Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 11 May 1950, p. 3

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flesh ye shall die; but if ye 3 pan was guest speaker at|through the Spirit do not mort- school evening's meeting of |ify the deeds of the body, ye he Afternoon and Evening Aux-|shall live." Romans 8.9.13. jaries of St. John's WALS. Miss -- JKamakura is a W.MS. scholar- a. 457-. Thursday, May 11, 1950 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Page 3 3 = CHURCH NEW/S To-morrow evening's prayer meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Rtuledge, Kerr Street. Ralph Hunter, tenor soloist, of Hamilton, will sing at Sunday evening's service. ST. LUKE'S, Palermo Clair Laverne Woodhouse, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stan- ley Woodhouse was baptized on ST. JUDE'S being held in the parish is evening at 8 o'clock to repairs and re- to the church .building, also a proposal to build & - church on the west side of Appleby College Cadet Corps < holding its annual church par- aie to St. Jude's this Sunday at am. Sunday. spring tea will be held in| The Bishop of Niagara will parish hall on Tuesday af-|conduct a Confirmation Service May 16, from 3.30 to the senior branch of the en's Auxiliary. The requis- of clothing for the Indian| On Sunday, May 14th service n School will be on dis-|and Sunday school will be held wy at 11 o'clock. The subject will Jude's Women's Guild held [be "Mortals and Immortals." « monthly meeting last evening |The following is from the R. the home of Mrs. Bruce Hon-[ponsive Reading. "Ye are not in well. the Flesh, but in the Spirit. If So be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. If ye live after the Sunday at 11.15 am CHRISTIAN SCIENCE oon, b; ST. JOHN'S i Kamakura of nip student at the Royal Con- ervatory of Music. MUSIC ALBUM An urgent request is being BY IRVEN FELL nade for good used clothing and i TE edding for Canadian Church ey wa wis Ti wn Felief Abroad. All donations School fpupils {com peting in the Halton Music Fes- tival at Milton. It is an exciting time for these pupils and for their instructors. We of this column would be amiss in our duty if we did not wish all those concerned the very best of luck. I suppose there is no such thing as luck in these matters It could be this way. We hope that the instructors have been able to guess the feelings of the adjudicator correctly. In previous competitions, Oak- ville and district schools have creditable showing. Hugh Brearley of the High School has been training his choir will be hard to beat goes for his soloists hould be brought to Lusk Hall y Monday next, May 15. J J} 'Bruce Brown of Toronto was he speaker at the anniversary nner Tuesday evening. Mr. brown gave a talk on church ar- hitecture, using colored slides o show specimens of work on femodelled interiors. Selections ere given by a group of sing- rs from the High School Glee lub, directed by Hugh Brear- and Irven Fell led in com- nity singing. KNOX Parents and friends of pupils f Knox Sunday school are in- ted to attend a Mothers' Day ervice in the Sunday school this iday afternoon at 2.30. C. M superintendent of the -Sun- and that and other : ; : competitors. achieved by the time 63 cards bE BU be| Mr. David Peters is handling |yet to be forwarded come to subject of the minister, Rev. | the public school music and he | hand. K. Nicoll, at Sunday morn.|1S ably assisted by Miss Skoog| Rev. Harry Pawson, upon call: « service. In the evening Mr.|and Mrs. Byers. I do not know [ing for Mr. Reid to report pro- icoll will take as his theme |the details regarding community |gress in the campaign to mod- am I doing for my Schools but I do know that Lin-|ernize and augment church fac- brook and others have always |lilities, paid tribute to the lead- been among the winners and we ership and effort Mr. Caulder oe ang Aves ha at| wish the same thing for them |has contributed to the drive, He « Home of Mis Margaret|again this year, also voiced appreciation of the Looking into the future, I can- [support offered by the Toronto not help but remark that I trust | Star CALVARY BAPTIST Rev. Rolert Russell of Co- urg was the preacher at Cal- ary Baptist Church Sunday that the training in music and singing which our pupils are getting will enable them In later life to bring joy to themselves and assist in bringing joy to and from all accounts they | Mr ditions in various United Church foreign mission fields was pre- MacTaggart Talks OF Israel, Berlin Trips In Rotary Address One newspaperman paid tri ute to another when Fred Hot- son of the Star News Service, introduced Kenneth