Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 11 May 1950, p. 15

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MEE Page 16 LIE || THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, May 11, 1 Directory II GENERAL INSURANCE H. S. THORNTON Phone 874 Lakeshore West, Oakville A. F. BERRILL "OQakyille's Active Broker" Real Estate and Business Broker Insurance Oakville, Ont., Phone 1233 PROFESSIONAL CARSTEN GLAHN Optometrist -- Optician 163 Colborne St. E. Phone 1375 WILLIAM C. MILLIGAN, R.O. Optometrist * Optician 69A Colborne St., Oakville, Ont. (Over the Bank of Commerce) Professional eye examination & prescription services, TELEPHONE 1507 Closed All Day Wednesday HOURS: Daily 9.30 am.-5 p.m. Thursday evening--7.00-8,00 p.m. er by appointment INSURANCE ELECTRICAL T. S. H. GILES INDUSTRIAL Beal Estate and Insurance CoMpTROIL Onteviin Lad 532 | ELECTRICAL SERVICE 19 Melinda St. BROWN ELECTRIC Toronto - - - Adelaide 2761 CONTRACTORS Hvenings - - - Oakville 712 Gord Brown Phone 1059 Oakville BILL ANDERSON RADIO - APPLIANCES Sales & Service Phone 521-M Dunn St. North - Oakville L. F. CLEMENT HOME ELECTRIC AUTHORIZED FRIGIDAIRE DEALER Commercial Sales & Service Livingston Stoker and Oil Burner Units Service & Installation of all Makes WORK GUARANTEED PHONE 1441 16 THOMAS ST. N. GENERAL ELECTRIC Oil Burners Commercial Refrigeration Sales & Installation A. C. PENN 94 Maple Ave., Phone 1544 Oakville NURSERIES ROBT. NIELSEN NURSERIES Garden Design and © W. A. Sap nLL, D.V.M, V, . Accredited Veterinarian Hours by Appointment Home Office 29 Herald Ave. Phone 390W Trafalgar Farms Office Phone 1344 OSTEOPATH CARLTON GREEN Osteopa 63 Division Street By Appoint Only. one Evenings, Wednesday, After- noon, Saturday and Sunday. BARRISTERS ANGUS McMILLAN Barrister -- Solicitor / Notary Public 107 Colborne Street East TREES -- SHRUBS -- ROSES EVERGREENS We Grow - Design - Plant Prune - etc. Oakville R.R. 1 Phone 1444-W LINBROOK NURSERIES Growers of High Quality Nursery Stock Designers of Fine Gardens -- Contracting -- EIGHTH LINE N. Phone 137J OAKVILLE NURSERIES Evergreens, Shrubs, Bedding Plants Landscaping -- Fruits Lakeshore Highway W. Phonte Bronte 56W WM. SEALE Custom Tractor Work Wood Sawing, Plowing, Discing, Etc Telephone Oakville 532 Phone 224-W FLO Vv ROSS RYRIE DR SERVICE Barrister - Solicitor BRONTE FLOOR SERVICE Notary Public 61-A Coihorne St. East Telephones Office 65: Residence 1487-w D. A. McCONACHIE Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public 169 COLBORNE ST. Telephone Oalville 1804 JOHN F. ISARD Barrister -- Solicitor Notary Public Successor to W. N. Robinson, K.C. 142 Colborne St. A Phones: Bus. 16 Res. 216 JACK A. SEED Barrister-Sollcitor Notary Public 27 Park Avenue Telephone 1237-R ACCOUNTING C. L. OLIVER and CO. Jlenounting and Auditing, | Busi stems | Income Tax Returns 32 Thomas Stress P.O. Box 4 Ham. 7 7-5452 - Satie 1268 D. "D. HAMILTON- WRIGHT Chartered Accountant Telephone Oakville 1399 153 Colborne St. r To all types of commercial and domestic refrigerators and electric ranges. PARTS & SERVICE GUARANTEED E. W. BURBIDGE 136 Robinson St. oad 521M or 1428W Oakville D. G. PENMAN Rugs, Carpots and Furniture Cleaned In Your Own Home. Portable Equipment -- Satlsfact- fon Guaranteed 108 Kerr (N.) Upholstered Phone 1535 FLOOR SANDING & REFINISHING LINOLEUM FLOORS LAID LINO-MASTIC-RUBBER TILE PHONE BRONTE 184 W. H. PARKIN Sanding & Refinishing Phone 1058-W ROOFING Floor NICHOL'S ROOFING New roofs & Old roofs applied Tnsul-Bric siding & Asbetos siding Insulation Materials Eaves Troughing Materials supplied & sold Peter P. Nichols New Phone 2544 Burlington Oakville 1445 33 OLARKE AVE, BURLINGTON (Estimates Given) DING BUI CHAS. WATT Local Representative J. Cooke Limited CONCRETE BLOCKS Aldershot, Ont. Phone 386J3 TURNBULL & HOLDRIDGE Building Contractors Concrete - Masonry Blockwork 1678W - OAKVILLE - 903 TORONTO - PLaza 5491 1 ART MARCHAND Done In REPAIRING, Located in McDermott's Opposite Loblaw Groceteria BOOK TWO Patsy's Kid Fudgee 8, HERBERT C. MERRY CHAPTER 16 BONEE SILVERSIDES Harvey Etherington owned the local dairy in Victoria Har- bour. He delivered the milk to all the cottagers along the shore. Being a great dog lover