| | |. - © nb Mail, AYOR SPARKS DRIVE TO HELP MANITOBA ringing in the towers of" churches at 7.30 next Mon. | El tree the Total To Date Bing of another onenight | that will "pattern bomb" | to a mushrooming | to help a flood-fet. y and it's suburbs pull | ip by the bootstraps from rated debris the receding| °d up" Mr. societies but not yet forwarded. "Change collected in Wotherspoon re. er will leave in its wake | Ported. Experience Helps al es Ambler and several |Members: Carl Slipp, ch associates, veterans of [John Wotherspoon, ul blitz drives in the past, |ber of Commerce, lick to offer their services |Charles Ambler, alf of beleaguered Win. |Mrs. Roy Irwin, know the job, and|Chapter, L.O.D.E to carry it out with |A. E. N. Davis, and thoroughlness Hubert Hunt, will be aided by volun-|Auxiliary; Max rom town service organiz-| Club; Al Masson #ho are rallying to sup-| Mayor Black, who, called th e fund in every way pos.|meeting, offered the use of th Legion Leggatt blitz will make it possible the people who are calling wn offices, to the Jay-(for the Junior Chamber of Com to other organizations, (merce, John Wotherspoon sug their donations sent for- (gested an objective of $25.000 omptly. Many people |and told the meeting the ( Ww where to send money. | ber had already collaated $1 to provide a forwarding [milk hottl collections. This those milk bottles war still ad: ding substantial sums to the ov erall total Got To Work Representatives of the of a number of town grou pledged their support Hold Receipts will be given for all ile: Householders e Bl to hang on to these slips groups time as an official re-| who attended the mayor's meet forwarded by the Mani [ing we ck to their ofganiza ood Rellef Fund. | tions, reported progre Then verybody is eager to help, | thos machinery is now that help in the organizations went to work Busy Jaycees lined up a special show at the Century theatre for manner. Special events |830 Sunday night, when "Dul ig planned, clothing and [cimer Street" will be the screen ot is beg collected, attraction. Last Saturday night coming fn. It all began|Branch 114 of the Canadian Le glon held a mammoth bingo In meeting held in the coun-|'8e town armouries. Wednesday ber last Thursday eve-| Might, Postville arm forum held | dance In 1 Oakville's ba oumittee to handle the (a bensfit en oba relief campaign | Memorial ha ed with the following (Continued on Page 7) JENILE CRIME OW ON WANE, OFFICER STATES) ..8, it, on ce ms commenced algar [SOFTBALL CLUBS | LAY HIT BARRAGE IN BUSBY OPENER | deter: competing Sats Tuesd member ous Mounted ening Rotarians e Lown's new ague Busby park completed will be reshuffled for to combat Canada speaker Stephen Dalton Dairy and Burke 4 resident of Oakville. | Auto Supply opened the initial very interested In the | doubleheader with a hard hitting we believe to be | tilt that ended in a 12all tie. In -. poral Dalton. "We | the flo affalr, Army took ouly be done by |the measure of the BD. Waite oung people toc gf by & 15 road as we have 12 count nd to make Improve-| Tonight, another doublehes. brings together Lorne Scots and told of the work Junior Chambe of Com in the seeond gam. had already had and LOOF. 14 in 1845 sre appeared ino fou cunii Con SUCCULENT WEENIES 1 al not go hungry the showing o the elaborate ties and the yar "5 of the RCMP. £2 8 Chapter. } Ottawa ee ee ee rae a -- BEAT THE RED RIVER Up to Tuesday night, when the Oakville with houseto.| banks closed for the Victor allers anxious to pick up| Day holiday, a total of $e44.4s | ons 0 the Manitoba | In donations had been tnemed Relief Fund. These call.| i" for the Manitoba Flood. me. pwever, will not be canvas.| If Fund, John Wotherspoon, hey will be making their| SPOkesman for the central | rounds in an effort to| committee stated. This figure | oordinate the forwarding 9°°S not include several amounts pledged by clubs and Jaycee milk bottles has really mount. rman Junior Cham. vice-chairman; Red Cross; Mrs. | i all these blitzers want (town's office facilities in the 8:15 understood that they | campalgn, and EH 5. James, sec | 8 canvassing in a soliciting retary Chamber of Commerce | made a similar otter on behalf of ie. Ambler puts ft: [his organization. Representatives | Speaking o | Correct for it was quite a day o | | | 20 vo sotugTin | Saturday morning | freight yards, and enthuslastic | Yacht Squadron gathered members of Oakville Snipes, Snipes, and More Snipes L Lreight car came to anchor In the l PARENTS BY HUNDREDS EXPRESS APPROVAL OF MODERN HIGH SCHOOL at Measure Of Success We've had people use Journal classifieds to find dogs and cata and items they want to buy | | School but when the search in the p | any The befer, Biri | took place opening of the fred and recondition Oakville Trafalgar High really onl columns a for a (gv ceremony we heatitate to he annual promise the usual Successful results, Wn, in the So far, after an exhaustive And tawnship Search with a tape measure, tudenta and | we've discovered thin