Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 11 May 1950, p. 2

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THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, May 11, 195 Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Whalen en- tertained at dinner Thursday night on the occasion of Fred- erick Bull's birthday. seen St. Mary's = Social Club will hold a gigantic carnival on Sat- urday, July 15, FRPP Robin Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Mar- shall, Second Street, entertain- ed a group of young friends Sat- urday on her ninth birthday. csess daughter of . Mrs. Joe Fuller, Pine Ave, is confined to bed with illness. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. sean Brucie Wright, Pine Ave, has been ill with meas ylow recovering. HAE who is Opening day for the ladies' section of the Golf Club will be held on, Tuesday, May 16th, ap and coffee will be served pm. A monkey competition SPI is held) fn the atbermoon for the golfers, weather permitting and Bridge and Canasta is plan- ned for the social members. o Halton Music Festival is being held at Milton today and to- morrow. "on Mr, and Mrs. have returned their son, Bruce, os W. H. Ford from a visit to in New Orleans. se Mr. E. T. C. Burke flew to Jamaica and British Honduras last week. sens The Senior and Junior choirs of Appleby College took part in the Peel Festival Concert at Brampton Saturday evening. Bach of the choirs received a silver cup as first prize won in competitions the previous week. They were directed by E. Leslie Bott, director of music at Apple- by. A. Flaxman, of Odkville Arm- ouries, attended the Princess Pats reunion in Toronto on Sat- urday, Mrs, David Strassman of Chicago, with her son David, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Lawrence, Morrison Road. seme Mr. Donald T. Smith, son of Canon D, Russell Smith left for Papeete, Tahiti, last week. sss Mr. Park Atlantic and Mrs. C. M. H Y Avenue, arc on vacation af City, N.J. More than 1900 invitations have been forwarded to Oakville high school grads, the commit- t charge of the June 3 ve-union wearily but hap- this week. The in school pily discl committee, whose work has been entirely voluntary, has spent an exceedingly busy year prepar- ing for the event, and countless hours of detail work have kept organization costs down to a skeleton minimum, In fact, only expenses incurred to date have been for postage and printing, although fees for catering and for an orchestra will naturally swell the overall total. The committee expects that the bal- ance remaining from donations will provide a substantial foun- dation for the Archibald mem- orial scholarship. rE The Allan Campbells enter- talned at ten on Sunday after- noon in honor of Miss Alex Han- son of Saskatoon. Rev. Peter B. Reid of Colling- wood, was a recent visitor at the home of his sister, Mrs. E. T. C. Burke. FI Westwood Friendly Circle will hold its monthly meeting Wed day evening, May 17, at o'clock at Westwood hool. Tyeryone welcome. PEOPLE and EVENTS Suzanne Taylor celebrated her birthday with a party for her friends recently. sees Mr. and Mrs. A, Lester Whit- ing are vacationing in Bermuda for three week: cesses The Terrance Baylys celebra- ted their wedding anniversary on Saturday night with a dinner party for The Bridge Club, Mr. Balyley's successful win amon, the prizes for the Red Cross Blitz canvas materially added to the enjoyment of the evening. essful movie evening was at the Oakville club on Saturday night. A os J. B. Munro, O.BE, deputy minister of agriculture for Brit- ish Columbia, was a recent Vis- itor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. MacKenzie, Palmer Ave. Parra The local branch of Havergal Old Girly Association will hold its annual dinner at the Oakville Club next Wednesday evening, May 17. Mrs. Douglas Jennings and Mrs, H. A. D. Roberts, Tor- onto, will be guests, TRAFALG AR Mrs, R. McMaster and son, Murray, Cookstown, were recent home of Mrs. Mrs. E. A. visitors at the McMaster's sister, Fish. salves Mrs. W. R. Royle, Ms. Gor- don Post and Mrs, F. Near