Thursday, May 25. 1g Everybody Reads Cl FOR SALE OR TRADE HOLSTERED arm chair, 2 walnut sofas, walnut mirror, 2 pair brown ' portieres, J heater. Phone 178 (54p25-27) 1939 Chevrolet Coach, good £3 8 tires, paint, 19 plate battery, new rear end, all best con Phone 2467 Clarkson, ee oar Si eho FRAME garage, 13x21%'. 183 ried woman, ing End AEA Douglas Ave. Phone 803. typewriting. RABBITS, all colors and ages. |b! ine. Phone 23 for inter Phone 674], 25p28) = WASHING machine tric iron. Phone 118M. 16 foot pleasure boat with 57 | 12 YOUNG small boy girl to help with 2| opening of : , month of July only. the above dates ¢ Pupils who Live in. Good wages. * Phone | reach their fifth § birthday reas- WHITAKER & SONS Station Rd. OAKVILLE assifie ds KINDERGARTEN CLASSES Oakville Public Schools of Kindergarten into Kinder- Brantwood School, June 2nd, 1.20 to 4 pm Puplls five y ars of age by the hoot will register on h.p. Neptune outboard motor. Ap- Bly, phone 6183, before 6 p.m, Opportunity in a garage for 50-27. voung girl with bookkeeping and day af- esd PARIS Ice relrig reasonable, Sod | typing training, Wedn Phone 50M | ternoon off, 45 hour week, $ c per : tors Secretary, Oakville Public School = 7 e your 27) | week to start, opportunity for | pio! APARTMENT, 1iviig _ T00M, | suturday, June 10, at St. Jude's | self known and we ar. mare TIOUSE, 5 rooms, $1800 oli | 20 2Rcoment, apply L. Oliver bed room, nursery, Kitchen and | ™ * j.30 3 J ] sh and Co. Thomas Stre (c.) bath on the third floor. 97 Ran-| Anglican Church, Oakville. jisiltive tpleased and take over small mortgage. for Ford tractor, $75.00. Phone Clarkson 31r21. (25p27) Sanforized, sizes 6 to|gupplied. Item sells itself if pre $2.19 pr. at Jack Fraser|gsented correctly. Could be full 2 Colborne St, Oakville. time summer job for right ap TRISH setter puppies, 8 weeks | plicant. Apply to Box 386 Jour: old, championship bred, Kenten | nal. (31¢27) [onably close to ime Opportunity for teen-aged man to make good income working summer welght Denim | Saturdays. Selling job with leads will be asked to register ea September if there Is suffic piece tiled bath, good cupboards, their daughter, Barbara, to Wil-| who were members of bowl wash in basement. fae accommodation. two adults. Apply H' BYERS, | information. Box 387 Journal. Phone 1126R. [HELP WANTED--MEN | NOTICE dall St. Suitable for couple with ASY- -_ s a small baby. One vear's lease, EASY-WAY posthole digger HELP WANTED MEN TAKE NOTICE that the Mun- $70. or month. Phone Herbert lefpal Council of the Corporation (Merry, 1151-W. Available June of the Town of Oakville proposes | 15th. Victoria bedroom, Har-| ROOM and board. Phone 1111W gar Fire Brigade running | (21-26) | euchre and dance will be ROOM h_ board, central, | ITafalgar at the | 150 Robinson St (25p27) | May 26 ile from the R. | Aer sey es tion! and) Post Office :|. ATTRACTIVE furnished bed: | PTIZES I an 5 | sitting room. Kitchen, continuous -- We'll be looking for yo {| hot water, suit busin rl. (the C.P.T. euchre, Friday from June 15th to th dof | op Ls HE Setpember, Phone Herbert Mer-| © 00€ EW 35¢27) | 26th., in the L.O.O.F. hail Ww. APARTME trance, modern kitchenette w Mr. and. Mrs. W. 5. Warburion Lawn Bowling Club feel ih electric range, living-dining 1 2 should be quite a mumber of room 18x12, bedroom 21x12, 4 |Andounce the engagement Of | residents in the Oakville d Suitable for|liam Charles Ockenden, son of | clubs at ith pertinent| ny. ung Mrs. G. W. Ockenden.