Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 18 May 1950, p. 2

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Pawson, baritone, son of Rev. Harry Pawson will be the assis- ting artist. PHONE RELIEF DONATIONS TO 737 The Maud Mrs, B. J. Howett has return-| oo ed from Florida. FILL JAYCEE BOTTLES Mrs, F. H. Davies, Morrison Rd, president of the University Women's Club entertained at cocktails Saturday afternoon in honor of Dr. Marion Grant, pres- ident of the Canadian Federa- tion of University Women. Among those present were Mrs. Douglas Tough, Miss Helen Mc- Dermott, Mrs. Rupert Hilmer, Mrs. John Maxwell, Mrs. F. W. Taylor, Mrs, Hunter Reid, Mrs, John Blakelock, Mrs. R. B. S. Kindersly, Mrs. Andrew Scott, Mrs. J, H. Hamilton, Mrs. Mal® colm' Smith, Mrs. Lawrence Bl- 5, Mr. Mrs, end in Mra. son, Mrs. Lloyd Minshall, Mrs John Milne. Members of the executive of the Club entertained Dr. Marion Grant at dinner at the Estam- inet Saturday evening. FIGHT THE FLOOD HERE Alex Tilley, St. Clair Low and H. G. McKillop attended the dis- trict Rotary convention at Buf- falo this week. HELP THE Harry superl RED CROSS |ne PHONE RELIEF DONATIONS TO 78 name Mr. Wilder Breckenridge left |g today on a fishing trip in North ern Ontario. FILL JAYOEE, 'Winners of G week werce Grief; 2 Cons and Mr. leaving today to spend the week Miss Mary friends of Lambert HELP WINNIPEG George Geddes (nee Peggy Shepherd) announce the arrival of their son, George Stephen on May 6 at Royal Jub flee Hospital, Victoria, B.C. PHONE RELIEF DONATIONS TO 787 and Mrs Tina Case Roderick New York. Gordon FILL JAYCEE BOTTLES Mrs. Sydney will regret to hear of the death of her brother, James Hamilton Chickering of Oil City, Pa., on Friday, May 1950. HELP. THE RED CROSS HELP THE RED CROSS LeFebve and Soanes are visiting with Dr. arid Mrs. E. P. Soanes. TRAFALGAR on Emberst ntendents. The n James of 'Month Breckenridge Baillie are The Sunday School service at Wesley Church Day was col for pupils. er's nducted by the jun- Kenneth Fish and acted as joint Junior A solo was sung by Mary P Choir sang and Vivean Fish and read the lessons. ost, HELP WINNIPEG and Jes and Elizabeth Bent- | The Bishop of Niagara and|joy were heard in a duet. The Mrs. Bagnall were the guests) co,mpanist was Laverne Neal of Canon and Mrs. D. Russell Smith on Sunday. LIGHTEN WIND IPEG'S LOAD LIGHTEN WINNIPEG'S LOAD | At Munns and Wesley church- The Ontario Society for Crip-|¢3 On Sunday an infant baptis- pled Children is grateful to an mal service was held at cach anonymous friend In Oakville | church by the minister, Rev. J. district who, over a period of |W. Stewart. At Munn's Chur ch time has made regular and gen- the son of Mr and Mrs. Ken- erous contributions for the ben-|neth Keirnan received the name efit of crippled youngsters, writ-|of Allan FEdward and the daugh- es Bert L. Baulch field se -| ter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. tary. Campbell, the name of Jane, At Wesl SS. hall on May mittee of three appointed bers V/.A's to arrange for the cater- ing to the annual Holstein sale. Mrs. the W. LIGHTEN WI ulted in the home of Mr Fox burning efforts high wind from the chimney on fire and Mrs. Fox and all the Thursday, May 18, ja: 9 Deerhaven Kennels Regd. BOARDING Upper Middle Road Telephone 457.) (B. K. SNIDER) CLIPPING -- WASHING -- DEFLEAING Summer Reservations for Boarding ; are now being received i ee i (i | Hi ii Page 2 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL I I companiment. | ih LIGHTEN WINNIPEG'S LOAD BRONTE | Hi Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Royle at- | bi and EVENTS tended the funeral of the late| Mrs. Edna Cochrane and dau ir Mrs, Alfred Adamson, Erindale |ghter Sharon, Mimico, were vis | Hh The ladies section of the golf; Mr. C. T. Sherry is attending|® Woliisiny Of Wash ik ane ofan ang its club enjoyed a very successful |the Prudential Insurance agent's FILLIJAYCEE EOTTLES > 5 in Hi opening" day. Approximately 50|convention in Montreal thig| Mr. and Mrs. Willard Fish of LIGHTEN WINNIPEG'S LOAD Tay id playing and social members | week-end. Newmarket, spent Mother's Day| Mr. and Mrs. Cec Port | { turned out. The monkey com-| FIGHT THE FLOOD HERE with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fish, |Dover sited and al petition was won by the follow-| vo noua) dance recital b They were dinner guests on Sun-|Mrs. Grant Williams y ing team: Mrs. G. R. McCon- ance recital bY|day of Mr. and Mrs. H. Culling- | PHO! RELIEF DONATIONS Ev it BC Techuhy, poem lc pupils of Taney Chisholm | pam, ? TO 737 | ; G. Maccabe, Mrs. R. G. Hep on oe HEE FIGHT THE FLOOD HERE Miss Margare gE burn, Mrs. Charles Cox, Mrs. F.