at- tended the Peel Musical Festi- val at Brampton on Wednesday, when Mrs, Royle's nieces the Misses Kinney of Toronto were among the contestants. They were awarded second class standing in the piano duet class. Later, the ladies visited the Peel and Halton Aged People's Home. SG Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Turner and son David, visited last week at the home of Mr, Turner's sisters, Mrs, Earle Jewitt, at Oshawa. eres Mr. A. E. MacMurray, Oak- ville, has been staying for a few days at the homes of his daugh- ters, Mrs. G. E. Post and Mrs. Elmer McLean, while suffering from a severe cold. oe Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Saul and family, who have been living -on the farm formerly owned by the late Gordon Joyce, have moved to Palermo. Mr, and Mrs. G. E. Post enter- tained the Long and Short Dis- tance euchre club, Thirty-two guests were present, coming vom Stoney Creek, Hamilton, Palermo, Oakville and Postville. es ® oe It is reported that the Depart- ment of Highways will begin work shortly on the widening of Dundas Highway, west of the Seventh Line and the highway Friends in this district of Mr and Mrs, Willard (Amy Pickering) of Toronto, will be interested to know that their little grandson, Robert Paul Ryan, was christened at a cere- mony on Sunday afternoon in Howard Park United Church by Rev. B, S. Lautenschlager. He {s the son of Mr. and Mrs, Doug- = Guests who will Ez attending the Blossom Tea Bethel Church on Tuesday, "ay 16th are assured of a very enjoyable afternoon when they hear Mrs. Edna Jacques, of Clarkson, in one of her talks, replete with homey philosophy and humor, in- terspersed with renditions of her own poems. In commenting on one of her recent talks, Dr. Crossley Hunter, of Trinity Unit- ed Church said: "I do not knov which I appreciate more--her comments or her poems." . Mary Post, Grace Pickering and Ronald Fuller, representing Snider', Coyne's and Munn's schools respectively, attended county council meeting on Tues- day. sree Sheridan Church W.A. catered for the Bronte Bowling League banquet, which was held in Tra- falgar Community Hall' ese of North Trafalgar Club Buchre at the Township hall Monday evening were as follow: 1st, Mrs. L. Fish and Allan Bush; 2nd. Mrs, Brown and Walter Royle. BRONTE Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Lambert and family were in Toronto at- tending the wedding of Miss Joan Peel and Mr. Donald Mar- ges which took place at the church of the Messiah, Saturday March 29. i sess Mr, Watkin Martin flew to Ottawa Friday afternoon to spend the week-end with friends. Mrs. C. Carpenter is visiting with friends in Niagara Falls for the net to Rev. C. H. Hancock and fam- ily have moved from the village to take up residence in Oak- ville. ses n Mr. and Mrs, W. Taylor and family have moved into their new home of Soveriegn St. serene Mr. Dub. Joyce has been on the sick list for the past week PRP Mr. Chas. Lynch, Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hill Jr. Paes is confined a sprained Mrs. Paul Gilliam to her home with ankle, sees The weekly dances that have been held by the Bronte Com- munity Club for the past few months will be discontinued un- til the fall, after the dance this Saturday night. Tess There are a number of young children down with measles in the village as well as a few ad- are following Shirl some Billy All members and friends of the Bronte Home and School Club are asked to be sure and attend the meeting on Tuesday May 16 at 8 p.m. There will be an elec- tion of officers and the produce sale. Express Concern Over Opposition To Shelter (Continued from Page 1) ducted the election of officers, had high praise for Mrs. Bat- on's efforts on behalf of the so- ciety during her association with it. On behalf of the members she was presented with some li- lac and rose bushes, the presen- tation being made by youn, Dick George. The report of Treasurer A. P. Wanzer showed a balance on hand of $1,024.64, and total as- sets of $11,124.64. Reporting on behalf of the Junior society, Herbert Merry said the junior branch