Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 13 Jul 1950, p. 2

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OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, July 13, 195) Miss Jessie Annie Caswell, sis: ter of Rey. W. B. Caswell, died at the Women's College Hospital, Toronto, on Saturday. cess Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Gooder- ham (nee Jo-Anne Copeland) have «announced the arrival of their daughter, Sue-Ann Sylvia, at Oakville Memorial hospital on Sunday last caves Tommy Tyre; Morrison | Rd, had a party Sat. to celebrate his third birthday. Sees Mrs. E. T. C. Burke and Donna Gale have left for Nassau and Jamaica and expect to be away until September. cess A miscellaneous shower was held by Mrs. James Shields and Mrs. Ben Galley on Monday night in honor of Miss Annie McArth- ur, whose marriage to Mr. Allan Dalby will take place on July 20. essen Mrs. Thomas Marshall and family are visiting at Ottawa and Fort Coulange. sien Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly, Cud- more Road, had a party last week to celebrate their son John's 1st. birthday. CRC Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Crawford, Morrison Rd. entertained at dinner on Saturday in honor of ly married couple. guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. F. Cole, and C. Brittain, all of Toronto. ees se Lionel Wardle, Ottawa, is vis- iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Wardle, Linbrook Rd. creme A son, Paul Richard, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Charlebois in Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital on Sunday, July 9. sesso Samples taken by the Halton County Health Unit this week disclosed that Lake beaches. at Oakville and Bronte were safe for swimming, the Journal was informed yesterday by Sanitary Inspector Ross Campbell. (Continued on Page T) TRAFALGAR Mrs. Ross Fairbarn entertain- ed the members of Munn's Church Women's Association on Wednesday, July 5th. The devo: tions were conducted by Mrs. W. Pickering. Responding to the roll call, Mrs. A. A. Biggar gave a short history of Munn's W. A. which was organized nearly 59 years ago In 1891, Mrs. Biggar Was the first secretary holding the office continuously for 51 years. After a short business ses- Sion over which the president, Mrs. A. Walsom presided, the missionary convener, Mrs. L. Bradley took charge of the meet: ing. "Unto the was read in unison. Readings were given by Mrs. R. D. Fleming, Mrs. L Tish and Miss Betty Bradley. A chapter of "Growing with the Years,' was reviewed by Mrs. Bradley. Mrs, Fairbarn was as- sisted in entertaining her gues daughter, Mrs. Arnold arrow Mrs. Ernest Hopper visited for a few days at the home of her sister, Mrs. L. C. Spence, Campbellville and attended 'the union picnic held by the teach- ers and pupils of S. S. No. 4 and 5, Nassageweya. Mr. and Mrs, Hoppers son, Deane Hopper, who has been the teacher at No. 4, has resigned, eons Miss Bdna Lawrence and Mrs. Charles Lambert entertained on Thursday afternoon at a lawn party on the lawn of the former in honor of Mrs. OC. W. Millard, who with Mr. Millard and family moved on ay to their new home in Long Branch. She was resented with a gift by the friends at the party. Mr. and Mrs, Millard who - ha been living here for three years have now sold their home on the Ninth Line and have bought in Long Branch, They will be missed in Sheridan district Millard is a gifted musician and she con- tributed her talents freely to the Sheridan Church, and commun- ty. = sae nn Mrs. W. Pickering, Mrs. S Barnstaple, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dunn and Mrs, L. Pickering at- tended the funeral of their uncle, Mr. Kenneth Skinner, at Port Credit, on Friday. Interment in Trindale Cemeter: Teen Mr. and Mrs. M. Ardenne, To: onto, called on friends in Tra- falgar and Oakville on Wednes- day. sas es At the last meeting of the Mil Junior Farmers and Junior itute held at the home of and Mrs. Maurice Beatty, newly-wedded couple, Mr. Mrs. Norman Cready, Seventh Line, were ®esented with a silver cake plate. In mak- = PEOPLE and EVENTS ing the presentation, President Cameron Wilson thanked Mr. McCready for his long and faith- ful service. sess Mrs. Wm. Croft, Toronto, was a week-end guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Hopper. ses Misses Anne, Molly and Sally Luke, members of the choir Knox Church, Sixteen, and Tommy. Luke were honored guests at the home of the choir leader 4nd or- ganist, Mr. Lester Bertsch, at a congregation and choir badmin- ton evening. After several sets were played, all went to the home. of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hopper, where a large table lamp was presented to the Luke family by Mr. Bertsch, Mrs. "Hopper read the address' Tommy Luke was presented with a book by the Sixteen Church S.S. Mr. and Mrs. Luke and family have mov- ed to Pickering. > Before leaving S. S. No. 7, where she has been teaching, Miss Elizabeth McKee was pre- sented with a set of matched costume jewellery by. Bertha Brucker aiid David -Royce on be- half of the pupils. Irene Peacock read the address. When expres- sing her