Harvey was always a welcome visitor at Owlscroft. It had been sometime since he'd owned a dog and now he had his eye on one of Patsy's kids. Montee of course was sold s0 that eliminated him. In fact all the male puppies were out! because he had decided he want-1 ed a little girl dog. Patsy's kid Fudgee was certainly a very cute pup and for a couple of days Harvey fthought this would be his choice. The pups talked it over among themselves and discussed it from all angles. One fat little fellow that we called Combee couldn't sec any reason why any of them should leave home. He thought it would be nice if they all stay- ed together and remained one big happy family. They all agreed that Montee should go. "He's too big for us" said Combee, "Why he's twice as big as Fudgee and he's growing every day, I know he is. I can see it." "Yes, oh yes, he's too big and he might eat one of us said Bonnee Silverside, the beautiful little blonde female puppy that was a miniature duplicate of her "Aunt Taffee." "Eat us to be sure shrieked Binker. "Yester- day I was sitting quietly mind- ing mostly my own husiness and just peacefully peeking through a knot hole when along he came and took a quick chew on one of my ears. I thought for a min- ute I was a goner." "Speaking of eating," said Fudgee. "He eats more than any. two of us put together. I vote we send one of us to speak with Joe and ask that more food be given us while our overstuffed brother is still with us!" All the puppies agreed. In fact they were so agreeable that they settled down in a hurry and had a quick pup-nap in the lovely warm autumn sunshine. A day or two after this, all the puppies were "on the loose," one lovely morning when Har- vey Etherington came in sight along the cottagers path. Patsy and "Aunt Taff" had spotted him several moments before he'd come in sight and they had gone The Cookee Column Os on an argument over a bit of chocolate bar wrapping. Th stopped and trotted over side side to see the visitor. T crawled out from under the ced: ars by the living-room window: and the last one awoke from her nap on the mat by the kitchen door and joined the gang who circled around their pal from the dairy. After a few minutes the game had to end because the visitor had a long delivery task ahead of him. He picked up his con- tainer of full bottles and walk- ed to the door of the cottage and disappeared into the kitchen. A minute or two later he came out and went to get his wicker bask- et. Picking it up as he said good- bye to Patsy and her tribe he started for his truck. He'd only gotten a few feet when he not- iced much to his surprise, a lit- tle passenger having a free ride in his basket. A small blond muzzle with a jet black button nose poked up and two large dark eyes looked up at him. It was Bonnee Silversides. She had chosén Harvey. He hadn't chos- en her. "Well I guess I know which puppy I want now" Harvey said as he brought the little basket passenger back to the kitchen door. "This little girlie has pick- ed me oul. As long as I 'mever can have Taffee I think little Bonnee will be the nearest one like her. So Bonnee stayed with us that day but one morning soon after she went to her new home. With a lovely blue ribbon tied into a large bow around her neck we delivered her to the Etherington home. Patsy didn't seem to mind too much. She gave her blond puppy a farewell lick and then wand- ered off muttering to herself. "Oh jellied toad's tongue and pineapple rind, it's one less kid to worry about!" Knarf Lost His Tooth A RABBIT FOUND IT Knarf said: "One of my teeth feels loose. It's this one." Hanid peered into her brother's mouth. She put her finger on the loose tooth. She gave it a sudden pull what to do with, the thing to do with it is to plant it" "Plant it?" Knarf and Hanid both said. "Plant it like a plant said willy. "Will it grow, Willy?" asked Knarf. "Certainly it will grow--a tooth-tree will grow," said Wil Iy. Knarf said he had never heard of a tooth-tree, and Hanid said she had never heard of one eith- er. "Neither did I" Willy admi ted. "But what else can grow from an old tooth?" Knarf finally threw the tooth into a bush in the middle of the field. A few minutes later, as "The thing to do