was growing at an amaz- ing rate, with 75 new members, making a total of 451. The report of George Wells, shelter keeper, showed 291 dogs handled dur- ing the year, of which 150 were given out for adoption, 108 des- troyed, and 33 returned to own- ers, A total of 285 cats were Te- ceived, of which 186 were des- troyed, and homes found for 109. New officers for the year were elected as follows: Hon. Presidents, Mayor J. R. Black, Mr. Frank Pullen. Pres, Mrs. K. D. Marlatt, 1st. Vice-Pres, Mr. Walter a CONCRETE EXAMPLE E DEPENDABILITY TREE ST ANI RELIABLE SERVICE OF Mr. ilton, were on Sunday, and Mrs. E. Crellin, Ham- visitors in the village Thur. Fr Sot MONTEOMERY - PLUS CARTOON, NEWS & SHORT Fe En ER: miedty ny CAMERON - WINDSOR las Mr. oy, Ryan and Mrs. Domm, motored to Toronto, Although, not a happy coin- holding of the anniversary of the paternal same ohurct of Ches: for the prev- sion arranged, ec was the mony on the |the marriage of grandparents in the 29 years ago. Late Mrs. Ryan, Sr, entertained their home on Hewitt Avenue Mr. and at Malo} recentl, sta and Mrs. W. who have ed from Ireland, are the home of thelr ri | Isaac Watson Mr. family, Gents! Let Us THE WAY IT S CLEAN & BLOCK YOUR HAT Bor Leadership I RIVIER'S "Those Careful Cleaners" Forsythe St. at the Lake HOULD BE DONE Phone 1123 ; uy HAVWARD-B BENNETT seone SANDERS wn FLRRCRE WATTS - WORLAGHE Li Tt TICE cd BOLI (LE AN EASE LOM brent tt emlaS EXTRA! WITH THE REGULAR SHOW EVERY SATURDAY AFTERNOON THREE COLORED CARTOONS. Mon. - Tues. - Wed. May 15 16-17 SWORDS FLASH IN THE NIGHT! ROMANCE RIDES HTH DANGER! / SAVAGE COMBAT... SAVAGE LOVE! / EowARD SHALL presents A fo VICTOR McLAGLEN JON HALL Extra! Colored Cartoon Your Friendly Theatre. Reeves. | 2nd. Vice-Pres, Mr. rervert | Knox Church Now Merry. : = Sevectary, Miss Agnes Fors- Begins 63rd Ye, ter. (Continued from Page 1) Treasurer, Mr. H. P. Wanzer. | because certain rulers tried church, w dominate the Board of Directors: uld permit no-one b Mrs. Noel Eaton, Dr. C. Lloyd- | people wo Jones, Mr. Hedleigh Home, Mrs.|Christ, its rightful head Harry MacKendrick, Mrs. B. P-|rule. "We do not obey a dex Manbert, Mrs. Walter Reeves, | Christ, he declared, "but a | Mrs. Harry Ry Mr. MacKen- |i i i zie Robinson, Mr. Ralph Sketch, Mrs. Claire WV SPRING FIRES SOON SQUELCHED A blaze that might easily have destroyed Forster's bush was through the church of whi is head. We will never alloy human king or lord to bo: the church. The Co lived and died for the church a we will live and die for it to "Without the church C promptly extinguished by Oak-|ffimself would not be comple ville's fire brigade Saturday VEL Sig, Dafoe: be ras ols. fo] Cora oast 8 EbIR coy gain headway. Tt was thought |into His communion we bring to have been started by children. Earlier in the morning the fire- men got a call tothe Langmiur paint factory, just north of the His purposes to their inten the evening service: At Hay took as his subject "Coy VR. tracks, where some waste | 7, material had caught fire in the| ° boiler-room. The fire was put $ Epitah for a driving school out before damage of any conse- quence was done. that's my Alma Motor. Deerhaven Kennels Redg. BOARDING Upper Middle Road Telephone 457-) (B. K. SNIDER) CLIPPING -- WASHING -- DEFLEAING Summer Reservations for Boarding are now being received femodellec ere give rs from Fri. and Sat. - Parents Knox ted to ervice in LAUREN DORIS shes DOUGLAS BACALL DAY g "HoAcy CARMICHAEL JUANO HERNANDEZ MICHAEL CURTIZ - JERRY Walo ADDED COLOR CARTOON & SHORT Mon. and Tues. - drove the sword of adventure deej§ into the flaming | heart of Palestine... the world's most . dangerous land! MartaTOREN JEFF CHANDLER - PHILIP FRIE Phone 635-w HUGH FRENCH + LM Reonono Jl | == ADULT ENTERTAINMENT : Wed. and Thurs. = Ce May 17 : the Acadeny nerd i pitas sis] 1eisees othe stein ins efore. |] FL 4 HL yA " Rhsasrest by Aarkaan Asaalth - CEDRIC HARDWICKSE FRANCIS SULLIVAN KATHLEEN ha RISON BASIL RADF NY Asi aasro A TRUIY MEMNRARBI F L MOTION PICTURE PHONE \ \1 PS INFORMA 6

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