Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 1 Jun 1950, p. 8

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Page 8 OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, June 1, 1g 0 Teen Agers YOU HAVEN'T VISITED Town Togs Won't you come and see our items selected espe- cially for you ... TOWN TOG next to Loblaws New Store | = CHURCH NEWS = CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Service will be held on Sun- day, June 4th, at 11 o'clock and Sunday school at the same hour. The subject will be "God the Only Cause and Creator." And from the citations "0 Come, let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the Lord our Mak- er. A special metaphysical meeting Will be held Monday, June 3rd at 8 olclock. CHURCH of the EPIPHANY The Scouts and Cubs attended the service Sunday. The flowers were given by Mrs. Bowman in loving memory of her son Wil- liam Wilkinson. The Evening Branch of the W.A. will enter tain' the afternoon branch in the parish hall Monday at 8 p.m, The building committee met Tuesday evening at the home of Canon D. Russell Smith. ST. LUKES The choir of Appleby sang the service Sunday. The Scouts and Cubs were present. The flowers were in loving remembrance of Mr. John W. Robinson and were given by Mrs. Robinson. Theservice next be a celebration of Holy Com- munion followed by the Sacra- ment of Holy Baptism. The W.A. meets Thursday at the home of Mrs. F. Rivaz. ST. JUDE'S Plans for repairs and altera- tions to St. Jude's church and parish hall, and the construction of a new church in the Forster survey were given official ap- proval of the congregation of St. Jude's at a special 'vestry meet- ing held following Sunday eve ning's service. A large major of those present expressed them- selves in favor of both projects. The renovation program, which includes the rebuilding of one of the walls of the parish hall, and installation of a new heating plant for the hall and church, will be started almost immediat- College Sunday will ely, and should be finished in the For Speedy . .. ! MOTORIZED DELIVERY For All Your Drug Needs PHONE 650 Dunn's Drug Store (J. R. Dunn, Phm.B.) Everybody Reads Classifieds BABIES, even those still on the wing, consult the "merchandise" and "for sale or trade" columns of the classifieds to fill their needs. To sell baby things, use the classifieds! The Oakville-Trafalgar Journal TELEPHONE 1298 early fall. Construction of a ves- tibule will not be undertaken un- tl later. It is unlikely that any start will be made on the new church until next year. Jackson, the rector, at the meeting. Girl Guides and Brownies of Oakville and district held their annual church parade to St. Jude's Church Sunday morning, Whitsunday. They were addres. sed by the rector, Rev. F. C. Jackson. St. Jude's Women's Guild is lolding its annual birthday tea and baking sale at the home of Mrs. T. C. Chisholm, 91 Church St, on Wednesday afternoon, June 7. The men of St. Jude's will hold their annual garden party on the church grounds Saturday, afternoon and evening, June 17. = Rey. presided ST. JOHN'S Oakville Masons will attend St. John's Church this coming Sunday morning. The 26th annual session of Hamilton Conference, United Church, are being held in West dale United Church from May 30 to June 2. Open meetings for the 25th anniversary rally were held on Tuesday. A special service in observance of the 25th anniversary of Church Union will be held in St. John's on Sunday morning, June 11 There will be no service in the evening. The new gowns present ed by the Woman's Association to the minister, the organist and the choir will be worn for the first time at the morning service. Victoria Park, Milton, will be the scene of a rally celebrating the 25th anniversary of church union on Sunday afternoon at 3 olclock. Children of St. John's Church being taken to the rally will poin the parade. KNOX The local branch of the Can- adian Legion will hold its an- nual church parade to Knox Church this coming Sunday morning, June 4. Service will be conducted by the minister, Lit- Col. the Rev. C. K. Nicoll, who will preach on "The last stand of faith." Preparatory service will be at 7 p.m, when the minister's Subject will be "Why be a Chris- tian?" The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed at the morning service on Sunday, June 11 The final cradle roll tea of the season was held in the church hall yesterday afternoon. CALVARY. BAPTIST Rev. Charles Hancock will con- duct Sunday's service in the ab- sence of the pastor, Rev. A. A. Stoll, who is on a trip to North ern Ontario. Monica Barnard will be the soloist. Tommorrow evening's cottage prayer meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Stairs, Lakeshore Rd. East. A film describing the work in Baptist seminary schools was shown at Monday evening's Young People's meeting. WALTON MEMORIAL On Sunday, June 11, the Bronte and Palermo United Church con- gregations will