THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, May 25, 1g; K D ] F | Keith Hopper has passed with |the home ot Mrs. E | - honours in his final examination |New programb for the PEOPLE and E E neeslleeprin lood Damage |5a Civil Engineering, University | distributed. Articles for , ; {of Toronto. Keith is mow an as: nual Halton County W oy Cistant municipal engineer for stitute displ A cordial mvitstion was fex || Roger Wilcox and his motion |{f the counties of Halton, Peel, | contributed b tended this week to' any old boy |arrived home from Toronto Grace z en = a or old girl, who attended Oak-|Hospital on Friday afternoon. i : a Be ville high school at any time, to [Te 1d Roger rceived an en- i . 7 the District W.I. reporte gisndiiine long planned seuion (tjustastie weisome from hisitie . : ey The May meeting of Drumquin|Qntario Convention he which takes place 3. The | sisters and the neighbors. ] ; : I tts wet nell tl AC, Guo Mee committee in arge a sai i | grads secure tickets at ; : : ; pA y As Linbrook Home and School as he { ton's Bakery before. this coming | ociatfon held a giant firework : : ' --0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--{ - Saturday, in order that Unse wo own Toros tein Lar fhe dilien of ths oe iv £avit Today, Fri. & Sat. May 25-26-27% firm, can estimate the throng it| wednesday night will be called upon to feed pooled their fireworks, p / / fs fi bia successful display resulted. PEALE EL CLIFTO Mr, J. Carke assistant director sass IN HIS FUNNIEST & FINEST COMEDY of Horticulture with the Dept. of Dr. and Mrs. M ey oie. Tan the eh ot | Mrs Morte Wine the May meeting of the Univer-|ap God Law where they attended the conven- i i | 5 sity Wome Club, His subj nae Ole 5 > os | sity. Women's Club, His subject | ion of the Ontario Medical As-| g : 8 by the sociation. : Garden." M F. H. Dayies the ¢ g Y 3 president was in the chair. The : 2 % OLOR TECHNICOLOR speaker was introducéd by Mrs. -- Copeland Jr, has left for 4 ry COLOR BY : E. F. Carberry and thanked by |Halifax. where he will take a 4 7 " LL Be Dat anal Taming 0 : | Added News - Color Cartoon and Short § esis ns conrse. 7 / J 3 rer Za 253 Miss Helen Nattress of Sault Ste, Marie spent the week-end All Bishop Strachan School A re Sar With her sister and brother-inaw |old girls resident in Oakville and ao inp Aigo £8 theifiond ters vse 1 bis food he Ms. John Taylor, Miss | district are Invited to a tea on stricken house. e water is w. ist-deep and still rising, and Marianne Nattress of the Punjab, | Wednesday, May 31°at 3.30 p. he has very little hope of keeping his remaining pieces of Indla, who accompanied her is|at the home of Mrs, H. :| furniture. The Manitoba Flood Relief Fund has been orga- spending the next week visiting [aby, 27 First Ave, Guest ' nized in Winnipeg to help such people and its objective of riends and relatives in Oakville |at the tea will be Mrs. E, S. Sar-| $10,000,000 dollars is to be used to help flood sufferers re- and Toronto. gent, subject "School Affairs. establish themselves. Donations to fund may be made to rae sare any Bank in Canada or direct to Mafitoba Flood Relief Fund Mrs. Auden Sr. of London has| Mr. and Mrs, H. MacKendrick| headquarters in Winnipes : been spending some time with attended the Guelph - Dog Show Mr. and Mrs. M. Auden. on the 24th of May. Mrs. W. B. Cowan is visiting| Mrs. F. B. Grant has returned Fr sisis with her son at North Shore|home after spending the past Boulevard. two w at the home of her CREE parents in Des