Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 6 Jul 1950, p. 10

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= © ONKVILLECTRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, July 6, 1950 - make blots. Look- There's a swer. It isn't to Teddy the Sty; : blot!" fed Bear. Would it be Fto My 3 Teddy looked around to see the Punch? No, it wouldn't be: Woulg < e ookee OFUMN [vir ana movea nis. back again, it be to the cat, the mouse, th, which caused the General to |cricket, the squirrel, the canary, $ "You! No, it wouldn't be to any of th, RANCE ELECTRICAL make another blot. "You're the|N em (SY = BOOK TWO most. jerky desk I've ever writ either, Take pnemen BUESS, dear T. S. H. GILES INDUSTRIAL I ten on" grumbled General Tin. |you're not saying anything at al)» Real Estate and Insurance COMMERCIAL Hanid, who thought it rather| "I'm not saying anything pb, b 1 " i i to [cause youre saying everything» 189 Colborne Street Hast DOMESTIC Patsy's Kid impolite of Genrall Tin nat to|chuse youre saying everything, : ELECTRICAL SERVICE pay any attention to her, finally 8 But $ Oakville - - - - Phone 6532 5 "You rit retty |she said: "Is the letter to BROWN ELECTRIC F d said: "You're writing a pretty 1 your t 19 Melinda St. CONTRACTORS udgee long letter, aren't you, General father, your mother, your grang Torento - - - Adelaide 2761 Gord Brown : = || in father, your grandmother, yoy 4 Evenings - - - Oakville 712 Phone 1059 Oakville By HERBERT C. MERRY "I always write long lefters" [uncle, your aunt, your brother t GENERAL INSURANCE : replied the General without look- vous, sister or your cousin?y 4 - BILL ANDERSON CHAPTER 24 dow seat. "I really couldn' leave |ing up. "They take longer to 'Wrong, wrdfig, WIONE, wrong, H. S. THORNTON n hel 4 DIE, = dhe. oops re neu said Genaral Tin. "The letter i 3 RADIO - APPLIA] ; SE Fi Phone 874 Sales & Service THE DECISION needs me most awfully terribly| Hanid didnit like to' ask Gen-|to youll' i : ¢ Lakesh West, Oakvill E badly." eral Tin to whom he was writing | ""To me!" exclaimed Hanid i, } eshore West, e Phone 521-M Crt n eee 7 I'm sure I don't know what| I looked in her direction and astonishment. o A. F. BERRILL Dunn St. North - Oakville vers sits to do Gi this ne was about to toll "her to keep At = bon ny smile, i" ro : ") gee Pup," I said t8 Patsy early|quiet but before I could utter a Signed hisfy namelitopithei letter, 'Oakville's Active Broker L. F. CLEMENT one morning as I brought the|word she contimued: dropped another blot on it pe . Real Estate and Business HOME ELECTRIC garbage cans in from the side "Really I couldn't leave I just cause Teddy suddenly jerked up Broker AUTHORIZED, FRIGIDAIRE (gate. "She's getting so big now | must stay with you and besides his back, then put the letter in an Insurance = EALER we just must sell her quickly or|I just to go down to Charnwood envelope, sealed it, and handeg . Oakville, Ont., Phone 1233 | Commercial Sales & Service [else me think she's going to|and speak with Mum about an it to Hanid. | Livingston © live here at Crammond House |important matter." vi : ed [RE a ei _-- i . " ns Ir ay party. ani : CARSTEN GLAHN, R.O. | Service & Installation of all| "Well doughnuts dunked in| tion of bacon and two eggs. She : hn OPTOMERIST - OPTICIAN