fhursday, May 4, 1950 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL | while going down for the third| Butterflies are slowly winging. 0 0L | time--ana it sounds lke it!-- The girl, she waits and paces On, . spy the lover on his way |in the yards, HIGHLIGHTS | To mest the girl across the| Another boy, inside he sits a bay, By Myke Dyer | pax. playing cards, "Bigger and better than ever!" | The bees are buzzing, birds are| For if tha bay across the bay Page § She has another, just in case, For the radio said, 'Don't be half satel" MUSIC ALBUM BY IRVEN FELL I have always tried, in writing this column to bring to its read- ers any human interest element In spite of all this, I hope to be b again next week with ® DAILY SERVICE TO ALL CAMADUAN AND USA. © CHARTIRID BUSES OFFER which may come to my attention during my everyday activity. There is nothing with quite so much human interest attached to That's the annual career night held at| the high school what people said about | Singing, Turns not up for her to-day more idle chatter. last Thursday | IDEAL SERVICE FOR ALL igh s were giv ch Lid night. Talks were given on such subjects as pharmacy, nursing, architecutre, law, journalism, it as music. It really does not matter to whom you talk it is not difficult to start a discussion on music, simply because indi- viduals have individual ideas and tastes on the subject. During the week I was calling on a sick friend and after a while we got talking about music in the church and the enjoyment TICKITS AND INFORMATION AF HALTON INN Phone 600 | HELP i WANTED Experienced Cashiers and young ladies, young men for full time work in gro- TO THE MUSIC OF Herb Lear and his "Aristocrats" Friday Evenings Sch i gins whose combined efforts made the evening a success. Looks as if we'll have to post- pone our interview with Alex George Vassil and his Orchestra one can get from hymn SINgINg|wwicox school president, until Saturday Evenings = al Tn next week due to a bit of sick- | nnige woods © Bac ned. stolier rd oid part during the past We cordially invite you to drive out to Ontario's top tune attached to it on the pre Spring seems to hve popped Nite Spot . . . Enjoy fine food . . . ference of a minister or a choir- dance and relax i fis wi : in a congenial atmosphere m its wondrous arrival & SP Gy > Ye fy and fruit de |eager. "1 am not a singer who at last--buds are on us, baseball ¢ a could be of use to a choir but If, ;jorwvay, the annual fever is at TELEPHONE BRONTE 31 | 3 ) 2 : a | Must have neat appear-||do love to sing when I go to its height and forty year old FOR TABLE RESERVATIONS | ance. church. It means a lot to me, | oon are feeling twenty-five i simply because I feel that I 3 Excellent opportunity for those who qualify. " APPLY cal v Ve " * i Sa Caries Silica: A Smart Place to Dine and Dance" / said this church nr goer. He went on to give the ime| The first of May always puts have been able to participate in the service," SEedfa. 3 Tr IN PERSON e ir element a 15 pression of the terrible letdown |POSts in their element and be- el- he has had when he finds that he |f0T¢ You know It poems are fly- ow LOBLAW can't sing at church because he|ID§ hither and yon through Sos ot loow fhe tues He|ll® Scent fested air. I would said that it did not make it any|MOW like to quote a poem from better when I brought fo mind One Of our nation's newspapers: the fact that there are well-| 'How pierceful grows the hazy known tunes to the words but [You the tune had been changed. How myrtle-petalled thou! I recall that at the time I was ------ is: talking to this man, that I wish- ed a meeting of choir leaders, yes and ministers could have had this man address them because i : it means so much to church-go-| And While we're in the pgetic ers. Music in the church (this is|SPringtime wood, I have another my humble opinion) is a spiritual | ttle Poem that I improvised matter, not a technical nor academical matter. Those things 1B can be developed in the concert | 1 hall and annual choir concerts. | True, choirs must sing their I. work as well as possible and | nothing is too good for the church service but I have said it before and I say it again that VJ there is too much of this feeling among church musicians of wanting to enhance their own re- putations as musicians, rather than having the creation of spir- {tual atmosphere in mind. So much for that, not being a pro- fessional musician, maybe I do and not know what I am talking about. Another interesting item, deal ing with people, came to my at- jearances tention and it was this Two Sundays ago I heard a | soloist sing that old, much-loved, * sacred song called "The Strang- er of Galilee," It came to my at- tention that after the service The the soloist was approached by three or four of the congrega- S HU T T L E tion who took the trouble to thank the vocalist for the golo, At the evening service another member of the church came tol 15 Dundas St. S. the choir leader and asked if the | "Stranger of Galilee" could be re- | peated. --------------|" "You know, that song 1s ons of my favorites. I would love to hear it again and I would also like to have those who were not present this morning, hear It" rrang- + H| GROCETERIA ELES Company, Limited OAKVILLE For spring bath cyclotion-- How high brown cov sprung the browse thow, | No 2. Highway Fully Licensed Hotel Bronte-By-The-Lake Be Ready for Warmer Days! Reductions |] = SUITS by TIP-TOP TAILORS W. R. JOHNSTON CO. Wm. H. LEISHMAN & CO. Nadine Angstrom ... and so very smart looking . . . they'll keep you in trim comfort come any temperature! ed to have the solo repeate I have heard musicians call music like "The Stranger of Gal- "The Old Rugged Cros and others - of the style, tripe, neyer to be sung in any church as long as they had anything to say about it. Per- sonally, I think that the sooner that type get out of being res- ponsible for church m begter. Let them de musical Help Your Clothes ||, 00s Retain Ye Their Glamour We have all the modern cleaning methods at our command to treat your wearing apparel with the utmost care. They're re- 4 turned to you as bright and attractive as the day they were bought. evangell Topcoats, Blazers Sweaters, Slacks, Shirts, Bow- Ties, Jackets, Socks, Belts, Robes, J Handkerchiefs, c, the e their to ses ilar music pe of music stirs the emotions of the omplished som ard a well know Toronto organist address a cl aders and organk "For heaven anyone sing, Mallote's an offetory." | anyone high and ber and appreciat-| 1 wish I could say thar I written it and I do not mean Pyjamas * For Pick-up & Delivery | Vetew a Irn " ' ' BR | roe nw fon CSO ? Men S 2 Oakville. === If Grammell's (Cleaners Colborne St. at Dunn OAKVILLE Shop Telephone 637