Moines, Towa. A last desperate effort to save a precious chair is made by Starting Monday Mr. M. Auden fs presently on a| Mr. and Mrs. George § business trip to Omaha, Nebra-| Montreal were recent guests ska Mr, and Mrs, J, Graydon Maureen Milligan celebrated a sans 2 her 7th birthday at her home TRAFALGAR George Peck a recent graduate with a party on Saturday, May EL BRONTE 20. Guests were Mary-Lou Hick-| MIS: Fish, gusisied (hy Yor. scholarship; son, Tommy and Laura Hughes, | MIS: C: Post, entertained at Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth M. Hos:|Jaciueline and Lawrence: Haves. | tic liome of the former on Friday stick hove anaouncad the birth of | Richards Wayne Fleet, Janet|°Yelue in honor of the bride of a daughter on May 20 at Oak-|Hart, and Linda Lang. May 24th, Miss Clara Dunn, and ville-Trafalgar Memorial hospital as an the groom, Mr. Norman Mc ke) - dy. In the early part of the Westwood Friendly Circle held The Afternoon Branch of thelayening euchre and Chinese (hole megane monthly meeting | Bruce Colville, Alex Tilley, | W.A. Church of the Epiphany cers were played by the fif Wednesday evening, May 17, at| Wilder Breckenridge and Allan held jte final meeting at the|iy guests present. The prizes for ee School with a good | Campbell spent several days fish-|home of Mrs. R. Burch, The W.|q liv ere wen bY, onto present, Members 108 in the Timagami district last|A. decided to hold its annual|Rey. and Mrs, J. W. Stewart, and i were very busy sewing quilt | Week: bazaar Nov. 4 In the Parish hall euchre by Mrs. Fred Near On blocks. Donations from the Cir Laat aa at 2 pm. and Mr. Earl Albertson. A novel Ww @ cle were given to the Manitoba| Miss Robertson left last week Coed dd way for holding a shower was Preserved b relief and for movie projector for [on a visit to England Mrs, Ella Rochefort had an ufi-| introduced by Mrs. Fish (an in- THE 1 ASTHOR BANK CHEANTZATION the Oakville Film Council CRU fortunate accident at her home | novation from Simcoe County.) BASIL RADFORD Plus! Color Cartoon ty lunch wan served at the close| Mr. and Mrs. Lewls Patterson |here and suffered 'a severe break |The glits for the happy couple y i of fhe meeting. a an ot the mor of Mr, [to her ankle. Mrs! Rochefort fs| were assembled unwrapped on a JOAN GREENWOOD and a riotous hit vem endl Mrs. hed: Brow g now a patient in the Oakville |table in a darkened alcove, with A MCL BACON R01 on " ; ng Bouck, Brown, Brighton | yn srial Hospital. a large wedding bell and stream- on rt et Frgneh Fvied Evolies sewn ers above. After the games were over, Mr. Stewart expressed the Mr, J. Gairdner was an usher at the Fleming-Boothe wedding in Toronto on Saturday. ress The annual meeting of the South-East Trafalgar Property cee Owners Assoclation. will be held| MF and Mrs. S. Gilliam, Carol|, Mrs. Cecil Kyle and daughter b ening, 30, 1 15 i elicitations . of all present fc v on Tuesday evening, May 30, at|and John, Welland, spent the |Lols has returned to her home in fe ee i tor bi oo Is N l) { f for Informations 8.15, in Trafalgar Township hall | weekend at the o ®|Port Dover, after spending a as" wesicondl at' tho heme of Mr.|T0 VEL Ml. oP Sana pion ho ital thy shen bright Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Bath were cere Mrs. Grant Willams. ate lcapranaad thelr in Montreal Saturday for the| Mrs, Thos. Taylor, the former st 1] appreciation to the guests for marriage of thelr son, D. H. W.