenter, ternoon. Other features of the program were a marbles tourney day and the day camp reunion. games day, Campbell, fruit, Harry S. Ryrie, Lakeshore iruce Colville, Road Fast, one of the district's 0) MeKillop, Bill Wal TE ar On Hag vated « ght vet up|. & Oey Bit . o growers, re-[ 4 equate for Wallace| ton. Alex Tiley wie elots ept. Holds Bronte Squirrels Hinder Efforts marked that the buds looked Li ; ie Sur Rralle oh RP a aii mation at promising in his district. "It |s hould Have Own too early to say just what pros. t| Previous meeting. The secretary : pects are." he explained. A trot | Produced by the House of Davi fre be chosen by the directors portable i sod here at sum- | Waterworks System Yrup Seekers ISCOV@T [cou asroct tho blossoms, anys | Por be Tait Yd here Jeet suns : a there is bad weather at the time pb : . ronte should have its own duous, e finds 3 "d rup, Eloot Officers I te a i at eee eS 0. Bul som ot ore. |Health Unit Stresses for Sos you see, is just the op) e fro . The Lbs md R 3 vas named pros upon Oakville or any outside cooking rice. With s 1p, the work. Then after that there | are dent of the board for the current ipality for its wat Insects and disease to consider [Int Of the board for th ren Regular Checkovers ERE oy I wile went ont more you boil, the vou get. Wiss Togomimended by aul Sho OT - 5 year. First vice-president will be ; So unless yowre patient, and H&S Ass'n Hears (zl of the Oniavio Departs|iy eer easily add the deli- Don Davis, who will manage the es Pa ihe ai at Hon tone ent op, CAREER NIGHT [contin of the tntermottaty| pro TN public health nuraing it of Munioinal Affairs. 'Taisfo 005 SL family larder. It he|the task at hand tends to got a Sho te of Caters Quien, Larry Wilton, who Will ervey oo Halton County Health _---- id _-- io has the required white maple |Dbit discouraging. , collaborate with Bud Corbett in | ernie working to promote bet agar JownshD counellat fs le th yard, that is, ter physical and mental health High School will study possible wuporvising the ove ting 2 D. A. Mec- ing Monday by A. Me. throughout the country was des. vido nearly ton times the $ Although Canada's maple Syrup industry thrives, for the most part in Quebec and north- growing | Mr. Armour well knew the pit-| careers open to them when the minor baseball longues, will verve nachie, township solicitor, who| Doug. falls of syrup making. He didn't|scheol's second annual rmour, has the trees Carver | consulted with the oficial | He has seven of them, to be ex.|start bolling too. saan He om Night will bo hold on Thursday |" in prado oad oribed by Misa Jeannette Gilles arding the proposal to supply |act. He also had the energy and|cumulated a substantial stock of | night, April 27. The 17 subjects vray whi be In charge of lghts ple, public health nurse, In a talk nte with water from Oak-| enthusiasm And now he has|Sap, built a vent in his kitchen, | chosen by a poll of the students, maintenanco and grounds to the newly ried Linbrook o's system. |mearly two gallons of prime and. settled down to work, The|range from service in the armed The hoard alto appointed | CMe and foal Association at i | maple syrup that will taste even |%ap came to a boll, maple steam | fore on professions auch af he board ako treasurer | BrO0k school Tuesday evening He does not recommend At | sweeter to the Armours than poured out of the vent. And then | medicine and law. So popular and Bill Cotton as mecrotary of| WO have two objectives as | bahia Be {ould the top. commercial. grades. | the. amateur manufasturer Gr RT abn AL the am heath avira eld iis ' . + , 7 7 ) hn is| Bot busy--answering the door to SI Tet JT 2 Pollowing discusston, a eon Bh Ag. leas i nte said Mr. McConachie.| Mr. Armour's technique is |& A & groups to consider. atiiut 4 y bioct ta|"e8d for healthful living and to | says the cost of taking wa- (simple. He purchased a fow reg-| assure passersby that his home eakers at tho various groups | ' HON was adopted, subject to from the 4th line is prohibi- | ulation spigots, tapped three-inch A oreate a belle public 3 g : : + any logal ammendments required ["F0Ate a bellef in public nursing wasn't qn fire! which will use classrooms at the by conformation with the com. |"Or We want to do such a good " The official favored Bronte| holes in his trees, hung pails over TY hs Thal kL school will speak for about o RANE oo ch Job that people will be happy te dlling its own water system, |the spigots, and then just sat 2 nad ita pevsavere for two pars the Ban period ane |IIEMLY © tod that |EIVe ua thelr taxes to carry an ud Corbe 0 reported tha solicitor stated. The town-|back and let the surging sup| Weeks, however. But ho was wo then will answer questions of the tad, Cornett, Wha vy) miner the publi heaith program." own bantr voewen and minor between Oakville and Bronte | run, Sounds easy, eh? successful that his efforts Intri-| students. The Ideas of career dln te , Insueg. A - "We aro Interested In the phy : 8, Tug ann : poewoo groups comprise uld be annexed to Bronte if Up to that point, it was easy.