| 22 Bit Gono) Auditorium Mrs, H. Culingham enter- |ell, Hamilton, W. Stott, Mrs. K. F. Chisholm ER | otiUM. | tained the members of Wesley |in the village and D. Y. Patrick. The annual HELP THE RED CROSS W.MS. and W.A. at the May 3 opening day takes place on HELP WINNIPEG meeting. The devotions were HEL THE nr | Wednesday, May 24. A mixed | The total now stands at $3,| conducted by the president of | Mr de EARL Be ome will ba. played starting 73150 in the annual campaign in| the WMS, Mrs. S. D. Turner Me Sl MIs Ae | at 2.30 pm. followed by tea. support of the Canadian Nation-| tne theme, "God in Natures |e mi LE RE LIGHTEN WINNIPEG'S LOAD |2l Institute for the Blind, It Was| nis or ear road the lesson. with relat AD | i nnounced yesterday. The Hal-| Tho program, arranged Se FILL JAYCEI Pupils of Mrs. Bilen Kusiar| ton" County advisory board has | ma Albertson, @ reading, "My The Bronte Communi Scott who will take part in a|,sked the Journal to ess 1s | Gardens" a n are holding a free dance Wed- piano recital next Tuesday eve-|appreciation to all thos ey May 17 at 8 pm. in the| ning at the Wesley United |pejped to make the drive a suc- oo iy Ore Leni who al-| Community Hal. A good orches-| Church, Mimico, will at Dn fr me, I Tre | dene oa | ah Graydon, John Pugsle Co fie, the Dr. Chase Medicine| sts' chor re on | boy. Is wales, | Thomson, Molly Cooper, Janet| cq, for their sign board, theyre om 1 Interestin eat-| FIGHT THE FLOOD HERE Cane, Wilma Black, ' Oharles| paiyc of Commerce for the as-|yerses from ae Last Friday morning the pu. Holden, Diana Miles, Helen| jqiance of its staff, the press SE pils of Bron Public School Adamus, Janice Jaffray, David | gor publicity coverage, industries py I were thrilled by a visit from Nairn, Anne Flavelle, David| no arranged employee canvas-|iliividual : Jead by | Knee.ti, the safely dog. Gather Thomson, Judy Cane, Carol Mer-| no 'team captains and canvas-| ment. all) 'members. Arrange. led mia large group the studen and Ann Crompton. David B.| gop ments were made for the W.A. e given a demonstration of | sers. and W.MS. tea to be held in the | safety. which it is hoped they 23rd. A comi- members wa with mem- and Sheridan will remember for some time. Knee-Hi appeared here through the courtesy of the Dr. Ballard Food Co. and the influence of Mrs. Stanley Po LIGHTEN WINNIPEG'S LOAD Euchre winners at the week- ly Community Club euchre were as follows--Miss O. Patterson, Mr. Y. Williams, Mrs. H. Brews- ter, Mrs, J. Osborne. The draw was won by Mrs. Ja PHONE RELIEF DO 737 Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Morley Toomer on the birth of their son at the Mount Hamilton Hospital on May 11. to meet of Munn's E. R. Fish, president of . presided de PEG'S LOAD A fire which would have res- Victor but for the of Mr. daughter, Frank Fink, assisted by occurred during a recently. A spark set the roof down F NATIONS neighbors happened to be away. Mrs. Fink eventually managed to put out the fire with wet The measles are still causing bags which were taken up thefa lot of sickness in the village ladder to her by her mother. |a few who are now ill are Don- When the fire reels and others |nie Aitcheson, Karen Chalmer: arrived, the danger was practi- | Shirley Lawlor and Marie Me- cally over. Leod (Continued on Page 5) "(Continued on Page 5) Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. May 18-19-20 (ING OF THE COWAOYS a coun nerve GEL ONTIER Y EXPF Plus 'Latest World News EXTRA EVERY SATURDAY MATINEE 3 Cartoons Mon. & Tues. only May 22-23 A STORY OF A KID... A CITY... AND THIRTY GODFATHERS "ID from CLEVELAND y x! od LLB 5.75 JU BOUDREAU « HANK GREENBERG avin, 2) 1 | | J E GROMEK » SATCHEL PAIGE THELL » BOB LEMON « LARRY DOBY INDIANS Wedd Champion STURE Babel Trem )RED CARTOON AND SHORT irs. only May 24-25 Wednesday, May 24 at 2 p.m. £30 min. Bugs Bunny Cartoons rrr -- FF! YOU'LL ROAR! YOU'LL HOWL! OLIVER Z Frnt WALTER COLMES A HAL ROACH PRODUCTION oo o ON THE SAME PROGRAMME HOLT in "INDIAN AGENT" EXTRA COLORED CARTOON © This "Reliable" emblem-- Pr, displayed in our Prescription K-*~ Department--is worthy of plete confidence. Like the faith- your com afe harbor I ful beacon, it directs youtoas --a source where you may have pre- | compounded accurately and scriptions re time? at a fair price. Why not try us next RUSSELL DRUG CO. . Oakville Fri. & Sat. Fore May 19-2 years 00% 2 NOTCHES ON is GS May 22. ....she tempted him to take a bite- 4 for the better! ALSO SHOWING "THE MARCH OF TIME" 'FIGHT for BETTER SCHOOLS SPECIAL HOLIDAY MIDNIGH! PREVIEW - TUESDAY, MAY 1} Also Showing Wed. to Sat. - May 24 DOORS OPEN FOR THE FIRST SHOWING OF THIS GREAT HIT AT 11.30 P.M. TUES. MAY I this, my great- est perform- ance, | wos sot entirely alone!" --Belvedere EWA = i Fm |-=TECHNICOLOS ndly Theatre. Phone 568 Watch for "TIGHT LITTLE ISLAND" starts M \

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