|Mrs, Wm. Wilkinson, has left| Bobby Grant celebrated his| their kindness and to Mr. and i Bath, to Miss Grace Beverley | Bronte to sail for England again 7th birthday at his home last|Mrs. Fish for their i " Henderson. where she will make her per-|Saturday when 12 of his friends | Refreshments were later served 3 a sins manent home, were invited to a weiner roast. by Mrs. Fish and Mrs. Post. The annual Appleby College cen = = , Musical Evening fs being held to Mr. Fri. - Sat. Only Congratulations and May 26-27 | next Wednesday evening, May |Mrs, LI Sta (nee 31st, at 8 pm, In the school ie a A D h K 1 R d | naxgon stalks the gym. The program will consist of gon at the Oakville hospital on eernaven enneis egda. 7 wild Pacific! Zo selections representing the work | Thursday, May 18. 4 4 done in regular piano and singing a ates BOARDIN classes, both Junfor and Senfor.| wii ne ladies who are going ( : on the bus trip Monday, May 29 i Winners of C.P.T. euchre 'last |to Niagara Fas, pl ln Upper Middle Road Telephone 457-J Friday were: Ladies: 1st, Mrs. | Allan's Drug Store before § am. (B. K. SNIDER) H bur 2nd, Mi MecDer- "eee CE CLIPPING -- WASHING -- DEFLEAING Miss Marg and Gwen Mitchell, mott, Consolation, Mrs. Gall Toronto, spent a few days in the Summer Reservations for Boarding i 1s ok. Gents: lst, Mr. Grief, 2nd, Mr. Ford, Consolation, Mrs. B. Tur-| arti, (EL i g ner. Draw, Mrs. J. Anderson Lai are now being received eran | Jack Sargant, son of Mr. und Wg "I 'monoGRem © Bruce Merklinger, who has ¥6t| pre wm. Sargant, left Monday PPR, Tie MOR IER PICTURE) to reach his 18th birthday, last| cote EF iiwack, B.C, t Slow starts 6.48 [on . Week was grantod hin private | GONE (mr raining in con: BUSINESS IS CONTINUING AS USUAL AT : {484s rest Moria join we wwe well BRONTE, BEAUTY. SALON i FA las SIL IR Mon. - Tues. - Wed. May 29-30 G. Ross Leaver, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Patterson and family 758 Id LAND of LAWLESSH Extra Every Saturday Matinee, 3 Cartoons i Mr. Gordon Leaver, Morrison | nave loft to visit her daughter, Road, has graduated as a metal: | plorence, in Nobel, Ont. Mrs. Margaret Rogers "i A Sn ; 0! versity of Toronto. He has ob oo 0 Cal Ly Com Who specializes in hair treatments and ! ke W lurgleal engineer from the Unk on a with Canada] hier Club euchre held on Mon PERMANENT WAVES : ; day night were as follows, Mrs ; / vee. K. Lowls, Miss O, Patterson, Mr Try our Silhouette Hair Treatment Appleby College Women's As-| Babcock, Jim Scarrow, Mr. Dave PHONE 55 BRONTE gociation will buy furniture for|pitzsimmons won the draw tho now colloge lbrary, it was decided at a meeting Friday af ternoon. Mrs, Joseph Tomlinson resigned as president, and Mra. H. G. Campbell, Erindale, was elected to succeed hor. Wm, Shears of Hamilton vis ited friends in town on Friday. CIRCE Friday and Saturday night the annual Cabaret suppor at the Oakville club will be presented by the members, The theme this year Is nautical, and tickets are in the form of n passport. Many parties are bolng held bofore the two performances. "en Let RIVIER'S-- Those Care £ ote the Ou ah Ca: ful Cleaners" --Solve Your ing before the Onkville club Cab: fy Geaners soe Yo aret on Friday night. Chari FR The Bill Armstrongs aro enter: # : taining before tho Oakville club J Eo oy Cabaret on Saturday night 7 Brougt or ono ; Paige Wadsworth celebrated Your Friendly Theatre Foot her birthday on Saturday after S noon with a party. ces. Mr. and Mrs. Joo Winchell, Toronto; have purchased the former Giddings residence, and will move into their home in the near future.