|5ued the Interest of neighbours |Cussions originated last year and some 16 teams this year, was |8loal environment of the heme residents wanted water. 8 . tani x They | Won the immediate approval of * But when you really get d | Al and Bettina Masson. They hth water, there would be a|BUt When you really get down fc authorized to commence gatting [And the health condition of every the diamond In shape Immedi.| Member of the family fn that the students, with the result that a bigger attendance than lust year Is expected development east of Bronte," | "OUI the sap down into syrup, § Me MeConachis Installa- the job really becomes a mite ar- of a water system would en-| _ on exo Bll the incorporation of Bronte ---- PlanYImprovements We should get some scheme| A Much larger amount will b € sho 0) Sc) spel '0 z e Bronte with a view to expand-| Pent in improving the this year than has it if we needed to," comment- 3 ok. | case in the pa eputy-Reeve Joseph Wick- | a8€ in PeputyBeeve Joseph Wa mittee informed the board of barrowed a spigot, and succeed- (Continued on Page 6) ately. He told tho board Oaks |home. Homeotimes ws can give practl aohaol and the minor baseball [Help with the emotional adjust I begin this week-end, | Ment of that family" Miss Gillespie des methods employed in ribed the the schools, Ball School Opens the physical examination of the children, the health conferences, For Future DiMaggios ana the immunisation. "The sm Contending that parking on off to use the larger ilo, which both sides of Colborne St West, betw will handle expansion fn the en Forsythe and Chisholm | for th a long time," > : : , With sunny slclos nerating i clinics ; are Testy 5 Sts reates a hazardous situa-| upp big sewer man mynolf," | diamond fever to a higher point [PAYING off" she stated ha directors of the Oakvi Golf | yop Re Howard Litchfield agreed Coun, Freeman, "I feel dally, the town's baseball ae h- | Stressed the importance of men hey say it is most inequit-|Club Monday night. Many new Monday night asked that steps be hi ne we must look ahead tourneys and special events are being arranged by the game tal health in childs on yostord set up any scheme that announced Initial If a child ts this week-end | W88 not properly adjusted to its taken to permit parking on one side of the street only. Council committee, which will publish the ins ruored the waming tration of | List, together with recent R. C.[jienies commirtes to take the| (Continued on Page 11) achie, G. A. rules changes, in booklet form, the board learned. Dr. D. H. Dixon, house com- Emergency Measure Local Library Ready mittee chairman, announced the Although Coun Robert Free Installation of wtorm workouts at ht fall on the northern part the township" said Mr. Me- on Omlewood Crew. and Carolyn [Al Yarnell will put the Omks|®Viranment the Rursing service through thelr paces at Wallace | TNdeavared to find just whars the trouble lay, and to correst it | | park at 2 pom. Sunday afte he tr ad F necessary action don't think we're going to th Then, on Monday, Hud Corbett | all Its work, the nursing ser ored to co-operates | hegina his baseball school for the said the deputy-reeve. WIth other agenolas com minor longues, heginning with , Sgenains of " i . nan _reportec te. comm ve bantam 18 and 14 group, The fre people of Bronte nave clubhouse kichen has bean re | man reporiaa that the commit To Assist Amateur fia Santen 1 and 1 group. The TONY, | ineiuding the sarvic . I time |duipped, and that compl tee has a comprehensive parking ot ne 14-year old: pa ues forms of assistance Ib rendered ha ET a Lo BC law under consideration, the Garden Enthusiasts] ici ou on Tuesday eer the, UNE arate So ty en s (Continued on Page 5) v be served. v ainsa nn as iin Helpful hints for the amateur ig a =e 1, follows In preparing their applications i