E 123 dds L220 \ Thursday, May 4, 1950 Page 7 - |o0. The highlight of the evening company has been in action, and || | GIRL GUIDE NEWS |. Be Dirhday colebration feach Guide was the reciplant. of = CHUR H First Guide Company acted as marking the fourth year the a chocolate bar, l To mark National Hospital hostesses to Guides from Second ---------------- Day, Friday, May 13h, the and Third Companies and their| CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Ww lations Womens" Auxiliary of the ee ve 2 eas Fa 4 3 escorts at a party on Wednesday | A special metaphysical meet-| of food for dinmer Preparations| Memoria Hospital are planning |; Lusk Hall. About thirty-five 4 0. B. BERGQUIST Gf Was held Monday evening. |are Tlissted to call Mrs. W.| tq hold open house at the hoa couples took part in the dene Service and Sunday school wit] Ford, 340. Pital from 230 to 430. Tem : A aarp nelly be held on Sunday, May Tih, at 11 o'clock, the subject "Adam And Fallen Man, The citation | for Canadian room and the W.A. will provide SELEY ton pe Wed. will provide | Mogres en took! Church = Relief guides for those wishing to SRE ee a SILVERWARE Was "For the' wages of sin ig] Abroe. Contributions should be fogr tne hospital. Mrs, Tom a » Di NN ; et lar : 3 > s. aylor, Marjorie Ling v death; but the gift of God jo brought to Lusk Hall by May 15. Chisholm and Mrs. Alex Ttey Miss Eve Armour, Mr. and Mys.|] 68 Colborne St. E. Phone 1231 eternal life through Jesus Christ WII receive. Friday May path | ooo 2 a gers f our Lord" Romans 6.23 ST. JUDE'S vy ve. y May 12th |snier and Scoutmaster Remus. ord 23. A meeting of the Vestry win| TAH the anniversary af so On Thursday evening | the CHURCH of the EPIPHANY be held on Thursday, May 31, os birth of Florence Nigh arr [younger Guides from an three | DANCING The choir of Apply College, 3° 2214 on Thurs major repains| "The lady with the lamp. fompanies enjoyed an entirety || SZCATC CP IINGR under the direction of Mr. Bott, | ge renewals to the church ang feminine party in Lusk Han, Sang the service Sunday. The | parish han. ed by Dr. John McNab of the (many of them bringing friends | Evening branch of the W.A. met The parish hall was a busy Tuesday evening at the home of Articles of good used clothing 2nd bedding are urgently needed and ga Will be served in the Presbyterian, Record and Dr. p by refreshments. mes which were followed | WATCHES, CLOCKS, so Huttonville Park Who were not Geides to join the . ramp iSPot Saturday afterncon, when [Scott Mackenzie, Montreal | fun. Captain Eve Armour of | 4 Miles Wigs 8 Prpian Mrs. D. Russell Smith, TRUrSday | the St Jugess Women's Guild (Those wishing copies are re-| Second Company did the han- | cveming the afternoon branch held thelr rummage sale. Many| quested to got in eh With the jours on this occasion Wednesday and Saturday I hold a euchre in the. parish articles of clothing, chinaware, minister Rev. C. K. Nicoll, Third Company met on grid Music by hall. household ds and various Ter " evening when Joyce Sah A A confirmation service will be | odds ang i ready buy- CALVARY BAPTIST conducted by the Bish 0p of Nia- ara Sunday, May 14th at 10 am ST. LUKE'S, Palermo The Evening Branch of the W.A. met at the home of Mrs, sum of money Members of the greatly assisted by was realized. D. Russell Smith Tuesday eve. the Mothers' Union. Mrs. A ning. The Afternoon branch of Weatherstone, President of the the W.A. meets today (Thurs- | Guild. was in charge of the sale. day) at the home gers. The flowers on the Altar were Eiven by Mr. and Mrs. F, Rogers In memory of Mr. Rogers' moth. er. Of Mrs. F. Ro-| Specimens of basketwork, Woodwork and cla ymodelling, and collections of postage stamps Were admired by the many who attended the open house of the Boys and Girls Guilds in the par- ish hall Friday evening. The ex. hibits were the products of the young guild members, and show- ed a high degree of skill. In ad- dition to the display, Was a program In his sermon at sary service Rev. Canon said; the anniver- last Sunday, the D. Russell Smith "The parable of the mus. there was concluded with the serving of re. freshments, spread and the wonderful devel.| The 75th anniversary of ttre opment of the Kingdom of Heav- | Diocese of Niagara wes obser- To rh ihe one from |ved at a servies of Thanksgiv- without Vand the other rons |ing on Sunday morning, within." KNOX ST. JOHN'S Special morning and evening Special Services to mark the | services this coming Sunday wil] ZIGSISHTY. of the chureh areminrk fu ty-third anniversary being held on of the laying of the corner-stone of Knox Church Preacher at will be Rev. Harolq Young, Tor- [both services will be Professor onto, and at the evening service | David W. Hay of Knox College, Rev. Daviq Gallagher, Associate Missions, St. John's dinner wil Toronto. In the morning he will preach on "Christ First." In the EVENINg his subject wil be "Courage." There will be a Mothers' Day service in the Sunday school at 2.30 Sunday afternoon, May 14, to which parents of Sunday school pupils are invited Members of the Ladies held a successful spring tea at the home of Mrs. W., O. Gibson, King Street, on Thursday In connection with the anniversary of the Pr Secretary of Overseas and a former Pastor of A congregational be held on May 9, at whic Toronto will give an address on church arc Starting this the Beginners' illustrated hitecture, Ald y older groups Sunday school at 9.45 a.m. The Sunday school its trip at 10.15 am The Woman's 75th byter bus will start Association is ian Church in Canada, which is holding its monthy meeting to-|being celebrated in June, an in. TROROW [&tis olovk. Ledies teresting book has been pre EIS among the crowds of people Who attended, and a substantial Guild were members of passed tests, an Osborne, at Sunday was Music evening's service provided by three People from Philpott Tabernacle, Hamilton, Mrs. Ray Maddick and Mr. Bell, vocalists, and Mrs. Bell, fccompanist. The pastor, Rev. A. A. Stoll, preached at both morn. ing and evening services. Monday evening's People's service by a visiting People from Church. A lowed. Members of Young was conducted £roup of young the Ajax Baptist social program fol the Women" Sewing Circle spent Tuesday ¢ terncon and evening my quilts for the church mission Tomorrow evening's ng) prayer meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gartield Browne, Stewart St. East, Tom Wilson, of Hamilton, will | be the vocalist on Sunday. | her health - RUSSELL DRUG CO. Phone 47 and g d a new Guide, Sandra transferred from Cig HAL DAVIS and his HIGHLANDERS Admission 50¢ 12-Piece Orchestra ALL ® Each new day brings its Problems and perplexities. But it is doubly comforting to find, in time of need, a few dependable tources to which you may turn with com: plete confidence, Many hay such a source in this featuring the © discovered just Prescription pharmacy, "Reliable" emblem Always pions direct to us, bring your doctor's prescei Qakville oakvi We Have The Car You Want! 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Bring in room mods your have Cliddsn dimsnsions and them designed 1 Color Studios, A FREE SERVICE