with this old tooth is plant it," Willy said. Knarf and Hanid and Willy were sitting on a log talking about other things, a rabbit came dashing: up to them. "Oh!" he gasped, quite out of breath. "I'm glad I found you! You have lost a tooth! I just found it! Here . .. !" And he handed Knarf his' lost tooth again. Knarf and Hamd and Willy all explained to the rabbit that the tooth wasn't any good any more. "And I didn't lose it. [ threw it away." "That's silly" said the rab- bit. "The thing to do is to bury it where no one will ever find it again." So this time Knarf dug a deep hole, dropped the old tooth in it, covered up the hole and was about to walk away when Squire Squirrel came over. "What's going on here?" he asked. Knarf 'and Hanid and Willy and the rabbit told him. "No good," said Squire Squir- rel. "This is my property. I * at bury my chestnuts and acorn. here. Take that tooth away" Poor Knarf, he had to dig i up again. "Now what can T q, with it?" he sighed. Solved the Problem it was Willy who solved tn. problem at last. He whistled several minutes until a M: came flying down. The Magy. was the owner of a small Gen. eral Store which she kept in . hollow tree-trunk on the ot side of the pond. She sold sorts of odds-and-ends such , pins, string and bits of old p er. She was very happy to the tooth. "Tl sell it to someone nasn't got a tooth, like a she said, just before she flew with it. "Or else T'll just k it. I like to keep things a) kinds of things. "Magpies are wonders] birds," Willy said later. "If ye, ever want to get rid of anything just give it to a magpie." CART BEFORE HORSE It's pretty hard to find sol grounds for disagreement the professor who has predicte that civilization will last for 50, | 000 years. But he DID neglect 5 [¢ say when it will begin. | HELP | WANTED Experienced Cashiers and young ladies, young men for full time work in gro- cery, meat and fruit de- partments. Must have neat appear- ance. Excellent opportunity for those who qualify. APPLY IN PERSON LOBLAW GROCETERIA Company, Limited OAKVILLE WATCHES, CLOCKS, down the path to meet him. He "Ouch!" cried Knarf. JEWELERY was carrying a metal holder full Ea of bottles of milk in one hand|. But the tooth was out SILVERWARE and in the other a large old| "It didn't hurt much, did it?" $ wicker basket in which to col-|Hanid said 68 Colborne St. C. Phone 1231 lect empty bottles. When he ar-| uN, iy didn't," agreed Knarf -- = = r seroft he quick-| ut down his load so he could meen, fiwas ell over in a jendly chat with Patsy |Second. But what" he asked, ce and a play with the [holding th tooth between his N 1 h dSt members of the fam. | fingers, "are we going to do with €eison Crus € one ily. Patsy was such a friendly (it. Can I put it back?" dog she was on good terms with[ po Co CEL everybody, but Taffee was much anig. shoolt her head. a how Various Sizes of Clear and Crusher Run Stone more choosy and preferred toone will grow, Knarf. My teeth 5 pick certain people for her|fell out too--one by one. Then for friends. She and Harvey were on they all grew back." ; the best of terms. In fact Har-| wut what can I do with this Roads and Driveways vey would have liked very much | gia tooth?" to have bought Taffee, b e A was definitely not A few feet away Willy Toad e he was in the process of choos-|Was hopping along, looking for ing the next best to take her |flies and mosquitoes, On hearing = place. his friend Knarf asking about INFORMATION AND QUOTATIONS As soon as Harvey sat down |what he could do with his old PHONE on the grass, the pups «c tooth, Willy came hopping right capering to him from all dir an 0 k . . ng on fe ae lle 654 or Burlington 4904 the 'cement. path from tho Li Hi," he said. "Now about this aKvliie or bur ng on House, TWO more Were Carry old tooth that you don't know WILLY DEE sy Vic Green Colborne St. B, -- Oakville "MUGGS AND SKEETER ALL RIGHT, AND THERE'S YOUR COW. SURVEYING H. D. SEWELL ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR Oakville - Phone 1297-4 I CANT MAKE Hh THING ! IFI COULD LY ii FIND THOSE GLASSES! f ouT A WHY DON'T THEM, SEETERS ? oo YOu Loo er Eo » peg abo a Sun of ¢ dau; tual wor: seen

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