Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 27 Apr 1950, p. 12

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THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday. April 27, 1959 WHITAKER & SONS Station Rd. OAKVILLE =|. cocks M: disc seed drill; Marion and Arden Mille, ee Marion Orth), Linbrook Road, Oakville, wish to announce the birth of a son, Eric Arden, April 24th, 1950 at the Oakville-Tra- falgar Memorial Hospital. ANNOUNCEMENT SHUTT 5 sey-Harris Seed drill both 13 run. A Broughton, R. R. 1, Bronte, Phone SR2. (35023) HOUSE. Apply 111 Church St. SPRING, paint up, tune up the old bus, etc, time for dirty hands, Try KLEENPAWS, the amazing waterless Ask at Brien's FOR RENT WANTED ROOM and board. Phone 1111W USED office desk, phone 379. ( 26) | Transportation wanted daily to furnished bed- | Toronto, returning after 4.30. kitchen, contin- | Phone 1065R. (35c23) ter. Suit business = 2V (25 ATTRACTIVE sitting room. uous hot w: girl. Phon "2 unfurnished room: house-keeping, phone 147 ENDERS i Bids will be received by The Women's Jude's Church Rummage Sale, noon, April 29th Hall. Guild of St. are holding a Saturday after- in the Parish Oakville Paint and Wallpaper, until 5 pm. April WANTED TO RENT 28th, 1950 for the purchase. of ONE used tor, completely $149. terms, phone Bronte electric refrigera- reconditione 210. The Woman's Auxiliary of SL. Jude's Church will hold their Spring Tea on 16th, 1950, 3.30 5 the Parish Hall, Homebaking, aprons, novelties, Tea 25c Plan to attend the Bridge and Euchre being held by the Oak- ville Lawn Bowling Club in the Masonic Hall on Friday evening, April 28th. Big prizes. also door Refreshments. Tickets 50 cen (c23 Everyone welcome to the CPT euchre in the LO.O.F, hall at .15, Friday, April 28th--good prizes. (29p23) Ben Galley and Thomas John- ston wish to announce that they are carrying on the painting and decorating business, they oper- ated with the late Mr. R. M. Hitch. Ben Galley and Thomas Johnston. Painting and Decorat- ing, Phone 552M. (69p23) MATTELESSES Representative, here now for one month. We specialize in Mar- shall and Beautyrest repairs. Spring mattresses rebuilt, re- turned like new. Eiderdowns re- covered. _ Finest MAN'S Planet cycle, also lady's COM bicycle, good dondit- ion, Phone 1520W after 6 p.m. $150. buys 34 Chevrolet Mas- ter, good motor, and tires. After 6 p.m. 81 Stewart St. East. 67 ft. of land on the west side of Dundas St. immediately north of Sheddon Ave. This land to be res- tricted to garden purposes only. 4 bedroom house, 2 or 3 year lease. Phone 92TW. (22p23) SITUATIONS WANTED Watch For Our Opening In Near Future TOWN TOGS Ladies' Wear Beside Loblaw's New Store ition | The highest or any other tender HATRDRESSEE. seeks po in Oakville. Box 379 Journal. not. necessarily accepted. C. H. Byers Clerk Town of ville Sealed tenders, y_iden- ahh MALE HELP WANTED female pup, pedigreed, $5. COCKER-Spaniel 6 weeks old, not Phone 1090. SQUARE box trunk with tray and lock, good condition, $10. Phone Herbert Merry, 1151W. PREMIER strawberry plants, $2.00 per hundred, $12.00 per M. Len Lister, Ho 1. (23-25 1948 Beach " lent condition, 4 burners, control pilot light, broiler. Best offer. Phone 1209R before Mon- day. (3123) For PLEASURE and PERFORMANCE E properly tified as to contents, will be re- ceived by the Secretary of the Oakville Public School Board, Mr. C. H. Byers, Oakville, Ont- ario, up to 5 pam. 15th, 1950 for the service sta- | tract and separate tion front end work, with sales|Plumbing, Heating and Ventilat- ability. Apply Umphrey Motors |ing and Electric wiring, for an Ltd., Brampton, On 5023) | addition to Westwood Public ~ GARDENER To out School, Wilson Avenue, Oakville, grass throughout season. Ontario. Eiue 'prints and 28. specifications may be secured from the office of the Architects upon deposit "of Fifteen Dollars, House-to-house salesman or en. o against drawing account on quick selling item. Some leads furnish- ed. Exclusive territory. Apply in writing to Box 374, The Journal "MAN want ce GENERAL RADIONICS RADIOS $53.95 contracts for 5 of Phone (25p23) ONE man familiar with trac- tors and implement E newly 4 SE, 7rooms, 4 : decorated, $7800. Phone (3523) ALBERTA coal brig an all-Canadian product, from Frank M. Sullivan, Bronte 80-W. Your Blue Coal Dealer. (35¢1tf) APARTMENT washing size few times, $30.00, phone 379. (30p21) Ontario Bedding Company, Port Credit. Phone Oakville 203-W, FOR SALE Once more we have that fine Pennsylvania ofl. Bring your own gal. container and we fill it for only 80c Grade 40 only. Hed- leigh Home Ltd, Dundas St. N. OUSTANDING value In a