Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 18 May 1950, p. 10

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ne 10 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, May 18, 1950 noon, Saturday and Sunday. BARRISTERS Lakeshore Highway W. Phonte Bronte 56W say don't they," chirped up Mickee Finn as he took Comfee Junction, things up a bit. Comfee squealed a sly nip at just to pep will eat the extra food when we the bottom of the Blue China plate, "these strawberries taste just like cherries. Why is that?" strawberries. And so it remained standing. And each Spring--old though it was--it blossomed those who qualify. APPLY IN PERSON [aa grandfatners grandfather de-|to be called mot strawberries, f | Trrect a) Cided that the old tree must be|but strawcherries. And that | OO chopped down. For he said: "It |truly, is what they are." Wi INSURANCE The Cookee Col UMN ||tccrs no more fruit. It is good| And, smiling, Ting-a-Ling fil. | i ELECTRICAL for nothing. It must go." led Hanid's plate again. i T. S. H. GILES INDUST BOOK z oe fd I i A 5 RIAL; TWO. sai ing-a-Ling to id, | It's impossible f voman Real Estate and Insurance LL that the cherry tree did not) ian to a He a 139 Colborne Street Hast ve WU: know what was about to happen | 5, Af i 4 Oskville Pro ELECTRICAL SERVICE Pats Kid i t reali years. After She first 75, lies akville - - - - ne 6532 ys RI and that it did not realize that| "= orc BROWN ELECTRIC en Te ra en coun 1 wos |Dok see mS Toronto - - - Adelaide 2751 I ais Fudgee a enings - - - Oakville 712 appegr up the chi i All life is throughout the ages Phone 1059 Oakville By HERBERT C. MERRY fo on Srarperritn in. the | ToS but the continuing so- GENERAL INSURANCE BILL ANDERSON ner iis ee nee iy iUon Of 8 EOTUTIEUSERtsto ER 17 . p: H. G. Wells. H. S. THORNTON Rabi) - Avelsncas CHAPTER (17 an come sald Fudgee. | not pe 35, ok a propismi 0. Wels ales Service LET etting nowhere. You | their old friend, whose leafy Be Phas 874 Phone 521-M" ¢ SPUD DOT) are all saying what we want, but | branches had given them shade Lakeshore est, Oakville Dunn St. North - Oakville Oh goodness --! no one has said how we get it.|and shelter for many years, was Tt ted like another fight|AEain I say, come, come--action soon to be taken away for ever. For... A. F. BERRILL going on in the pu on. mone |Drothers, action sisters, Who| "Ah" said Ting-a-Ling, "both t . F. CLEMENT puppy p i on "Oakuille's Active Broker" HOME ELECTRIC weirdest sounts were coming ail gp 10 ihe oud of fue funise i n 5 Tom that direction. There were more £00d?" obacco Real = raher Business AUTHORIZED CRIGIDAIRE ls oot ant as "5f|_ "Not I said Binker Hood- * Soft Drinks D | Ca anger and squeaks of joy. At bi 1 have a burr in my ear * |ce Cream = nsurance mmercial Sales & Service|one moment anyone would have |2™ I must work at it right now * Magazines > Oakville, a ee 1233 Livingston Stoker thought that dog slaughter was | © get it out" * CE £1 > and Oil Burner Units taking place there for sure but 'Very sorry--yes, very sorry," of Gotiee 3 is PROFESSIONAL Service & Installation of all|it waswt a fight going on. It|Erunted Comfee. Juniction, but --Drop In At-- M : Makes wasn't even a row. Youll be so|L am unable to leave the pen ' = GCARSTEN GLAHN WORK Gos NTEED | |oomrieed wren you sow wis |TEht new on seoustlofof.wel Ed. Slater's 7 tomotrist -- Opticias was going on. It was a meeting. Teagons. oy nas - > 5 PHONE 1441 Well it was what you and I| ,W Wwell, of course I could- 38 Colborne St. W. re BE. 16 THOMAS ST. N. would call a meeting. <I didn't|™t EEEEO cuz I s-s-s5peak too, > Phone 1375 know what the pups called it--| 0% 'too funny," = said Mickee Ly GENERAL ELECTRIC but what ever they called it or| °¢ling very proud that he had le WILLIAM C. MILLIGAN, R.O. Oil Burners whatever they thought they were |? YIy good reason for not going. . z Optometrist * Optician | Commercial Refrigeration |having--the pups were holding | "Youre just bunch of old pus Ken Gallinger > Colborne St, Oakville, Ont. Sales & Installation a meeting. sy cats" screamed Fudgee, "who 5 i {ower the (Bask of Commerce) . C. PENN Patsy's kid Fudgee was run-| 5 I i d E rofessional eye examination & 94 Maple Ave. Phone 1544 ning it. She was sitting on top et 162 H { prescription services, 2 Oakville of an upturned shoe box, which | 'T Will" Joe every! pup) at