Ihursday, May 18, 1950 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Page 3 |ronte Nonogenarian Spends Another | The Mayor Reports |S. imei i, OWLS CLEAN UP TURKEYS DURING | hop { 4 Birthday Puttering Around Garden| By James R Black | SEASON'S HIGHLIGHT HOOTING A. W. Wright, of Belyea Ave. cam mi ite HH with Drrinaey | Ln ate turkey when some songs, jokes, and plano and or st Friday "just puttering | i of the Oakville | an s x vy Bill Ward and found the garden." Mr. Wright, and song wife claims, just can't seem t still "He feels he just e to Canada from England, i La and Ross. Among the 0 In live without. working hd I guess he's right." she says. side of making th : i El = ty of us marriage. All in all, he|o ing his garden right up to|T°CKONS he has 140 children fratch, it was just another day grandchildren and great grand- were Mr. and has outlived four children by a Prizes were won by Mrs. Rich Chapman, Mr. and sette, D. Alkens, Mrs. + £ p the Bronte nonogenarian, who children. | faced us with ie (and members, an o W. Hooks, Mr. and 7 | providing it | ston spoke on behalf of Card, Mrs. B. Galley, 1 s tely on top of a | les Entertainment included | Bill Ward. PF Th eeded and overdue ) j e % The problem of = w and maintain | | | these facilities, and at the R ASPARAGUS SEASON [oon m=Ea : It Ee for education, welfare, re- SCREENS creation and parks. which are 1 Is Short! all becoming more and more SC | | necessary, or expected, without REENS i ENJOY FRESH ASPARAGUS | imposing heart breaking taxes, pe | is the main problem of the coun- ; = fe ion Every Week of the Year The gear we tave tar we S C R E E N S of : should curtail all major expend- the BY RESERVING YOUR |itures to a minimum, excepting oe | for physical development of S C k E E N S town facilities, such as streets, pre- Deep Freeze Locker sewers, sidewalks, construction and | and maintenance, in an endeavor , WITH to overcome some of the back-| me? log. Our educational costs age. up approximately 3 | last year, and eve : - | tion must be that 19 considerable further heavy ex- --- 3 FROZEN FO penditure in public and secon- WE ARE TAKING ORDERS FOR WINDOW dary schools. This, and the pos- Ra | 0D SERVICE [Rts ore arn ha SCREENS. ALL SCREENS STURDILY BUILT I Royal Bank Building Telephone 1214-5 requirements being fulfilled, has | IN OUR OWN MILL. JUST GIVE US YOUR Yi g P| : prevented us from considering + those which will be necessary for | WINDOW MEASUREMENTS & WE LOOK AF ot = jer) TER THE REST. MAY WE SUGGEST THAT 00. | YOU ORDER EARLY BEFORE THE BIG RUSH TIME /or GIVING oF mittee al STARTS . . . IT WILL AVOID DISAPPOINT MENT LATER. Srope and rous sting facilities vhich nt are not up to e standard we wish. Some of . bo the items considered and mot fo | For All Your Building Needs be done this year are traffic 1 , drying beds for the W- age disposal plant, posal units or incine | lic rest rooms, widening 2 onl ST CHAS. F DOTY & SON most WANTE creasing grants to Parks Board, | n u Recreation ~~ Commission, and arbage dis CONSULT LT / 50 construction of a new Dundas DUNDAS STREET NORTH PD [3 St. sewer. a = Fas show ito you / S ANDUP | These are all worthy projects, Phone 76 After Hours: 558-W or 670 some undoubtedly necessary, but SETS FROM ouncil does mot consider | $91 50 they are items to be paid for out La of this year's revenue. If our position were clear on the arena debenture we might have felt ITT TTT TTI ITI IT IITT IIIT IIIT, TY, The Royal Bank Of Canada announces the opening of a new branch in OAKVILLE Under the Managership of J. E. Peat, our new branch is conveniently lo- cated at 119 Colborne Street, in the heart of the shopping district. Through the branch, all the usual services are available to meet person- al and business needs. We cordially invite you to make this branch your TIME" neighborhood banking centre. Ll Bhs odaal NE 8 Work Shirts 5, its ln Chambrays, Navy Ben Kin NIGHT Work Sox In medium and lightweight Qualities AY 2 Combination Overalls 1. grey. Sizes 36-46 Vay 24 Dust Coats niki. sizes 36.44 wine of FOR SPRING and SUMMER WEAR g RUSSELL DRUG (CO. IN - NEU] lay 22 ke a bite-| : For the Man Indoors: IN FACTORIES, GARAGES, ETC. We carry guaranteed lnes of work-wear WALKER "HEADLIGHT" - ELMIRA - PICKETT BRANDS Blue, Black and White Overalls Sizes 34.46 T Elus Rivet, Blue Twill, Khaki Cotton TOUSErsS worsteds, Sizes 30-44, S. MAY I Travellers Cheques Safekeeping Before you go away, Victory Bonds and other A safe, simplo way to send We carry a good assortment of © your spare cash valuable documents can money by mail anywhern T | x £ SHORTS . into travellers cheques at be left for safekeeping at in Canada, US. or Creat SPORT Bn RY AE BE our nearest branch. Pro- any of our branches. Cost Britain, Royal Bank | BROADCLOTH BOXER SHORTS tect yourself against loss of this service is low. Some Moacy Orders are avail i BROADCLOTH BUTTON SHORTS through theft or branches still have Safe able at all branches. Lo) Deposit Bozes. H Newest design in Spring and Summer + || NECKWEAR. Z [| Well-known makes Forsyth, Arrow, B.v. i D. SHIRTS, in plain colors and stripes. : You can SPORT JACKETS - BLAZERS Van Johnson Jackets, Light Brown & Wins, Bank on EISENHOWER JACKETS -- Black, ge, Wine. the "Royal" =" i i i i i i i i i : i A i ! < i : } i : H : \) £2 i 5! } ' i ' i | Curremt Accounts i i ; : i i ' i : i 4 i : i : i i H : i i i - i SHORT SOX Lightwsight Waals, Rayon and Lists, Dia a monds, ste. Regular Length Sox in newest bin the bask gives oa confidence, belps you social aad business coo- reparcs you for cancelled cheques arn par Jesigns. ist ROYAL oy rd BANK : ' rt re OF CANADA | GRAMMELL"S MEN'S SHOP time and bother. Your | > Fry vi T 637 SOOT TIT I ITI TIT ITI IIT ITIITIys | |» Coons St, Ouklls slephons