Makes Dike ce Patsy sald as she pretended she didn't even hear very pleased, : L ! stopped to sniff at a choice piece! whats I it vl udgea : Professional and Technical | WORK GUARANTEED | or" garbage which 'iad. arenes] ois ld said or what Fudges =" ; Services essential to eye PHONE 1441 out of the can as it had been| "They're out on the verandah' i i care 16 THOMAS ST. N. hoisted on high to the garbage [I answered, "They're so darn ENGAGED GIRLS HOURS: Daily 9.00 to 5.30 ~ GENERAL ELECTRIC ELECTRIC Yagon. "I've gotten kind of fond | rude I left them there. You can : : Sat. 9.00 to 12.30 Oil Burners o a an Sr al [et leave them outside until would -- quite surprised at my- Mon. & Thurs. eve. 7.00-8.00| commercial Refrigeration [self -- nevertheless. quite fond of Sia SEE 163 COLBORNE ST. E. Sales & Installation her now < sure hate to see her|of bacon and then opened the |The General used Teddy's back NEW HOMEMAKERS A. C. P go! back hall door for the saucy pair for a table. 544| "Why does she have to 80?"(to enter. In th tl . WILLIAM C. MILLIGAN, R.O. 94 Maple Ave, Phone 1544) (WY, doc Taff from her seat|laughed thelr way anger (his letter. It wasn't good manners 0 Oakville he to ask h Optometrist ptician (-- = %V"° | Jon the end of the verandah, stove. "You won't believe it o ask anyone that. : #94 Golborne St, Oaiville, Ont, NURSERIES _ press ie sprawled lastly in the Dib," Patsy almost yelled, but ro a ow (Over the Bank of cory Sunshine. "Surely fo £00d-|he says he's going to sell us all" | ®t lensth, "you'd like to know to Professional eye examination & ROBT. NIELSEN ness and in the name of St. Fran-| «On said" Drivbi, filling my | Whom I'm writing this letter?" prescription services, NURSERIES cls, we could keep just one little [tea cup, "I expect hell thoeaten| "Well-- said Hanid, "I really TELEPHONE 1507 Garden Design and Landscape [wee tiny itsy bitsy baby dog [to sell me too any day now, but |Shouldn't ask. It's not polite, you Closed All Day Wednesday Contracting couldn't we? Why she doesn't|until he does we'll all live here |X0O HOURS: Daily 9.30 am-5 pm,|TREES -- SHRUBS = RO! oct fiasdly Gnoner to keep a ry happily together, Jee, | Pater. ee oo polite gt mi ua | Thursday evening--7.00-8.00 p.m. EVERGREEN! 0 mount of poo ace that] Fudgee and I, just one big happy | Geral Tin sharply. "In fact, it's We Grow - Design - Plant [small amount of food. I'd gladly |fampyr very rude. But Ill let you guess." or by appointment in | family. Ha ; - ete. visit several nearby garbage tins| "The argument was over. The| "Oh" said Hamid, who didn't OAKVILLE . Oakville R.R. 1 and bring her many choice bits. |decision had been made, We. were see flay his way 'much help ANIMAL OL Phone 1444-W Really Joe, you couldn't be 50 [one big happy family. You're writing it to a friend of This lovely basket of gifts to N INIC hard hearted now could you?" Patsy's kid Fudgee could stay. |Yours." awaiting you, if you are W. A. CAMPBELL, D.V.M. LINBROOK NURSERIES ! Besitated, just for a minute. | "Things don't seldom never| Correct" sald General Tin. Por omer to the city, ha G. K. PECK, DVM. Growers of Tatton, oma you -- could YOU?" hardly ever turn out as you ox ar New Mother, have furl moved i 5 i ji ect," Pats id. "If th th g y: 10 a new address wi the