join in a worship at Walton Memorial United Church, Bronte, at 11 am, to observe the 25th anniversary of the establishment of Church Union. Rey. George A. Williams, Toronto, will be the guest prea- cher, and there will be special musie. - Weddings = McCREADY--DUNN Spring flowers decorated the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Frank Dunn, seventh line, Trafalgar, on Wednesday, May 24th, when their daughter, Miss Clara Jane Dunn was united in marriage to Mr. Norman Samuel McCready, son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Mc- Cready, R. R. 3, Milton. The cere- mony was performed by Rev. J. W. Stewart, minister of Trafal- gar United Church Charge. The wedding music was played by Mrs. Gordon E. Post, cousin of the bride and the marriage hymn, "O Father, all creating," was sung by Miss Mary Post. Given in marriage by her fath- er, the bride was gowned in fuschia pink silk, made with long bodice, pleated skirt and three-quarter length sleeves. 'Her shoulder length veil was held by a halo of orange blossoms and seed pearls. White carnations and maiden hair fern. formed her corsage. The bridesmaid Miss Marjorie I. McCready, sister of the groom, wore heaven blue silk with pale pink feather 'halo and corsage of pink carnations and fern. Mr. Gordon McCready, 'brother of the groom, was best man. For the reception which 'fol- lowed, the bride's mother wore a silyer grey two piece dress and corsage of cerise carnations. The groom's mother chose dark print- ed grey silk and pink carnation corsage. = For a motor trip through South-Western Ontario, the bride wore a pearl grey coat, with navy hat and accessories! Their future address will be R.R. 1, Hornby. POST_COLLIER St. Andrew's Church rectory was the scene of a pretty May wedding, when Barbara Betty Allan Collier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. S. Collier, was united in marriage with Maurice Andrew Post, son of Herbert Post, Trafalgar, and the late Mrs. Post. The ceremony ducted by Rev. Father B. A Harris. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of white sheer, fashioned With a draped basque bodice and full hooped skirt. A shirred net bonnet finished with seed pearls held her fingertip veil of net, and she carried a cascade bouquet of pink snapdragons and white car- nations. Bridesmaids were Joan Collier, the bride's sister, and Grace Lan: guay, They wore gowns of pale pink and blue sheer, with match- ing mittens, and bonnets trim- med with forget-menots, and car- ried cascade bouquets of pink and white carnations and stocks. The flower girl, Marilyn Collier, wore a yellow sheer frock and a garland of forget-me-ots, and carried a nosegay of sweet peas and carnations. The bridegroom was attended by Leonard Lester, Hornby, and Edward Robinson of Storey Creek was usher. Following the ceremony a re- ception was held at Riverside Lodge. The bride's mother, Mrs. Collier, received in a gown of pink sheer, with @ mohair hat in a deeper shade. She wore navy accessories and a corsage of pink roses. Receiving with her was the groom's sister, Mrs. Edward Robinson, wearing gray crepe with white accessories and a cor- sage of white carnations. FLOOD COLLECTIONS i More than 23500 articles--hip rubber boots, work, socks, rubber- ized gloves and other equipment for Winnipeg flood fighters, had been collected to May 27 by Red Cross Branches all over Ontario, been working: at top speed to collect the much needed items through local ap- peals. The articles are being shipped by air continually, when- ever there is cargo space, and rushed for distribution to Red Oak Villa Dining Room Navy Street at Church Serving Delicious Foods From 5.30 to 8.30 p.m. { ] Sundays & Holidays 1.00 to 8.30 p.m. Closed All Day Monday RESERVATIONS APPRECIATED @ PHONE 926-M Cross relief headquarters in Win- nipeg. % < ¢RESCRIPTION ggrV) \ @® In this "Reliable" prescription pharmacy, a skilled Registered Pharmacist is always on duty. And he double-checks each compounding step to avoid the possibility. of error. Thatis an important part of our Careful prescription service. Why not bring your doctors next prescription to us? RUSSELL DRUG CO. PHONE 47 =e S| PRESCRIPTIONS Colborne St. E. at Dundas For the family who needs a Station Wagon there is no better buy than the luxurious Ford . . . . Come in and see it today! STIRLING - DYNES LTD. Phone 800 Colborne St. E. Halton Hardware y 2 GAS Ranges A delight to any housewife *Modern surface burn- ers. *Warming ment *Utility Drawer *Fully insulated oven *Fully insulated broiler Built to kitchen-plan- ned specifications. PRICED FROM $86.50 ~~ $198.00 C o mpart- (WE DELIVER) Telephone 983 ------ fare. Now. best a months alty of toita membe presen and "he church M One ladies ing ch United the an listenec Miss E one of recitals sed wi and of poems. poems ful Fey ies' Ai which enger prairie "The the We hoping drought

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