TBE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, May 18 jo Station OAKVILLE WHITAKER & SONS Rd. | Mr. and S. Michael Brown announce engagement of their Shirley, to uel Berman, son of Mr M Torley and the late T. 1 0! ttawa, Ont Marriag take place' June armies in Toronto, Ont nd Mrs. Charles Shepherd | announce the engagement o their youngest daughter, Mary June, to Mr. Roger Appleton, son Of Mrs. A. Appleton and the late Mr. Appleton of Ott: TURN. . and Mrs, Robert F. Turner (nee Muriel Evans) are happy to announce the birth of a son, Robert John on Tuesday May 9th, 1950 at the Winnipeg General Hospital, Winnipeg. Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Bvans 3 ner, Tor- onto, are very pleased to welcome their first grandchild, (Muriel, Robert and John are doing fine) "Don't forget the C.P.T. cuchre Friday, May 19th in the LO.O.F. Hall. Everyone welcome Fire Brig ade No. Trafalgar r 2 cuchre and dance will be held ar Trafalgar Memorial Hall Pring ___ | Credit. Winnipeg by Pos [3a 24th, Traf Hail. Walt Alw H '| Lake Trout, Sp | season now for May and June; f | able, Write Rex McRae, Tynoka, Huntsville, Ont. Robt the pr shall and Spring covered. _ Finest Phone Oak Flood d CARD OF THANKS [NECHERTa to thank | Phone 1151W Herbert Merry. ¥ 5 and comrades of the Canadian Legion 114 for the phone 1151W, BUSINESS SERVICES fo APARTMENT) one month. We specialize in Mar- Beautyrest mattresses turned like new. Eiderdowns re- Fund Once more spon- | Pennsylvania ol orum, | gal. gar Memorial | only 80c ci A| lei h Ballet Grade OAKVILLE, 4 Trout, {mods n rates | Posts avail- Kugust. Phone 1. (1/44p24-26) oo a bathroom, middle Home Ltd, have that fine E Bring your orm it 40 only. rd Dundas St. N. e. Couple with $70. per month. COTTAGES a 4 bo! periods kindn they showed him while Los Thi hod 15 in the Sunnybrook Hospital | per week accordi Herbert M t Victoria of two 5th, $46 ng' to zear | 2, tiled bath, ash in basemen two adults information. Box repairs. rebuilt, re- ALBERTA coal May 35 Refreshments. Goo (1.00p26- 59 M. Sullivan, Bront Blue Coal Dealer. all-Canadian produc Apply sepa , modern kitche ol wi ith 1 MATTRESSES So tres range, living-dining Representative here now for | room 1 bedroom Fiz % good cupboards, nt. Suitable for y with pertinent 387 Journal. workmanship. | Ontario Redding Company, Port | WANTED--TO RENT | ville 203-W. | | ee | URGENTLY needed 3 or 4| riquets, an | gomed unfurnished apartment t gros) Praag by provincial police officer, wife © B0-W. YOUr|.nd child. Phone 1R22 Bronte (35c1tf) (62p24-26) | lak | Large pa AND FOUND FOR SALE oR Jrave 7 : = i el A hn La gold living modern kitche H (53c Dundas ana | v Bulo- | reward, 26) SITUATIONS WANTED DRESSER seeks position HAIR] in Oakville. 379 Journal. (50p24 -26) GIRL, University student, r office position ist, summer months. May 18th. Phone 92J (25p vp- for Available after 26) ROOMS FOR RENT ROOM and board. Phone 1111W (21 -26) TWO unfurnished rooms in new home. Continuous hot water, Phone 1352] after five. IDAIRE BARGAIN | ing suite, Mostets bool elv wi pair SY Sl radio phonograph. Phone 702. (30p26) 1947 FORD sedan, radio, heat- er, excellent condition, low mil- eage. Phone 911-R or 161 Wil- liam GAS stove, 4-burner, control, reasonable, 65 Robi St. Phone 567. LAKEFIELD varnished boat, 16'x44", 4 seats, channel steel boat trailer, Evenrude outboard motor, all 2 years old. $375. Phone 108R. DELCO _ lighting plant, 32V, 750 W.; Delco 32V radio; Delco water tank and pump, automatic 3 doz. bulbs. $150. Phone 109R COMBINATION table radio electric circular saw and bench; roller skates, glass table lamp = raMous KROEHLER suites - Two Only in Each Style Priced to Clear at a 25% DISCOUNT Off Regular Prices BE SURE TO ii THESE CUTSTANDING BUYS THIS WEEK END FREE STORAGE AND DELIVERY PHONE 957 CHAIR CL FURNITURE STORES EARANCE PRICE As ion DOMINION with large a lifetime. steel, CLEARANCE PRICE A 3 PC. SUITE IN