Maurice Do Phone a52W High Quality Nursery Stock come sanswer = dont. ust etand een "Eat | "Take another guess" said Gen- clty, or just become Sweet OFFICE HOURS 1 to 3 -- 7 to o| CoCigNers of Fine Gardens | there with an empty garbage tinlwiny should I worry, I dont do|eral Tin. "Guess good and hard," Sivigs Dis hasnt ota -- Contracting -- In each hand. Really you do look [nothing and mo one. says' ang |lhe urged "Would it be to Teddy sion of goodwill from somite Sunday & Other Hours EIGHTH LINE N. Ph tupid. Hi 1d yi hy 7 a en - Phone 137 | stupid, How could you be solshe ambled off nto the. library | the Stuffed Bear? splcited local merchants nd OAKVILLE NURSERIES | "Hy practices beng dump |10 8Ve @ snooze in her cave. un. ERE By Obligation: Bhooe you Wap = 1 umb," (der the desk. is head around (o (al oe) come Wagon Hostess below OSTEOPATH Evergreens, Shrubs, Bedding | Patsy laughed, her wicked old at the letter. He looked at it and arrange to receive these Plants laugh. "It comes so easy to him!" [THEREND) sharply. But 1t didn't do him any gifts. * CARLTON GREEN Landscaping -- Fruits "Well," I spluttered quite in- hem \ , Osteopath Lakeshore Ee W. |disnantly. "It you continue to be goed Ale eouldnte read: Welcome Wagon 63 Division Street Phonte Bronte 56W 50 rude Ill sell her and you two 5 Chance to Answer Ni a 1 also -- Ill fix you -- the lot of enera mn fon . EE LOS/ANSELES By Appointment Only. WM SeAE you" No!" snapped General Tin be- TORONTO Phone 826 x "Oh, haw, haw, haw," chortled fore Hanid had a chance to an- PHONE 807 Evenings, Wednesday After- Custom Tractor Work Patsy, "he's going to sell us. Haw Wrote A Letter Wood Sawing, Plowin haw, and another haw." She was noon, ur 5 8, 2 b Saturday and Sunday Discing, Ete, 50 amused she sat right down on [And He Told Hanid All About It the path and laughed. "Hark to ERT Phono ZW Jum wat sour "Rit "ined| ey max Trew arsten Glahn R.O ANGUS McMILLAN FLOOR SERVICE or ri me laughing in your! "GENERAL Tin!" exclaimed LJ ° Barrister -- Solettor ean re Jul | Hanid when she entered the play- . Cptometrist - Optician ? 2 . "Why, you' it - Notary Public ' Dose of his 'best friends -- and [thing Guerre ois. itng some: 163 Colborne Street Oakville 2 BRONTE FLOOR SERVICE ere's the tunes A 107 Colborne Street East VE even conten Bribe as | It was the first time Hanid"had TELEPHONE 1375 FLOOR SANDING n't even consulted Dribbi about |g, in, w : 2 Telephone Oakville 532 eo ever seen General Tin, who was 7 & REFINISHING It. Youll just have to exeusel, yn, soidier, writing anything. OFFICE HOURS ROSS RYRIE LINOLEUM FLOORS LAID |my seeming Tudeness but Ho, Hollpeing' a tin soldier he couldne Dail 9.00 to 5.30 Eveni Barrister - Solicitor LINO-MASTIC-RUBBER TILE |and again Ho Ho. sit down. He was writing what- y .... 9.00 to 5. venings es Po PHONE BRONTE 184 "Jumping Mexican beans" Pat-|lover it wasthathiewaswriting in a Sat. .... 9.00 to 12.30 Mon. and Thurs. 