Tee------------------ ove to control URERIng, In a gardener are avallable in great ne mn = : schol gets | FOF old ngs pensions, and advised F . T gr h designated block was RECEMATY. | yhundance at Onkville Public | Boos In a4 regular Ni: (Continued on Page 5) ne vecades rai 0 Iminis "I consider this is an emergency, Library, Mrs, J. C. Young, Ii. |out, fallaws--at 4 p.m | g he stated. "I've had several calls Grarian, would ike tp call 1 or ----ee -- ' ' L F T | from ents, and I'm told a bus {tention of those interested In . | Mrs. Ward's Love For Travel|" Ch te te wining ni nny ue: Grass Blazes Responsible For 70 Harriet Ward, Brookfield or The) are sixte | cause of trucks being parked. vos number of ery useful hooks . i is looking forward to get-| and five greal-| This makes for 4 dangerous sit-| which may be borrowed from the P Of C Il F R | | BR cuc oco ni or revere bio a ram, he ercent alls, Firemen Revea e fine weather is here. Th was a family party at itt wilt post noi % for Canadian Gardens During the past year 10 per (Journal His brigade answered § hat she passed her nine-|Mrs. Carr's home in Toronto on government pamphlet; The ing signs following arrival |' ; : : . | Garden Library AWE ut af cision as to which side of 4 y the Earth author of birthday recently haswt|Mrs Ward's birthday. All her | 7? shed her love of sightsee- | children and a large number of wot, be mont stitable and her interest in things in| her grandchildren were on hand ie Alreg | ral. The venerable lady, who |to wi for parking Lved in Oakville for more , in addition to man twenty years, gets around fine gifts, received ninety an energy that would do|tiful roses, and of c 10 someone ma. at birthday cake But one of the things that pleas- ed cent of the fire calls veceived hy [Wires grass fire calls on Sunday both the Trafalgar wiighip and one Tussdar, se painted by Louis Bromtiald 2 gadas | THE OFF danger of starting grass and the Oakville brigades C0 et out of conteal oo that the hrigads is called out, and children burning grass stated [not avaliable in case & more sar 1 Guide; How to Crow | Fire Chisfs Fred Shaw of Oak-|'0us firs should break ait. There i porarily stalled due to| Mushrooms ning subdivision proposal | a primer for the beg require service, will | advanced alabar Farm Simple Pruning; Magic Gardens: Manus) Approve Sewer Unit of Home Vegetable The long mooted Deane Ave. |Garden have heen ea 1 by residents Gardening er, Le ras 3 magnif Is also the item of expense to he \ to Garden, | ville, Georges Wright of Trafsl ] ad wid "SOE &] considered. Every alarm an | gar, and Freeman Bray of Bronts amateur; How to maks t Flower Garden, a collection of ticles by varlous authorities BS accept- |The Amateurs' Practical Carden swersd costs the ratspaysrs good in the near future, A In 8 Joint announcement. "Thass money. A grass fire can very i y the leasily got out of control, Chief x ralepayers as any other firs, snd Wright warns, tender am fires are just as France. telephoned from London to ¥ if you haven't ws urgs the ratepayers to help| Plenty of willing volunteer fir | Badk; Homs Vegetable Garden Ing from A to Z; Productive Vag & the fire departments by not |DERITS hand tn Kesp ithe greetings and best Inat a 12-inch tls 4ple" Growing: The: Cran oe the Ew a flames from spresding, don't ves entertaining.' for the project in place {gn or: Tre Maintenance of | PUNE grass an vacant lots | touch 8 math to dry grass Ward, whose hush: 8-inch maln previously | Shade and Omnamental Trees; | lass have Sufficient help Lachlan -McAr-| The Lazy Gardener: Around the | and proper planning before start : ouncil the ditterencs | Year In the Garden; House | mg fires Directors Plan Dance cost would be less than $1,500, | Plants; The Gurden Primer; The dance Is being held in Daler r ety- Book of Gardens and Gardening; fors they start grass fires they | me Communit, one som, Ted Ward, Clark-|four, and her sunt reached the Hetbs; The Garden in Colour: |™ ; 4 "ommunity Hal Another son, Enily ard, of { inpresstve age of one hundred | What sewers are lke on 3 wet The Old Dirt Dobbers Garden ' will save Hs a lot of troubls, evening under 4, England died 3 year|and seven Gay," 'he stated "We'd be better |Book Tres Experts Manual Firs Chist Wright told the out, lived to be nl "If people take preesutions be-| A obody knows better than I do tomorrow the suspiees of the hall bosrd of dirselors, 24

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