Grandfather's grandfather came nterior an xterior TELEPHONE 1507 was pretty well chewed in sev-| he same Wits eu a go oY thee DECORATING Closed All Day Wednesday NURSERIES eral places and had the sticky |, "Ye5 screeched Fudgee, get- cherry zen fon HOURS: Daily 9.30 am-5 p.m. ROBT. NIELSEN paper licked off two of its four|ling madder by the minute. | the cherry tree and the straw- ] Thursday evening--7.00-8.00 p.m. 2 seams. You're all willing to eat the|perry plants were very well PHONE 528-W-13 4 : NURSERIES "Oh members of the family, |f00d but when it comes to goin . or by appointment mily, BOINg | aware of what was about to y app: Garden Design and pe | she said in her highbrow voice. | to ask for it you're all willing to | pass. That night they all work- OAKVILLE W. A. CAMPBELL Contracting "Oh members of the family, I|let Spud do it!" Confusion fol-|eg out a plan. . A. ' TREKS -- SHRUBS -- BOBES |beg of you, lend me your ears--" |OWed-- : : .V.M, V.S. EVERGREENS "Oh, no, oh no" chorused all 'The meeting is adjourned, or Next Day = Accredited Veterinarian We Grow - Design Plant |the pups at once, "We couldn't|disjointes, or whatever it is you "When my © grandfather's Hours by Appointment Prune - do thath said Binker Hoodwink,|52Y to end a meeting Fudgee |grandfather came the next day Home Office 29 Herald Ave. Oakville RR. 1 "we need them ourselves." roe at them, "Anyway the with his axe to chop the old Phone 390W Phone 1444-W You have long ears of your|mMeeting is over," and she jumped | cherry tree down, he suddenly ! Trafalgar Farms Office _ «hone I _ |own," chimed in the biscuit col-|9o%n from her shoe box and |dropped his axe in astonishment. i 8 LINBROOK NURSERIES |ored sister called Buella Pen- took a good bite at the nice soft |For there, twined round the tree ii Phone 1344 Growerstof, gelly as she poked her head out|mo5¢ of her fat sister Buella. from the bottom of the trunk | i of an empty peach basket with to the topmost twig and from 3 id i OSTEOPATH High Quality Nursery Stock | pengelly peaches stamped on branch to branch, high and low, Experienced Cashiers and ali fit CARLTON GREEN esigners of Fin Gardens (the side. in . and From side o side, im oe young ladies, young men ! |e -- Contracting -- "Oh fie, fie, and tush" snap- - - strawberry plants, each wi for full time work in - FIs Li oh Osteopath EIGHTH LINE N. Phone 137J | ped Fudgee. "You silly ote x g Ing clusters of white blossoms and |} cery meat and ay Hit 63 Division Street didn't really mean it. It's just aT 11 with berries just beginning to | py ments HH By Appointment Only. OAKVILLE NURSERIES |one of those stupid things you ells tory [tum pink ; > i Phone 826 Evergreens, Shrubs, Bedding |hear people say." 3 "My grandfather's grandfather|| Must have neat appear- f Plan a papogeople - certainly| "Ting-A-Ling" said Hanid|could not cut the cherry tree ance: i | ) 1) ing: We Ly venings, Wednesday After- Landscape -- Fruits dots ray silly things, | Who was sitting eating straw. |down. For to do so would have | berries with her good friend at|been to destroy all his best || Excellent opportunity for WM. SEALE mi swer i r of course as yowd expect he ing-a-Ling didn't answer at|anew with strawberry blossoms, Eri McMILLAN Custom! Tractor Work Eh Di first. Ho Just smiled. Finally he|and was covered a few weeks la. { arrister -- Solicitor Wood S : SB tder, order, there must he answered: "My! dear child, you ter w e largest, and rosies B k Notary Public arn, Flowing, order," said Fudgee from her aren't really eating strawbew- |and sweetest strawberries in all ¥ scing, Ete. ny -trawcher- | the land. Only, little by littl shoe box platform, ries at all, Theyre strawcher-| the land. y, little by e, GROCETERI Ey East Phone 224-W he hor said Mickee|ries 4 these | strawberries mo longer : 'elephone ville Finn, "Ill order h-h-h-hamburj "Strawcherries! But bu t|tasted 'like strawberries; but a i ROSS RYRIE FLooR SERVICE s-s-steak and lots of en Too | they look like ; strawberries, [like cherries for they Tow grew Company, Limited i riggled a silly little giggle at his Ting-a-Ling! It's only that they|upon a cherry tree and the old Barrister - Solicitor | BRONTE FLOOR 3 SERVICE | SIE510, 2 silly Uttle Sigg oe | taste like chorries, And sha [ree nourished "them vite, 13 OAKVILLE Notary Public FLOOR BANDING ave him a very nasty