W. MacTag- gart, well-know feature writer of the Globe and Mail, to Oak- ville Rotarians Monday evening "He has become more popular public Mr. Hotson told the "I can say he is held in extrem- ely high esteem in the profess: ién from coast to coast. It is a great tribute to Ken that he has continued to maintain his rep- utation as a news writer and analyst." Mr. MacTaggart entertained his hearers with an account of the trip he made to Israel, Greece, and the Berlin sector for his newspaper somewhat over a year ago. He referred to the trouble-making tactics of Com- munists in Greece and among the Arab population in the Middle East. "Turkey, the one bulwark against Communism in the Mid- dle East, is definitely arming? said the speaker. Greece, he de- clared, was living entirely upon help from this part of the world, and Canada was second only to the United States in contributing to the country's support Any additional funds that Canadians might be asked to contribute to this cause would be money well spent, one of our speakers," gathering. . St. Clair Low, president, thanked Mr. MacTaggart. St. John's Anniversary (Continued from Page 1) Reid reported to the congrega- tion that $60,520 in donations and pledges had already been received. "Some 821 cards have in by canvassers been turned : representing 2 families, I13t: ing donations totalling $52,520," Reid stated. "If this average of $188 per family can be main- tained, our $72,000 goal will be A challenging picture of cone orning. Mrs. Russell sang a , Rev. A. A. Stoll | others. To those competing I can only say, "Be yourselves, do not try to be unusual to a degree that it creates a false impression. It is what you have been taught plus your own personality which will show in your interpretation of what you are singing." The very best to you all. Winner of the Week It Allan King, 92 Spruce Ave, will call in at Lofquist's Record Bar, he will be presented with a Red Seal Record with the com- gathering after the regular rvice. Monday evening's Young Peo- le's service was in charge of he Inspirational @roup. Interesting views of Russia y evening. Mr. ming shortly Rae is re- to the Japan LOOKING FOR ENTERTAINMENT? For Clubs, Banquets, Gar- den Parties, Etc. CONTACT Glover Booking Agency Phone 1282-W Oakville ission field. pliments of the Journal. --ShtchEeck Your /TACKLE BOX FOR PROPER BAITS PICKEREL DARTERS * RED FLASH SPOONS JOHNSTON SILVER MINNOWS BROOKS PLUGS BLANCHARD SPINNERS TANDEM SPINNERS KE-AD SPINNERS --ALSO-- FLAT FISH - HULA DANCERS HULA POPPERS - RIVER RUNTS PIKEE MINNOWS - JITTERBUGS FISHING REELS NYLON OR WIRE LEADERS PRESERVED BAITS NYLON & SILK LINES from 1.00 up STEEL CASTING RODS 5.95 7.95 9.95 ACTION GLASS RODS 12.95 - 22.50 "Your Local Spec 6 Thomas St. N. PICKEREL. SEASON Opens This Week-end TELESCOPIC STEEL RODS | 6.25 cialist In Sports" BUD CORBETT Sporting Goods 9.95 sented at the evening service | by Rev. D. H. Gallagher, = iate Secretary of Foreign Mis- | ns of os United Church in|, a former minister | | building Bishop To Dedicate Appleby Memorial The dedication ceremonies of Memorial Classroom at Appleby College and will conduct the service of dedi- cation. The Hon, Dana Porter will officially open the building. Gallagher reviewed the|the annual inspection of the | Major General C. Vokes, CB, on situation farious| Cadet Corp will be held on May | CBE, DSOy GOOG Central lands he had visited in his office 13th. The Right Reverend W. E.| Command, will inspect the cadet ial capac "Freedom of rel | Bagnall, DD. Bishop of Niagara | corps. ion and conscience has been as- sured by the overnment of | India," he said ina needs much material reform, but can- wey wen ine wie | WS. DAVIS & SON Korea was divided, said the speaker, there was plenty of op. REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE portuni for mission TRAE ities, educational, medical a N refugee service in the southe MORTGAGES portion. Japan also offered am- * ope for the Christian mis- FR W. E. DAVIS R. C. A. CUMBERLAND congregation of St. John's for | 71 Colborne St., Oakville Phone 41 gies and improvement Evenings and Holidays Phone 612-R Telephone 1378 A lovely gift for Mother . . nylons with new heel and seam in- terest . . . while you're shopping for Mom you'll want some for yourself . sheer _ THE "> ROSS STORES She'll sure wslaoms new lingsris lovely gowns, slips, panties and petticoats in righ crepes and satins . many with fancy trims! May Ws Also Suggest , , SMART CLOVES SCARFS " HANDBAGS HANDKERCHIEFS "Oakvills"s Own Fashion Csntrs" CO. LIMITED COLEBORNE ST OAKVILLE

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