District Farmers Now Preparing For Royal Winter Fair More than 100 calves on farms Ontario mu T tons xt five month: in order Guinea Agricultural Novem possibly in Canada that te of gain in weight has been as requireme; for accept The calves must weigh 650 or better, live weight, at the f showing. nominated half of May fen weighed under represen during the have already LATEST GROUP TO PITCH ly in accordance with adult formula. v the car- es dress following auction of fhe animals will be recorded and 1 Busiest man in town these (with an angler, bartering over (up more rackets to string formation as to grade, quality (fine spring days is bustling Bud a new ball glove with some fu-| Of course, these are only a bd dressing percentage will. as| Corbett, whose prodigious ef-| ture Ted Willams, stringing few of the Corbett locales and ffir as possible, be sent to each|rorts at this Sthson drop the | rackets preparatory to the open-| duties. Bud could talk for an hibitor following the Fair. proverbial one-armed paper- [ing of tennis play, or pleading | hour on sports organizalion Another new rule requires all hanger,' by comparison, deep in-|over the phone with a Supply | work among town kids--and us ives Joitered 20 have Ween [yofins intone ees. NOL tear Bod house for speedier delivery of | ually does ar oF or tattooligny Tronpy shont | the whole sweaters for one of his minor 3 for to May 15. 1850." Calves en-|tpin0 ot" na pile-up of detail | teams, or booking tickets for Dents Thine 10 ) red must poi Deon born bel. et have this sports coach- [Sunday ball games, (b) umplr- Tish i ne Fir uti ose, May 1, 1843 and Feb. 1, equipment dispenser-organizer- [ing a ball game, or showing a a tL Tout ee ost thie SESE iota i tha Roy- [fan more than somewhat baf-[bunch of kids how to fold | a es Btery al King's Guineas | 1° at times. grounders, (c) sing up more tries will be stabled in one| JUSt to be helpful, folks look- equipment or anging exhibi-| In the long run, more people ea, set aside for the class. A [Ing for Bud these days may find) tion games for his frvenilo or|commit suclds with o fork than rd above each animal will ten |Dim (a) at his place of business, [bantam ball clubs (d) arguing | With uw knife. breed, owner and other par. f(b) at Wallace Pak, (c) in Tor-|with Halton county loop officin sera nlars. Thess will {n.|Onto, (at) Milton, (e) at the [over schedul player certitl-| King safes fv unwise, adian ase public interest in the [Oakville Club. In the same order, |catcs, or showin merchandise | while oracking wise can often he hose he'll be either (a) talking bait| , ra Mr V pleking | very uns of the (oom Tastee padge in DODGE SPECIAL DELVE 4.000% IOAN IN and and rn and ren's toy fund is the Tiny Types Club, whose 20 enthusiastic members ve raised Es, over §9 to date. Above, photographer Thelma Brown caught Gary McKinney and Peter Bennett slipping coins into the pickle bottle "bank" that Dordi Ann Wilcox is holding. Tiny Types meet in a converte Well, almost. at any rate. Bud Joins Bees, One-Amed Paper Hangers In Hectic Spring Scramble Ge Sure Yow Check "50 DODGE BEFORE YoU DECIDE | Tiny Types Forego lee Cream Cones For Toy Fund = reRRe € money for the hospital child- striet- d chicken coup, run their meetings J comin! ha 010 i The Oakville- Thursday, May 1950 SECOND SECTION ORGANIZATION EXECUTIVES | GET BEHIND THE SALVATION ARMY'S ANNUAL CAMPAIGN « Owls Rally Behind | Manitoba Flood Fund 25, with do Lodge. It CARON The Salvation Army fnve and found that the boy had neglected him and deprive him of the care and guidance which he needed 5 : The ult --young Tommy Ho * weed from u possitio ita of | RAYON Lingerie, Hose crime to that of i ful ¢ a . dln cltion--a rity reeves | Again Sought For od to the duties of good citizen hip. Labrador's Looms The scene changes from court room to jail from hospital to of Oakville and district nursing home, from Orphangs to ng asked for thelr discard Home for the Aged multiply | °d rayon hoalery and lingerie th thousand times The of the Grenfell the § Army la always pa [Labrador Mission f(s making ita trolling the "Beat of the Heaten'|annual collection of (hess gar They are able to continue this | ments for shipment to Labrador work because people like you are |There they are sent to women willing to pause In the busy | Uving tn tiny communities along rush of life to reach out a help Kk coant, who use them as Ing hand to those who are less for making hooked rugs fortunate. Not many of us would | hand bags, and other handeraft willingly miss an opportunity to [products The housewives ape do this, and «0 we fe that you | Instructed In this work (n a nue will agree that the work of the |ber of small centres, and the Salvation Army must not be al |articles they m ke are sold in lowed to falter, different parts of the world, This Oakville and distriot have been | work not only contributes to the fnkod for $6,000.00 You can help | Hnancial support of themselves this community get Its quota by [and thelr families, but helps to sending In your donation now enliven thelr rather dreary lives Comprising the campalgn com Mra. CC tloydJones is disteior mittee are; convener of the committee. As Lady Halllle, Chalrman Ww I | alating her In the collection are Edwards asurer J. J. Willis Mra, Rosas fyele, Oakville, and Mayor James LL. Black Ars Elisabeth Wilk Hoey Hronte, Hanfleld, Frank Pullen, n K. | Ladle having armenta to dos Slater, Dr. 18 Pp Hoanes, Bt nate may take them to any of Sut ao, H ' Roarun i 11 these ladies, or ph them to Walklett « 8 Manne! K. H Russell, Jamos | Cooke, J M. | * © ta have (he articles plete or a Me SRL ei Ctl Stone, EO. Pullen Wanted. Nylons are Unsuitable WM. WHITAKER & SONS THE BELL T $8 lf all ihe peapls wha work far the telephons cam pany, And all the people who surn a living b y making the things the telsphons company needs And all the peaple who bave thelr savings invested in the telephans company, And ll the peapls who depend an good telsphons service ta rum thelr businesses and manags thelr homes; 1 all these peopls, with their families, lived in one city, This City-With-No-N Vams would be by far the largest in Canada, and ons of the lurgest in the world Kavping pace with the grawing mses of cxmmanitios srywhars for mare snd batter Inlaphans service has takan lots of werk wad lots of money Only & Ananciolly haiti tslaghons company con cory oF this hig fuk. Telaphane wears, smplapens, hasshaldasny & vial interest In 8 sarvics hal manne 48 mah by the waltsrs of ws many sassls, SEN EPHOMNE al COMPANY OF CANADA Caw Ownsd nd spsisisd by Cansdions for Conadions