|OUr club : 1 for you to the The wedding will take place on| Navy Street South, mak SHE EARNED TWO CROWNS the stopping-up of that part of Sheddon Street lying between the south-westerl das Street and the water's of Sixteen Mile Creek edge Acres Kennels, Durie Road, sville, (351c27) a man b 3 HORSES, apply CHIL Trail ang: Eh tor 4 Farm, RR. 1, Oakville. (85c27) | ust have knowl tw 5 of GENERAL handy work, dig EL 58 ging, cutting lawns, etc. Phone i Y chief constabl ia al position, | meeting fo be held on the ige of typing |day of June a legible hand. Good |the evening at the Council Cham- SITUAT opportunity for advancement. 6|bers at she Town of Oakville, TNO ER CREB | ao week and holidays, apply A. |hear in person, or by his counsel, B. ITY Oak- ak- f | TICE that the Council will, , at 8 o'clock in solicitor or agent, any person who applies to be heard and who Henry Loyer, 720. (265p27) | YOUTH with chauffeur's lic GIRL, University student, typ-|s¢ for ser station work. ist, desires offic position for leigh Home Ltd. Phone 106: summer months, Available after May 18th. Phone 9927. (25p27) WANTED WANTE a LE BUSINESS SERVICES MAT 3 or 4 burner Perfection of stove. Apply Box 388 Journal. Hed- | hosed by-law. claims that his lands will be pre- "| judicially affected by the pro- Clerk Town of Oakville Iz i| NOTICE TO CREDITORS |, AND OTHERS : Representative here now for Wanted Ih the worst w one month. We specialize In Mar- gal with a 19 inch walst. Gone ar a [IN THE MATTER OF the Estate | e of ALICE MATILDA OLIPHANT. |t aw to provide for |e Source Lake, Algonguin Park, 1 fs | mile mit of DU | (oy arf, beach, boat, fishing. Two bedrooms, kitchen, living room, DP land screened verandah. Lights, AND FURTHER TAKE NO-| ater, store nearby. Available for its | firgt {wo weeks in July and from th | August 19th to Labor D: ele- phone Cameron Hillmer, 37. APARTMENT. Adult Phone 7. (25927) ing Sept u C. H. BYERS, part time. Phone 899J. (50p NEW summer cottage on from Provincial Highway WANTED--TO RENT Centrally located room. Start as music studio CARD OF THANKS William Slade and family of Clarkson wish to thank the many riends, relatives and neighbors or their kind offerings during he recent loss of a dear wife and --Oentral Press Canadian shall and RBeautyrest repairs. | the days whe ch 1 Cs Wi 3 vi r vi mother. y) P: ays when such figures were [late of the Town of Oakville, in € city's Idea; Salesgirl a few days ago. Spring mattresses rebuilt, re-|cverywhere, we are told--but we | the turned like new. Eiderdowns re- | don't believe It Today's girls | dece thing their mother's NOTICE is hereby given that covered, Finest workmanship. Ontario Redding Company, Port Credit. Phone Oakville 20. . ALBERTA coal briquet an all-Canadian product, from Frank M. Sullivan, Bronte 80-W. Your have ov zed walst get In touch with the White Oak Chapter LO.D.E. a (35c1t) | Fashion Fantasy committee and | [he Meieenth G00 00 C00 Com Once 'more we have that fine Say them out by wearing a |qay of July, 1950, to send by post, Ponncylvanta, of. Bring your own | charming old-time dress. Just |propaid, or deliver to the under. gal. container and we fill it for|Phone Gwen Smith If the tape sign in writing only 0c. Grade 40 only, Hed-|measure reads 19 after circling [of their claims against the said d leigh Home Ltd, Dundas St. N.|you Phone, 1340 Col. Brennan Inspects | J,nior Humane Notes| tribute the a: School Cadet Unit Well-trained, smartly uniform- ed cadets won words of official | praise from the Inspecting offic at the annual Inspection of Oak: ville-Trafalgar High School Cadet Corps Tuesday afternoon, just before official opening of the new school, The marching on of colors at | 1.25 pm. was followed by the general salute. Following the in spection of the crops by Col. M L. Brennan, O.B.E. came the march past In column of platoon and the advance in review of selection by the corps band, D About 20 members still hay in order that fina figu as t how Juniors did during the c RAE aril Gymnastic displays (DUED (gails bbs