nize tevaral hun seems completely out dated, or outmoded, or possibly its just gutgrown owing to present day | vitamine. Anyway, we haven't a found ane. But the White Oak 8. rs Diateice Chapter LO.D.E. Fashion Fan Tg 20 AE Balad Ra t feads a very special gal, 2 Shrationloe, out that May the requirements are under | M fn our the wanted column this week Hy ; t So take a look and If you can |° hoiiiid | Qualify, please lot them know, "100% & very important mile. [i 3ual tr, plea the |®loNe, In the educational ister, | #0 the Journal can report the f thin ares usual auccens 4 ploase | out In the meantime, oxouse ua with our The new hutlding fa: well carefully vonatrueted while we go we 40 | unned tape measure spend the time at leant | te tha. amar nue, 1 te wo lke to be helpful under sugh | ee. Ato very hapby about the eam | platlon of this school" He pala | tribute to the members of the | bullding committes for (hele af | MARK EMPIRE DAY | tort WITH AWARDS TO [""t am sore this 1s a \ DISTRICT SCHOOLS anv, wien from the my phi Mombors of White Oak and |of unselfish fabor Buco Chapters,, | Hnally coms te (he 4 wifte to Onkville [and the actual oficial on Tusaday Oakville Trafaigs Kmplre Day. | the poem Wo 8. Blake and Mra, Roy |Schook® nald Mupor go a | iWin. prewented records to tho | Black, after being itoodues by | High wohool The of [Dr Deans. He expressed thanks wupplomontary randing toto present and past members of Hrantwood school wa board for thelr work which Mra. N. A. Folland Mra. [had made the new building pos | Cameron Hiltmer gift | nihie [hrs Mad to Woastwood school | © "It gives the teachers. aud stu by Men ¥. Willan and Mra, A, | dents satistacton to Kngw thes Uroon, and to Contral school [Bere are all the neesasary fasts [By Moa W. 5 K. Ronda and Mre. | tes to pursue whatever treat i$ Din Chisholm anal sub | they wish, now and in the fy round. Carefully packed In the |seription d In the fat |ture" the mayer continued, "f vere ten Snipe-class sloops as additions to the fleet of [tor caso (rate | Would say to the students 'this the Squadron which until now has conslated of Prams, The "0100! received regards wid books 8 you hate of Jearhing. gi excitement of the new owners so Impressed the fatal at the hands. of AR Muwiting [oni me brane "10 " |cartoonist, that he was inspired to portray this scene, and | wie sr PW Taylor and This fs certainly a day we If he felt that members momentarily took on the APPEAr- | Mew, © (4 prasanted | hive sn walling far sald ance of Snipes in their Xcitement, he was probably quite | Breton Island, wer and after being me: painted vartous colors In red Into class on the ples quickly sed and launched, In the top pleture ls 8128, wearir her Ratsey of England sitlle, on the board tack making out the channel to the lake. One of the keenest racing classes known, these boats will provide the squadron with a fine racing ertes this summer. salled the world over and despite thelr slze skippers and crews with all the that larger craft provide of Squadron provide problems and particular thelr pleasure value to the ean the need for crew on inlpe where the Prams were one-man boats, This will enable IHOFE etn bers to be afloat at the same time, and should lead to an expansion of membership, Don Macrae, dark blue Hm Fo berts, dark green M. Munroe, white, Doug Armour ght yellow, Al Masson very light blue Jack Pearson, white, Aubrey Baillie, red, Frank Baillie dark yellow, Jim Baillie, white and co-owners Jac Balrd and Charlie bler, * the new owners with thelr pick of colou for thelr ships. THE MAYOR APPEALS TO THE CITIZENS OF OAKVILLE ON BEHALF OF THE MANITOBA FLOOD RELIEF FUND OAKVILLE BRAMCH As a result of a meeting of representat] anfations, and citiz held last eitizens' cop ple eed ate our effort of finan and other assls of the flooded areas So that the who many residents of our wish to help our di IS, ma the opp BLITZ" canvas of th on Monday p.m. I bespeak for these sorely generous financial response, munity cd Western neigh of so doing, a area for funds, will he made evening, May 26th, con mencing at 7.30 pressed people your JAMES R. BLACK, Mayor The boats came from Cape advance (Continued on Page 8) Bull Stresses Importance Of Minor Ball Plan Snipes are One of Ontasly finest Ti ll bill parks will provide th | Journal To Enjoy wrest of te cute] LONG Weekend ar that (he praatdont 1, pradietad Journal's Staff may have a lang wesk-snd hallday far the 24th, instsad af & day Gff In the middle af the week, the Jaurnal ins Gen an Wednesday, but will he Glased all day Anis Friday and Saturday instead, Ths MAEVE LG GUF New quarters en tallsd a great deal of esirs af fart an the part af all members tthe staff, in ardsr that the time necessarily last nat affsst tan seriously aur duls. The delivery seh weskoend will SORE URIty Tar We trust it will lang aur minor program espa a real Aibeinday pill ered Therstors, we od intermediate ward min ar sponis, torent vlans, president however, that the einire told the ela,