7 to 8 Ty Ds | vsald, It reallyjaintt rudeitor vou ll crn dnp un. ocetion. deea hi Or By Appointment 61-A Dothorne St. East W. H. PARKIN to laugh, it's just plain natural | cpeer or a en "Teddy ne Telephones Floor Sanding & Refinishing | Sell us to be sure she mumbled | Siufreq Bear's back. = g g Office 65: Residence 1487-w Ph 1058-W on I lett them sitting 'side by." spy» said Teddy) "General one a side on the back verandah laugh- lini is writing a letter D_ A. McCONAGHIE : Ios Lo er pr | TON "a Trt" ait mans C Barrister - Solicitor ROOFING 2 VOPR more surprised than ever. He N ] h d Notary Public [fast Tel Was ready. Dribbi| giant know that General Tin had e son rus e one 169 COLBORNT: ST. NICHOL'S ROOFING [ible mn fhe big ots pen are | 2700 (0 Write a letter to. Telephone Oakville 1304 a a hui] 1 Ev ly Round Words Various Sizes of Clear. and Crusher Run Stone > om Meanwhile General Tin kept JOHN F. ISARD Insulation Materials sill hoping against hope that she writing. His hand moved very 5 for Barrister -- Solicitor Arata Eves Troughing would Le given a Nitfle weeibit (ELE 00 Rend (asoret ney 5 Notary Public aterlals supplied & sold | of that delicious bacon that was| io EE a et y. S veways es Peter P. Nichols sizzling and frisking around the ik, METRE PIE mound letters, y W. N. Robinson, K.C. |New Phone 2544 Burlington Toon on Je a words. He didn't seem to be get- 142 Colborne St. East Oakville 1445 table. "Wi a 2d we {IDE many words on a page--per- ® Bhorect ee a = 216|%8 OVARKE AVE, BURLINGTON | 20 a a haps two or three. He kept fill - - (Estimates Given) to sell, Fudgee or are we not, | "E UP sheets of paper and tak- INFORMATION AND QUOTATIONS JACK A. SEED a aia ing new ones. General Tin paid > . Ey tha on O% no attention to Hanid, He paid a PHONE Barrister-Solicitor BUILDING e Eh ; i £ : 0 little bit more attention to Teddy, Notary Public Ju ne suicide and jump off | wh," wept twisting his head ar. ° 0 =~ 27 Park Avenue CHAS. WATT Bly) ound and moving his! back "Keep akville 694 or Burlington 4904 | Telephone 1237-R Local Representative "Are we not! Are we not!|that desk still" General Tin kept p ox or li squealed Fudgee from her win-| muttering. "Yowre making me ACCOUNTING CONCRETE BLOCKS WILLY DEE 3y Vic Green Aldershot, Ont. Phone 386J3 U7 Y ¥ 7 C. L. OLIVER andi co, 'i[2'aershot, Ont. Phone 38643 er ANDAR | [INTACT ARM SMARTER] WHAT | [TAH BES" SEEPCENEEZER]) [YUP AW GOT A 2ER0 IN READY Accounting and Auditing, [TURNBULL & HOLDRIDGE Shacr of Sama Jo [THANTHE Tencuer sf KNDA. | | GET ar CAEN YOU of |A zeRo I reli A ZERO" Business Systems Installed Building Contractors IN MAH CLASS A |4 SMART BSy AH. J( DO Y00 As/ EVERYTHING, TI: at A LICKIN' FOR Income Tax Returns Concrete - Masonry am oye EVERY DAY, nT 32 Thomas Street Blockwork ) \ P.O. Box 1578W - K - Ham. 7-5452 - Oakville 1268 TORONTO si D. HAMILTON-WRIGHT [---- -------------- Chartered Accountant Wayne & Harrington Telephone Oakville 1399 Building Contractors 61A Colborne St. Blockwork & Carpentry REPAIRS NO JOB TOO SMALL Burl. 2820 - Bronte 51-R 0% 23 -.L] f osm { 1950 The Ragas ¢ plo its Io, all types of Sra] { and domestic refrigerators and electric ranges. + MUGGS AND SKEETER | PARTS & SERVICE { I GUARANTEED E. W. BURBIDGE 136 Robinson St. Telephone 1423W Oakville Hil I D. G. PENMAN iid Rugs, Carpets and Upholstered || Furniture. Cleaned In Your Own i Home. Portable Equipment -- Satisfact- ion Guaranteed * 108 Kerr (N.) Phone 1535 i BY WALLY BISHOP BEG YOUR PARDON f S QUITE ALL ER IM SO GLAD PU ONE 10 LIKE TO... » 1 | OF Toor NEW LONG PIAS RECORDS!!!

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