made up, Brin by the girls and boys demonstra intent ted an agility and muscular |office, kids, Or take them to Mrs. | keeping town posties y control that thrilled' a large aud-|Manbert's home on Willlam St, | they respond to Invita fence. The fleld craft and signal for Mr. Merry's home on Spruc corps % ponstrations were car-[ St. Or, If you don't lve nes ried ou precision showing long and care-| school and leave them with you ful training, and the may-pole chor. dance of the glrls combined color | -- and rhythmic movement adet Major command of the cor) SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R J. SCOTT Ap GOP MEMORY 1s T ALWAYS A SIGH of INTELLIGENCE. "HALF-W IS MAY KAYE MARYLLOUS MEMORIES. 1CKES I HL Hous Gad nt GOOD LUCK . WHAT MAKES Music SAD 2 IKKE SiNeR 3 hot 7 A SHARP POINT, BUT A RIM. BROAD, ROUND BULB. itis, LIKE TRE BROAD, ROUND FRONT EDGE OF AX AIRPLANES WING. 'S ANE TRUE STREAMLINED SHAR or rt ou Pe VAR Wo ye had plus. So please don't be mo- dest . if you have this tiny out cement block booklets, Please turn these in as soon as possible For Gala Reunion your booklets to the Journal|grads are definite arg with a smoothness and |of these places, take the books to|week. Acceptances indicate unty of Halton, Widow od. Il creditors and others having claims or demands against the estate of the sald Alice Matilda Oliphant, who died on or about the nineteenth day of April, 1950. full particul; deceased. AND TAKE NOTICE that after such last mentioned date the undersigned will proceed to dis of the said de- ceased among t thereto, haying regard only to the claims of whieh he shall then have notice DATED at Oukyille this day of May, 1950. * Solicitor for the Estate of Alice 142 Colborne VILLE, Ontario. *10ld Boy's Ready o Regardless of whether they "| can attend the June 3 Oakville E | high schlool old boys re-union | on | of malled, the com of the event reports ur | the enlarged school building be packed to capacity in| Among those definitely Inter- | ested In attending is Paul M | Road, Jackson Heights, N.Y | who sent along a contribution to | the Archibald memorial scholar- | ship fund. Another sure visitor Is Kathleen M. Peske, who writes from St. Thomas that she Is forward with childish ation" to meeting old Mrs. L. W. Watson, formerly Gladys Morden, of Midland, will be on hand with | her husband, while Herb Cad- | wallacer, now a druggist in | iount Dennis, has forwarded his ticket reservation. And soores more are in the same category. Among those who won't be able to make It, but who are an- s to contribute to the schol: arship fund, ls Elizabeth Petrie. associated with Royal horn hospital, London "The committee would lke to point out that grads need not purchase tickets for the after- noon period." chairman Herb Morry stated yesterday. "The $250 charge is for the revue and cance In the evening. 11 piece BEDROOM GROUP in WALNUT! FEATURING A BEAUTIFUL MODERN SUITE i GIVE TO MANITOBA INCLUDED IN THIS GROUP ARE THE FOLLOWING: * 2 pc. bedroom suite * 2 soft feather pillows choice of vanity or dresser © 2 attractive boudoir lamps ® Guaranteed spring-filled mat- © 2 shades to match tress ® Extra pieces available at sale All steel high-riser sageless prices spring THIS SUITE IS DESIGNED IN THE MODERN WATERFAL L . UINE WALNUT AND IS EQUIPPED WITH BEVELLED Te Go MIRRORS. ALL HAND-RUBBED FINISH AND EXTRA STURDY CON- STRUCTION. TE $149.00 excor evs | DOMINION sie ove FURNITURE STORES AVAILABLE Saturday Till 9 p.m. PHONE 957 OAKVILLE 3 COMPLETE FLOORS OF FURNITURE & HOUSE FURNISHINGS prizes (502 separate. en-| PERSONAL | The Executive of the Oak: A crown of roses is placed on the head of Margaret Murrel, chosen queen of the Hamilton Industrial Fair. She also won the title of ths eB I i i | k | i i