Thursday, May 25, 1950 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Page § > mi and mil >, and from which | Trafalgar Tow d sympathy ne of the Officially Open New School [his st on soso "URLS [SEPARATE SCHOOL take prominent places in. this |school one nee os : CHAIRMAN RESIGNS province of Ontario" Mr. Brow two pair of engraved| J > sli Seta nny W. R. Grammell resigned as 3 chairman of the Separate De: behalf of board. | spok, \ es A 2 Schoo Board at a special meet Sen tm ft ; Ing of the board Wednesday ord 1ibban [the audien evening last week. C. J. Mo ~~} The Dermott was elected to succeed him, and Trustee Frank V. Cornin was elected to succeed (Continued from Page 1) n ow Re: i hip and town in this Trafalgar | ; This is the climax yor Black | This school is looked upon as the © opening of place where the youth get their "We have all been|start. It is up to us as cf n opening of the Oakville and Trafalgar to give Oakville Trafalgar High 'School [them the best chance possible. This 1s the third milestone event | This can be a place where we cag Township, shared honors in the building. anticipatin so glibly nust teach our co-operation." He world we co To p hool board J. MeDer od school and the tea urged support : Ee Mr. McDermott as Secretary. 1, and | Weare. boping-2hat--sou-bovs treasurer of the board. 4 | the town and township fill great new auditorium for evening ceremony. On the | form were members of the school board and teaching members of Oakville and fe gar public and separate ne Raa 12: former members of the ley Hall. MPP ool board. | ¥ warm tri. | © of his introduc | teaching staf) high school board and the old praised the efforts board of education, and of the comm souneils. like." he sald, "to pay a hu tribute to t pioneers of ool Board, introduced | C0UNtry who laid the foundation aug. [Of the free institutions that en-|" q able us to build buildings Hke |, Sullivan, chairman of the high sct his fellow-members to the fence. T. A. Blakelock, chair Ll of the board's building commit. | this pronounced 'he event: e 1 nts by servi hr the tee. thanked the board and the | Principal speaker af the eve | OakvilleTra algar Home and teaching staff for their cooper [ning Dr. Corbin A, Brown, reg | School Assoclation, and a des ation during the buildtng period. | Istrs } of the Ontarlo Departme ucation, brought greet That doesn'e mean we're careless. He described the work of the|of Ei It's just that in the course of turning committee and analyzed the to-|from Hon. Duna Porter. minister It you want all about out those fine Tex-made cotton tal cost of the project which, he |¢ Who, he assured |your other troubles, brothe products you know so well, we would not [the audience, was eager to just wear tight shoes have to buy a great many thi the school his fullest support : ~! 0 from all parts of the country. 2 Rig ult a boise Ta i ts Belping its pualis -- = al to any within | get the possible educatiof We need packing cases and cardboard cartons, miles of Oakville," said Mr.| But a school building, how 3 construction lumber, paper, potato and corn starches, elock. "We have everything|fine. was by no When You Are On Vacation | coal, sulphuric acid, caustic soda, oils, lubricants nake brilliant men and bril-| in itself to ensur 448 and a hundred and one other things which liant women of the young men |tlon, Mr. Brown GIVE YOUR DOG A VACATION AT we buy from fellow Canadians who grow or make them. and women passing through this v school, i . school. We're going to have a l-|alert, well qualifted KENTEN A RES KENNELS In addition to this the 12,500 men and women brary second to none in Ontario." | staff working vith working in our plants, earn many millions of dollars a Dan Pope, chairman of the ed- [body prepared to co-ope at wages, dollars which are spent on foodstuffs ucation committee, introduced | ported by an olightoned sel We specialize in care of your pets \} om the farms of Canada, grains, rincipal W. S. Blake to the aud: [board and an onightened public . oy p Eo hogs and poultry, ah pr on