TRAFALGAR (Continued from Page 2 ) read a paper on "Bedside N ing Care for Rural Patie which was the story of the orian Order of Lincoln Unit the . 3) DON'T ARGUE . y y ed ¢ . on, prepared by the|on "A father's broken ; Sed Ea | 3 When Its So Easy St. Judes w S subject at the evening Ee ' : ! To Beautify Those Droceeds were real |vice will be "The Jealo 3 J v yl b3\/ Old Floors | fhe Girl Guides of Oakville 4 | hold their nual church ST. JOHN'S Jude's this coming . d Ainsworth of Horn- at 11 am e c at Sunday , 2 et : Senior W.A_ held its final n + f St John's eo i Hay Aral Koti cheer MANA UL arn foes wih f the year yesterday at|C Rev. 3 i Albri b\ a = Drool with owe wary ours Rental Bauipesnt sod weve who was to have A y . AIT See ML er rt ok es et been the preacher at the e 4 5 service. was unable to come cause of illness. His place was 7 Bronte. Rev. Harry Pawson, min: Cigarettes ister of St conducted * Tobacco services at Sheridan, Munn's and | * Soft Drinks Wesley churches on the Trafal- Fu * Ice Cream E21 Ch --Central Press Canadinn = Magazines se iversary of the | Trees and flowers are bursting Into bloom in parts of Canada from " Hot Coffee ure n k Okanagan to Annapolis Valley. Cold spring weather has retarded flow. COMMUNITY HARD A E D ts A a special service on Sunday | ering for an average of two weeks. Tha Niagara peninsula, long a mecca --Drop In -- morning, Jue 11 Tin Teguise for tourists during blossom time of the thousands of apple, cherry and 1 cvening service will be with-| peach trees will be in full bloom in a few days. Already thousands of | Colborne St. E. Telepho 2 Ed . Slater S drawn fo enable members of the | visitors are touring the countryside, fascinated by the beauty and frag- 3 Slepheris 1298 38 Colborne St. W. congregation to attend a service| france of the fruit and flower blossoms. jo | | at Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto A y celebrating the anniver- 3 sary will be held at Victoria [of the Mission Group. Park, Milton, on Sunday, June 4, Rev. Charles Hancock of Oak-| Perch At Pefferlox RED CR SS at 3 pm, when the speaker will[ville, formerly of Bronte, was | . Dr. E. Crossely Hunter |the speaker on Wednesday ove y yi) Children of 8 years and over from | Ding. : all Sunday schools in Halton| A large number of young peo presbytery will parade to the [ple attended the rally of the Fol S MING Y park from Milton United Church. [lowship of Independent Baptist All members of St. John's con-|Churches held in London yester- gregation are invited to attend. [day Members of the Oakville Mas- Tomorrow evening's cottage ' and : are fo lc Lodge will attend St. John's [prayer meeting will be at the babies! Minist 3 on: 8 S iL i te attr ed Church on Sunday morning, June [home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Drew hele Many sad The Barrington Quartetto of : ur pac- ; ; ' } etter flee cna: ar The collections for the building | Toronto will sing on Sunday } matter what your req fund mow total In excess of $62, On Saturday evening, Juno 10, RNY | ' How : 32 Lis colored Carolina Singers ] : did apie 000, with a number of people still tis oo Sooty Ou Yi Wn 7s yi cies, sundries or nutri. to hear from oS BRE A tional aids, come directly CALVARY BAPTIST j \ All those interested in teaching swimming this sum 10 this pharmacy. We can CHURCH of the EPIPHANY i ® Yes, we are fond of assure you of fair prices! Ken Baer of Long Branch, ¥ > 1 mer and also obtaining the Red Cross Safety Instrue formerly of Oakville, played sel-| The Banns of Marriage between , | ections on the plano and solo-|Jack Pickard Overland, Bronte, Cortificate are invited to attend a meeting at Russell Drug Co. | vox attachment on Sunday morn.|and Mary Martin Myers, Ouk 8 ie 1120) ing. A group of Fuller brush |ville, were called Sunday | PHONE 47 salesmen took part in the ave-| The flowers on the Altar were i ning service. The pastor, Rev. |Rlven by Mrs. Leslie Bray In --Contral Press Oanadian TEEN T WN | A.A. Stoll, who Is sales manager, | 10ving memory of her husband ports from mont sections of ! preached. Mr. Ralph McKim was present ern Canada Indicated the perch | ed with the Bishop's Lay-rend.| Tun was better than average this Monday evening's Young license. On behalf of the | Year. Ray Johnson holds up part People's meeting was in charge of his cabch at Pefferlaw Ont, where hundreds of fishermen fe ple "the | ees te Friday Evening, May 26th Sunday school, the superinten neck. a hy LURES The money the other guy has at 8.00 p.m. Jem ; : 18 capital. Goctlng It away from The choir of Appleby Collage | will sing the service next Sunday at 11.16. | carol Pope, a member of St | Luke's cholr won the gold medal at the recent musical festival cnineiee ||| ONE WEEK ONLY ---- On Sunday, May 28th, service | | and Sunday scl will be held (LIMITED STOCK) | | him In Inbor at 11 o'clock. The subject will be 'Anclent And Modern Necrom ian: wi Sr 1 gal. WONDERKOTE HOUSE PAINT CHOICE OF WHITE, CREAM, SHUTTER GREEN DESIGNED BY ; : [IL ROBERS ¢ 500 | Small Fry Schedule MINOR PEE WEE BUSH LEAGUE PLUS 1 HIGH QUALITY 4" BRUSH Binghampton at Utica Hollywood at Clarkson o A REGULAR $10.50 VALUE at Houston fon oP on $6.95 hampton at Hollywood THE LOVELIEST GEM lars : vay IN SILVERPLATE Hollywoo y Langmuir SS INTERIOR FINISHES New APRIL has a gem-like sparkle, its cap char al. Clark (TRUE OIL PAINT) of perfectly-wrought flowers is different ; at Hollywood from anything you have seen. I" t Binghmapton Fine value is yours to when you choose 2 Clarks Hollyw FOR CEILINGS, WALLS, & WOODWORK WM. ROGERS & SON silverplate. A forty. f BE m five piece service for eight in the s Ttica at Clarksén "PACKAWAY CHEST" costs only $4 i * HIGH GLOSS 36.40 2.00 SEMI-GLOSS $6.30 $1.06 FLAT 5.50 - $1.85 IN IDENTICALLY MATCHED COLORS For Repairing Breaks HOUSE CLEANING SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER Complete ; LANGMUIR'S ap and sks in Stucco Investment eter Walls RED DIAMOND 2 hs. CHAN BUFFET FORK = 49c Service --WESTPATCH-- "ODORLESS" PASTE FLOOR WAX BONDS PATCHING PLASTER REFRIGERATOR With STOCKS ENAMEL - 1 Ib. package ; 26 o batth ifts From on all Exchanges " Banus % Sells .98 ---- 2%; Ib. package c Ya pint plus 97 WAX REMOVER MACRAE 5 Ib. packages 50c | | pint turpentine AND CLEANER AND COMPANY wen Bomto -- Oak Eg) vem ones LANGMUIR'S COLOR CENTRE ' 4 80 King St. W.--Toronto Of BO - VE HONE arngséon. Last PHONE: EL 3374 79 COLBORNE ST, FREE DELIVERY PHONE 836