look. are strawcherries, please!" sap. And that is why they came y " " 61-A Cothorne St. East & REFINISHING he purpose of the meeting," | "Well sald ~~ Ting-a-Ling, LINOLEUM FLOORS LAID 1 Fudgee "is to see what we |smiling again, "Ill tell you the offi he Ha8T LINO-MASTIC-RUBBER TILE |can do about more food." uy story. It's a strange story. { ice 65:1 Residence -w PHONE 1 Be o burst |Im not sure that you've ever t 1 h | = Se bi Buella, 'v ro Tor like it. But it really ars en a n i . A. McCONACHIE W. H. PARKIN nly four m a and we by Aak k Bi ' at] tometrist - Optician ; Barrister - Solicitor Moor Sanding & Refinis used to got six awberry Patch Op agai Notary Public Floor Sanding & Refinishing s and mawmaw fed us as| 'Long ago, when my grand- 163 Colborne Street Oakville 3 = 169 COLBORNE §) Phone 1058-W on echoed Binker. father's grandfather owned this || 2ro BST. "it bit. when Montes | very garden where we're sitting || -- TELEPHONE 1375 -- gy = Telephone Oakville 1304 ROOFING > there: wi Straw- 1 oft)" said Comfee now, there was a large straw aaa UGH FE. ISARD Tobe ROOEING. ' {hat pop-pizs laughed |berry patch. He tended it very} OFFICE HOURS ) . RD b hen LS of N Lo Finn. "He a-a-ate his |carefully--giving It water when | { Daily 9.30 to 5.00 Evenings Bl of Barrister -- Solicitor n > Joots o> Tone PO and as m-m-much of |the ground seemed dry; pluck-|} Sat. 9.30 to 12.00 Mon. and Thurs. 7 to 8 i ced Notary Public nsul-Bric siding £ Asbetos siding | oT 1 0 could g-g-get. [ing the weeds when they grew |] Or By Appointment plete Successor to Insulation Materials h-heard maw-maw S-S- too high; and making sure that ||| 1924 Eaves Troughing t-took after his bbbbaby s rabbits did not come during the a Mr. W. N. Robinson, K.C = Cah SOI, SEE os Materials supplied & sold sister P Pokee, - But he's night to nibble away the young bu 142 Colborne St. East Peter P. Nichols and s-s-so has BB Bonnee leaves, or the robins come by | regi Phones: Bus. 15 : Res. 216|New Phone 2544 Burlington |ss-still we haven't enough day to carry off the bright red W S D | frien EE Oakville 1445 caf berries. And so, each Spring, . . | lB awa JACK A. SEED 35 CLARKI AVE, BURLINGTON | A general discussion followed. | my grandfather's' grandfather tA f As Barrister-Solicitor (Estimates Given) on ET ean feel my sides | Was rewarded with reat heap- REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE cont: Helin together" ing baskets of the sweetest g i Notary Public stickin gether 13 3 i labor 97 Parke Avenue BUILDING They really aint meals, they Dibet Ieagrant strawberries in MORTGAGES : try i are only snacks, and how could |the lanc ol a co Telephone 1237-R CHAS. WATT anyone expect & pup to grow in-| "Now in the middle of the * Seal Local Representative to a big big doggie on snacks" |strawberry patch was an old was ACCOUNTING J. Cooke Limited ri you're talking said a Se ind pL ERAS R-\C..A. CUMBERLAND eis ; youre talking sai ong before my grand- pant: C. L. OLIVER and CO. CONCRETE BLOCKS 4 fourth, "We must have more |father was born. Bul not a sing- 71 Colborne St., Oakville Phone 41 Li Accountin| and Auditing, Aldershot, Ont. Phone 386J3| and longer meals to make big- [le Cherty did it bear. And at Evenings and Holidays Phone 612-R Business stems Installed | TURNBULL & HOLDRIDGE | ©" and fatter pups length the year came when my Income Tax Returns Building Contractors E = = 32 Tliomay ost re - Masonry Wi Bes 3y Vic Green P. B HOW MUCH MONEY BUT WE ST ay Blockwork How Much VE A NOW WEVE YEAH... JUST ENOUGH TO Ham. 7-5452 - Oakville 1268 | 170u "OAKVILLE - 903| - |ooR TREASURY? Wehbe wis Be ST EX oun| EDLs To ie aur 5 FINED ONE oy : D. HAMILTON-WRIGHT TORONTO - PLaza 5491 EINED, Oe eT TREASURY * 418 Chartered Accountant Telephone Oakville 1399 153 Colborne St. "REPAIRS. To all types of commercial refrigerators and domestic and electric ranges. PARTS & SERVICE GUARANTEED E. W. BURBIDGE 136 Robinson St. [Telephone S214 or 1428W ville D. G. PENM oe MARCHAND Located in McDermott's Loblaw Groceteria Opposite -- Oakville Colborne St. E, Rugs, Carpets and A iereren Furniture Cleaned In Your Own Home. Portable Equipment -- Satisfacts lon Guaranteed 108 Kerr (N.) Phone 1535 SURVEYING H. D. SEWELL ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR Oakville - Phone 1297-4

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