both ae a a tower of [1 think from what I have seen SANITARY KENNELS, GOOD FOOD, SPACIOUS coasts and the Great Lakes, Strength to of us who have that this sl meats that des OUT & INDOOR EXERCISE RUNS, PLUS THE E worked In school," he said. | eription CARE OF A PROFESSIONAL HANDLER WITH We are the customers of our fellow-Canadians just as "Herd in educational in: Now that you have this school 10 YEARS EXPERIENCE ¢ they are our customers. We're proud to have a stitution this evening the | what are you golng to do wih n part in Canada's economic life by buying the goods symbols of all those things we [it?" questioned the spon We also clip and bath dogs ns pets or for show pur » which other Canadians grow, make or provide. hold good in life," Mi hapa u'll LY placing ; w pe Wo call for and: deliv \ Blake. This, ladies and ntle- | emphasis on the all:rou 0 DOMINION TEXTILE COMPANY LIMITED men, is hallowed ground, and [[opment of boys and girls than KENTEN ACRES KENNELS | cannot help but feel we & used to do. We are trying to de ere for hallowed purpo: It | velop good habits, habit of dil e ~ 3 MANUFACTURERS OF oy. PRODUCTS i at a make | Igence, accuracy, Judgmont gon | Durie Road, Streetsville Phone 21.J s J rw. we good a policy of education that| > 3 i will Justify - us in holding our AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAA A & + positions as teachers and citizens J VV VV VV VV VVVVVVVVVVWAWAAAAA/ of this community > 4 Mr. Blake emphasized the im < [] < portance of health training in| 4 p the school. "If we do the job of P 4 ? physical education properly we [9 4 must somehow combine body S$ D4 and mind and soul," he sald | 4 4 'Having done that as best we 4 8 M NEWSC ST b can, we purpose to teach u var A A foty of skills In this school of S$ [] [] P 4 ours. We aim to emphasize prac |4 b & | tical skills. We hope to empha 4 2 h L RRY M RTIN b$ size cultural training as well. Wo t A A have got to reach out to the | 4 wi D4 emotional part of a human boing | 4 and anchor it to the eternal var: P 4 PY PY PY $ ities of life. Discipline, he | > b stressed, should not be Imposed S$ ~ $ upon the pupils, but rather thoy | | Cc K E > should be taught and encouraged P 4 ia - a ai - $ ta do right its own suke. "It| 9 > we can teich them to use skill > § 4 for good and not for evil, we shall '< BROUGHT T0 YOU EVERY DAY BY 24 achleve part of the obligation we have taken on this evening. |S < In closin Principal Blake | 4 $ paid a tribute to the late i. H. | 4 b Archibald, for many rs prin 4 pS cipal of the school. "It you can | 4 make him a proper memorial It will be one of loyalty, honesty and PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AANAAAAA/ ' Industry," he sald | Introduced by Dr. | | M. Deans, who took over the du ties of chairman, Mayor Black opin ll GET YOUR TICKETS NOW! job we have been presented | FOR THE this year," he said nl Manitoba Flood Relief e OUSE P i on en sapere | spent | BENEFIT SHOW] 4 down slowly, naturally; retains fresh appearance a = pe longer time, Easy brushing. Completely weather Wax Your Car TO BE HELD AT THE Proof . . . resists water, cold and extreme heat of sun, In 20 Minutes ELE EER prin CENTURY THEATRE r Designed for longer protection ard crisper beauty, | unday, May 28 at 8.30 P.M. SPONSORED BY THE | Century Theatre and The Qakville-Trafalgar oi ari | E z | : ro | Junior Chamber of Commerce ! SEE THE OUTSTANDING BRITISH FILM \ BASECOAT-Ezdurance Basecost when used with Ea. | LL D uU LC 1 mM E R STRE ET" duzance House Paint gives you the finest paiat job possible, This can will do a car " oy 3 Tiniks Starring ALASTAIR 81M & SUSAN SHAW Oakyille, Lumber Company "Only $ 1.00 FIRST SHOWING IN THIS AREA. PLUS! COLOR CARTOON y i jj 22M SUSOTHH HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO HELP | y | Paint & Wallpaper Store Burkes Auto Supply A VERY WORTHY CAUSE & ENJOY 2 FULL HOURS OF d pposite Post Office Phone 1383 and FINE MOVIE ENTERTAINMENT ; MACHINE SHOP TICKETS 75¢ -- GROSS PROCEEDS TO FLOOD FUND i USE GLIDDEN PAINTS 13 Dunn St. N. Ph. 112M