thanks for the gift, Miss McKee also thanked the pupils for thelr efforts and co-operation during the year. ese During the absence of Rey. J. M. McFaul, Oakville, on holidays, his pulpit at Omagh Presbyterian Church will be supplied by Ma- jor the Rey. J. Y. Fraser, of Sun- nybrook Hospital, formerly min- ister of Sixteen Presbyterian Church. srs The anniversary of Knox Sixteen, will be held on Sunday morning, Aug. 27th. Cae ee Rev. Duncan Farris of Sixteen and Streetsville Presbyterian churches has received a call from Galt and Ayr Presbyterian churches. For Bronte News See Page 7 Letter To The Editor S. Casey Wood Jr., Editor, Oakyille-Trafalgar Journal Sir: Re Trafalgar Township Assess- ment. As you perhaps know, some properties in South East Trafal- gar have recently been re-asséss- ed by the Township Assessor. 1 have been requested by sev- eral residents of this area to write to you to see if through the medium of your paper and the knowledge you have of events taking eke in the district, you could perhaps enlighten the be- wildered land owners as to the intended purpose of this re-asses- We feel as a group that there is no sound basis used in asse ing property due to the wide var- fation that has been placed on buildings in this area. We quote only the following examples: 1. A five room frame bunga- low assessed at $2350. . A seven room house with two complete baths and full basement at $2200. 3. A six room house, one bath and washroom, no basement at 2700. One property, although assess- ed as completed for 1950 taxa- tion, has been upped $1000 in thi re-a ment with no im- provement on the building what s0ever. We feel that, at the Township rate of 39 mil Trafalgar Township taxes are approaching town . and city levels without the benefit of eq- ual services. Surely some thought has been given to this situation by our council and perhaps through the columns of your paper we could hear why this re-assessment has been made and why the wide variation in value been plac- ed on homes in this rapidly build- ing area. Respectfully, A group of Balsam Drive tax- payers, F. T. McKinney, R. E. Sandell, R. F. Clark, A. BE. Wil cox. ART MARCHAND Formerly with EYAL. ©ston Co. Ryrie-Birks ZN CI 11 Repairs LILY NY fg Done In Oakville Located in McDermott's Opposite Loblaw Groceteria Colborne St. E, -- Oakville : wearing turqu blue with - Weddings 2 ecossor white accessories and corsage of red and pink roses. The bride GREEN__GREENE groom was supported Stewart. A quiet wedding took place in| Following the ceremony a re: St. John's United Church Fri-| ception was held at the home of day evening, when Betty Louise|the bride's parents, where th Greene, youngest daughter of bride's mother received in Mr. and Mrs, Fred Greene, | gown of navy. sheer, with cor- Church Street, became the bride|sage of roses and bouvardia, of Russell Green, son of Mr. and | Mrs. Green, mother of the bride- Mrs. Harry Green, Toronto. Rev.|groom, who received with her, Harry Pawson officiated. wore navy crepe with white ac- The bride woreja dress of pale cessorles, and a similar corsage. blue sheer, with white hat and | For travelling the bride wore a accessories, and corsage of red |nylon' figured costume with and pink tpses, She was attend:| white accessories. Mr. and Mrs. ed by Mrs. Arthur Stewart, |Green will live in Oakville. 2 Days Only . July 14-15 We couldn't say it any better : )@ An unusual, intelligent script. Superbly produced and acted. Always entertaining! 99 oe Five bell picture! I wish I could take every | man, woman, and child by the hand to see it! (1) Cosmopolitan Magazine Citation of Month. Producer made it with his heart! than THESE TOP CRITICS! Medal of Month Award, PARENTS' MAGAZINE JIMMIE FIDLER, Coast-fo-Coast movie commentator Fl LOUELLA PARSONS e a ee WILLIAM BENDIX: CARWCHAEL- CLERHERTS - MARTI Se, reg om Crt LR STARTS MONDAY with Natalie Jon hon Slchars WOOD + MINTIRE + DORAN - QUINE Screen Play by Howard Koch Produced by BUDDY ADLER - Directed by RUDOLPH MATE July 17-18 July 19-20 "... WHERE YouR wht 1S YOUR PASSPORT ...AND NO QUESTIONS ASKED! Starring SHELLEY A UNIVERSAL INTERNATIONAL PICTIIRE: 3 i, fa W5THE BIG STOR BEHIND THE BIG GEORGE SEATON - WILLIAM PERLBERG NEXT ATTRACTION by Mr.| Deerhaven Kennels Regd. BOARDING Upper Middle Road Telephone 457-y (B: K. SNIDER) CLIPPING - WASHING - WORMING - DEFLEAING Summer Reservations for Boarding Being Received NQW--Accommodations For Cats Keep cool during the hot days by having your cloth- es cleaned quite fre- quently. For Leadership It's RIVIER'S "Those. Careful Cleaners" Forsythe St. at the' Lake Phone 1123 CENTU DESPERATE KILLERS o WANTED HIS LIFE! } starring ROBERT STERLING - JOHN (RELAND CLAUDE JARMAN, i. - GLORIA GRAHAME £; Extra Latest News ADDED LAUGH HIT Jiggs and Maggie in "JACKPOT JITTERS" Mon.-Tues.-Wed. N July 17-18-19 "MARJORIE = UHNERSAL INTERNATIONAL presents SEE with GEORGE CLEVELAND = Wl ON THE SAME PROGRAMME More Laughs with ABBOTT & COSTELLO in "SOCIETY" ADDED COLORED CARTOON AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT 2 : -- n LLIAM CHING ---- Your Friendly Theatre Phone 568

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