SMART MODERN DESIGN, WITH HAND-RUBBED MAHOGANY SHOWWOOD. MOUS "CUSHIONIZED" LIFE-TIME CONSTRUCT- ION THAT IS YOUR ASSURANCE OF LIFE-TIME COMFORT, AND COVERED IN LUXURIOUS DEEP PILE, SILK VELOUR. ONE SUITE IN TWO PIECES ROSE WITH SECOND CHAIR SUITE IN TWO PIECES BLUE WITH SECOND IN WINE. REGULAR PRICE OF THIS SUITE IS $299.00 FA- IN GREEN--ONE $249.00 pe. suite, sofa comfortable chairs. Covered i This suite has a double spring that gives price is $369.00 all fluted back and roomy, n pure wool Frieze that will wear construct- floating com- fort for the rest of your days. This is the finest suite that money can buy -- the regular $289. One suite, 2 pieces in wine, with second chair in green. One suite with 2 pieces in green, with second chair in copper. Store Open Saturday Till 9 p.m. OAKVILLE 3 COMPLETE FLOORS OF FURNITURE & HOUSE FURNISHINGS bird cage, ice-box_ several other articles. Phone 843M. (37c26) PRIVATE sale of furniture of the late Mr. R. Richardson, res- ident at 32 Herald Ave. For in- formation regarding same, please contact Mr. D. Richard- son, Watson and Palmer Aves. Phone 841 (51p26) 1937 DESOTO good sedan, ti; heater, defroster, fair con- dition, $375. or best offer. Phone 563W. (25p26) Junior Humane Notes Results of the judging at Sat- urday's pet show were as fol- lows: Most obedient dog, Harry Street, 1st, Gordon Howden 2nd.; Most unusual type of dog. Marilyn Harris, 1st, Robbie Chisholm, 2nd., Denny Leonard, 3rd; Best trick dog, Harry Street, 1st, Teddy. Broadbe 2nd, Page Wadsworth, 3rd, Mary Sutton, 4th.; groomed dog, Peter Gowdie, Celes- tine Cornin, 2nd., Bill Chapman. 3rd, Wilfrid Wilson 4th, Susan Sketch, 5th; Biggest cat, San- dra SKerrett; Best groomed cat Jane Sparling; Best marked cat, Robbie Chisholm; Smartest trick cat, Peter Street; Best kitten, Peter Gage, 1st, Lynda Jackson, 2nd; Nursing kitten, David Val- entine; Best basket of kittens, zabeth Beach; Gold fish, Rob: in Marshall 1st, Cathie Sparling 2nd, Judy Bide 3rd; Largest rabbit, Shirley Ballantyne; Best groomed rabbit, Penny Slipp B t litter of rabbits, Debby don; Best pair of rabbits, Terry Budreo Best hamster, Lexa Thompson; Best pair of pigeons, Mary Sutton; Oddest pet, Terry Budreo, h s 1st; Richard Pears 2nd; Ruth Ann Folland, snake, | 8rd | Lucky draw, Mrs. V Claire Willis groceries Warren, Linbr n SALESLADY for local WINCHESTER pum, guage, cost $145. and field .410 single-s] Cleaning ro et -J. ~ FORD four door sed v tires, new FORD | ye conditioned motor. Hay' any day except Sunda - and tanks, an opportuni Ozkville Hardware. HELP WANTED="WOM WANTED-NOM OFFICE work, or Lael fo FS A -------- days per week. bus line. Phone 23 for Capable taking book store. charge. Apply with qua star tions to Box 385 Journal lear wee are SHOP foreman, must be ar to act as service salesman. ( first class man, miliar with GM. apply. Top wages, working conditions. fender man, able to do or Wh shop. Must have knowledg won painting and touch-up. 10 gi Ww Oak hobby for teen-aged fj ed. to good income wo pect Saturdays. Selling job with cont supplied. Item sells itself The sented correctly. Could be the time summer job for righ fe licant. Apply to X 3! J nd PPIy Box. 826 Lelan MAN to do floors or Gay, month. Phone 15117. (3 fom PART time gardener ing half days a week. Saturday errid evenings. Phone 1511J. (3 and c 1 Mr. as foll CREAMY MAS(] The double-purpose beauty masque--for truly effective cleansing .. . for special occasion radiance. Just rub in well, spl off with water and fe Tussy Creamy Masq search out the pore-cloz- ging impurities in you J skin! Take advantag this special offer--todsy BRIEN'S| PHARMACY | Prescriptions - We D8 140 Colborne St. £f§ Oakville |} Telephone 1382 B i 2 i Announcing | A pleasant dining-rooj and courteous CHICKEN - STEAKS 19 Navy St. N., Oakville Reservations Su ested THE OAK VILLA service Opening May 24 good foc are yours to enj m where - FISH SPECIA Just off No. 2 Hig Oakville