Colderair air-conditioned refrig- erator, capacity from 100 to 150 s. of ice, Perfect condition, reasonably priced. Phone 1460, GRAD's 2-pant made-to-meas- ure suit; tall, 37, medium brown. Practically new. Phone 742J, 1934 FORD coupe with rumble seat, smart appearance, pri $200.00, 164 Randall St. (p23-24) GOLF clubs, matched set, Campbell Champion outboard 4% hp, as new, Ed. Slater, 38 Colborne St. W. (29p23) GRAVELY tr , 5 hp, wi power sprayer, sickle mower, ro- tary lawn r, rotary plow, snow plow, tire power take off unit tool complete, practically $875.00. Value $1200. AW. BUDGIES for Mothers Day, all colours, $4.00 up. 68 Robinson St, Oakville, phone 56J (25p23) gas and coal stove, porcelain finish, Rcasonabl Phone Bronte 218Rd. (85¢! TWO ladies' suits, size 11; two children's winter outfits, Phone 1181W, CHOICE building highway, on Nelson Street, Bronte $6 per foot, water and gas available, Phone 210 Bronte. 2 (35ctf) LADIES' tailored suit, size 16, Blue grey stripe, perfect condit- fon, men's Harris Tweed sports coat, brown, size 88. Phone 843W lots, near size 4. |v IRISH cobbler seed potatoes, $1.60 and bags. E. J. Cudmore, Bronte, phone 61. (7022-24) A. F. BERRILL Estate & Insurance Real rokers OAKVILLE DISTRICT $15,000--100 acres, best of light clay loam, 27 acres in wheat, 30 acres ploughed for Spring Crop. Remainder In Timothy and Alfal- fa. Barn 84x40, will house 60 head of cattle, running water in barn, hay fork, steel roof, good machine with wringer, used only |- water supply. ouse is ne bungalow of insul-brick with all town conveniences, 3 pc. bath- room, extra large modern kitch- en, large living room with open fireplace, 2 bedrooms, sun porch, attached garage, full basement, with hot air furnace, hardwood floors throughout, excellent terms and low down' payment can be arranged. Don't miss this wonderful op- portunity. Call Mr. Devenish for appointment at Oakville 1233. A. F. Berrill Real Estate 161 Colborne St. E. Phone, Office 1233 or E. Devenish, 4R3, Bronte ~ LOST . Boy's glasses in blue hard case vicinity of Victoria Park. Re- ward, Phone 454R (25p23) 1 SET of wire twisting dies consisting of 2 die holders with 12 inch pipe handles and several pair of steel block dies in wood- en carrying case with leather handle. 'Reward. Trafalgar Pub- lic Utilities Commission. (65p23) LADY'S watch, gold, expan- sion bracelet, Thursday night, April 20. Phone 421. (25c23) which will be returned upon re- turn of the plans and specifica tions in good condition. Tenders for a stipulated sum only will be considered. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. MURTON & EVANS Um- Brampton, (50c23) perience opportunity, phrey Moto; On Architects 1 Main Street East, Hamilton, Ontario lent opportunity (1023-24) ment and benefits. phrey Motors Ltd, Ont. for Apply Um- Brampton; (5023) POSTAL clerks, $1620-$2340, Oakville. Application forms, ob- tainable at Post Office, should be filed with the Civil Service Com- mission, Ottawa IMMEDIAT- ELY. (123) FEMALE HELP WANTED ~ SALBSLADY, reliable girl, full or part time work. Apply in per- Boost Boys Members of the Ballinfad Farm Forum sat down to talk turkey with the local hockey team last week, following a successful sea- son for the squad. The boys ate fowl until they could manage not a drumstrick more, then heard Prof. Totton, of 0.A.C., discuss modern farming methods. 13 Dunn St. N. SEE OUR NEW LINE OF AERIALS SIDE COWL --2 SECTION 62" $3.50 TOP QUALITY OAKVILLE LOW PRICED BURKE'S AUTO SUPPLY suscine swor Ph. 1129M son Chainway Store. (50p21-23) Borden pres : 0 altogether wonderful jce cre TT NAME is Lady Borden Ice Cream. To taste it is to know the satisfying smoothness of thick, golden cream . . . the fresh, clean taste of choice fruits... . the subtle delight of flavorings of rare DANCE Huttonville Park WEDNESDAY Dancing 9-12.30 Hal Davis and Featuring: VERA GRAND OPENING May 3rd MUSIC BY Direct from "The Highlands," Galt and "Wonderland," 12 PIECE ORCHESTRA Novelty Prizes, Hats, Horns, Balloons ADMISSION 50c Dancing Every Wednesday & Saturday at PEEL'S POPULAR PLAYGROUND 4 Miles West of Brampton his Highlanders London NORTON, Vocalist Every true, full-rich flavor of this superb ice cream is blended as only the most accomplished ice cream makers in Canada can blend it. There's a difference you can taste. Naturally, it costs a little more. Ask for Lady Borden Ice Cream at your Borden Ice Cream dealers. FIT FOR A GOLDEN SPOON s Ji ready to dip cal as ifs Jrazens ready 10 C0 it Burgundy colored package: 1s distinotiv nes 10 ¥ out of i RUSSELL DRU PHONE 47

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